Thursday, October 22, 2009

Yet another dinner out! I just have to stop this, my favorite activity, I'm afraid, before I balloon up to 300 pounds.
It was, however, enjoyable as ever to be with my recently-recovered friend,* Peg last night. We ate at Sweet Jenny's which, unfortunately, was also the choice of what seemed to be 16,000 adolescent boys--sports teams or something--that turned the restaurant into bedlam. Had a good time, though. Peg leaves for Florida in the next few days and I'll miss seeing her.
After, went to Kathy's on Long Beach Island for our first meeting about Riders To The Sea. She lives in a huge house right on the beach (her mother-in-law's) and we had a productive session, though it was just the two of us.
Now I want to stick to my knitting, so to speak, and just simmer down with the eating out, in particular. That's after, of course, Sunday, when I go to a play, then dinner with the D.'s...
* Ho, ho, it just shows to go ya, you can't assume anything with this beloved, but oh so tricky language of ours! I didn't mean to suggest that Peg has recently recovered from an illness or addiction (!), only that we hadn't been in touch for years, then met up again, so I recovered her. Heh, heh, it is to laugh.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...