Sunday, October 18, 2009

Got my wheels back--yay! I was stunned, however, that the tune-up cost an incredible $504 and now I have the impression it wasn't even necessary. Oh, the hell with it--it's done, it's paid for, and with any luck, my little home from home will be healthy for another ten years at least.
Icy rain continued to fall--as it still is now--and I spent most of the day inside. Before I got the car back, I thoroughly cleaned my bedroom, changed the sheets, vacumned, and even switched tables and things around. It looks great and gave me a lift.
Didn't do a whole lot the rest of the day but putter around. Had a telephone talk with sister Betty and got a welcome e-mail from friend Mary, with whom I'll lunch* soon. Going to dinner with the Dine-Around-Gang tonight.
*Using "lunch" as a verb always seems so--well, worldly and adult to me. I used to think "we'll do lunch" was the ultimate New York-y sophisticates' construct, but it seems dated now. Of course, hayseeds like me tend to be oblivious to new quirks of the language and for all I know, it's "in" again.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...