Thursday, October 29, 2009

I'm getting more and more decadent by the day! Slept until EIGHT AM, then had to rush to go down to a funeral in Ventnor. Now it's almost 1:00 and I just got home. Here's why I was such a slug-a-bed:
Spent the afternoon with A. yesterday and showed her the horrid spots and told of the unbearable itching on my legs. She confirmed the dread diagnosis: chiggers! Acquired them, I'm sure, on the hike on Monday. I understand they're tiny, almost microscopic bugs that bite, then die (hey, they deserve to die!), but leave you with the rash and itch. Am using Benedryl for the itch, but I've been awakened at 3 am the last several night by the terrible itching. Decided to take some Nyquil, as that usually allows me to sleep during a cold. Well, it sure worked, in fact, knocked me for a loop, and I don't like to sleep so late. Won't take it again.
Rehearsal tonight at Kathy's on LBI.

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