Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Guess this is Gay Week. Rented Brokeback Mountain yesterday, although--virtuous me--I didn't watch it until dinnertime. I'm determined not to get into the habit of watching television during daylight hours. If I go down that path, I'm afraid I'd find myself staying in my bathrobe all day with a glass of gin in my hand.
I was surprised that I liked the movie as much as I did. I had had the idea it was sensational and maybe slightly off-putting, considering the subject matter, but I didn't find it so. It was tender and moving, and even the somewhat--but only somewhat--graphic love scenes seemed simply like love scenes to me.
When I had my marathon Milk experience on Friday, and witnessed Sean Penn kissing another man, it was slightly unsettling. I don't mean it was distasteful; rather, I felt a minor sense of unease. I didn't react to Brokeback that way, and I'm not sure why. I know all three of the major stars involved are heterosexual (don't know about the one Penn kissed), so maybe that was it. Not sure, but I enjoyed the movie.
Earlier, I did a lot of domestic chores, then went to the thrift store and found a shawl I can wear as Maurya in Riders To The Sea. First rehearsal tomorrow night, before which I'm meeting Peg for dinner in Barnegat.

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