Thursday, April 16, 2009

The rain continued all day yesterday, but today is sunny, thank heavens. Rehearsal went well last night and I was pleased--and maybe a bit surprised--to receive rapt attention, then applause when I did my monologue for the Seaport show. I went with Frank, who will read a poem or two by Robert Masefield and there'll be lots of sea shanties and other songs.
The next rehearsal is on Sunday at 1:00, but I may not be back from my weekend. Desi said that was okay and besides, we're meeting again on Wednesday evening, so I won't have to rush back.
Wider: From Justin Raimondo at "Anti-War.Com":
"The big truth is that the antiwar movement has largely collapsed in the face of Barack Obama’s victory: the massive antiwar marches that were a feature of the Bush years are a thing of the past. Those ostensibly antiwar organizations that did so much to agitate against the Iraq War have now fallen into line behind their commander in chief and are simply awaiting orders."
File this in the "So What Else Is New?" drawer. The movement is dead in the water and we might as well kiss any semblance of peace goodbye. The Long War is being plotted and it will define our century and our world.

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