Saturday, November 28, 2009

Instead of going home when I got up at A.'s yesterday, I followed her and Mike to Freehold for a Day-After-Thanksgiving race. Freehold, where I've been only once or twice before, is a beautiful town in Monmouth County. The sun came out and the sky was so blue and the air so crisp--a perfect fall day. Somebody asked if I was in line to register--ha! (But if I were a bit younger--all right, a lot younger--I would have started training.)
I guess there were several hundred runners and walkers. A. decided on the latter, as her leg was bothering her--and I found out later she came in second. Mike did very well in his group, too. He won first place in his age category in the run on Thanksgiving morning, too--I took a picture of him with his plaque.
I stayed long enough to see the start, then drove home. Turned the self-cleaning device for the oven on, washed the bathroom rugs, made a big salad, and generally kept busy. I'm having six for dinner on Tuesday--acting company friends--and want to get the house in shape. It's the first time I'll be entertaining since Pat died.
It continues to be a very pleasant Thanksgiving weekend.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...