Monday, October 19, 2009

Went to Sunday Afternoon At The Opera and saw Otello, with Placido Domingo and Renee Fleming. It was darn good--wonderful sets, costumes, and staging (being a musical illiterate, I consider the singing a minor part of the production) and I enjoyed it.
Got a nice phone call from niece Joan and talked to Ellen about Christmas plans, then just had time to change and get ready for the "Dine-Around" group. Went with Susan and Walter, but sat with others. Good dinner--I had a tuna steak--then a lively political "discussion"--more like a knock-down, drag-out fight--ensued with some neighbors. Of course, I was arguing from a sound premise and air-tight facts, whereas they were just flailing around with flimsy and wildly unsubstantiated claims. I'm continually amazed by the wrong-headed idiocy of people who disagree with me and damned if they didn't seem to feel the same about me!
The fact is, one should never argue politics. Nobody is ever convinced to change their opinion and it can lead to disliking "the other" because he or she doesn't agree with you.
Wider: I elaborated on the preceding topic on the "Dead Horse," blog, courtesy of my friends, Jon and Rob. Here's the link:

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...