Saturday, October 03, 2009

Well, here it is, almost one o'clock in the afternoon and I'm just getting to my blog. The "Legacies" piece on Pat came out this morning; here's the link:
I think it was good although I wish he had put in a bit more. I'm glad he talked to A., though. Went out and bought a bunch of papers and sent the piece to the kids, plus other relatives and friends.
Went to Bill's in Buena yesterday to bring the medications of Pat's that he can use. Had a nice visit with him and Regina, but it was hurtful to see how pale he is.
Later (or rather, earlier): Went to Weight Watchers and darn, I'm up 1.8 for a current weight of 140 and 59.6 pounds off in total. I MUST take off ten so I can go back to my ideal of "between 125 and 130." Hmm...could the fact that I'm going out to breakfast, lunch, and dinner so often have anything to do with it?


Pat said...

It's beautiful. I wish I'd known Pat. My favorite part is visualizing the scene of the cat in the beautifully lined coffin. He must have been quite a guy, and this legacy is such a tribute for his children and grandchildren.

Mimi said...

Thanks so much, Pat. I just sent you the clipping--thought you'd like to see it in print. You're the one who told me how your brother remembered that 74-yard run. If you're in touch with him, maybe you'd mention Pat's death.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...