Saturday, October 10, 2009

Don't know where I got the idea we were going to an Italian street festival yesterday; it was actually a performance by a singing and dancing group called "Arlecchino" ("Harlequin"), performing in the Toms River Library auditorium. It was fun to be there after the first 45 minutes of the program, which was devoted to hordes of freeholders, assemblypersons, and assorted other black-hearted politicians, all trumpeting their own virtues and running for reelection. Scum of the earth.
I went with the D.'s and the R.'s and after, we chatted over coffee in the converted church next door. Had a lively discussion about ethnicity, race, and the various sorrowful ways we all seem to discriminate against fellow humans. Leslie pointed out the "angel food" and "devil's food" cake designations, along with innumerable other indications that white (fair, Caucasian) is good and dark (pigmented, African) is bad. We didn't solve any global problems, but it was refreshing to talk to serious-minded people who don't automatically follow the mindless, cliche-ridden mores of so many. (Hey, talk about your prejudices!)
Wider: Just a taste of Justin Raimondo's comment Obama on the recent prize given our kind, gentle, peaceful president:
"...So, naturally, as a reward for all your strenuous efforts on behalf of keeping the world a place that is less safe, less stable, and less worth living in than at any time since the outbreak of World War II, you are bestowed with – yes, that’s right, the Nobel Peace Prize. This, however, isn’t just any Nobel Peace Prize – oh no It’s a Bizarro Peace Prize – the natural result of us having slipped through a crack in the space-time continuum, and landed in a world where up is down, right is left, and war is peace – Bizarro World!"
But all of it MUST be read at

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