Monday, April 06, 2009

Got to Target and Kohl's in the afternoon. Am looking for a blouse--I want some kind of print--to wear with my new butter-yellow blazer and a black skirt. Found nothing, as all tops seem to be made for pregnant teenagers, dropping from the neck and billowy. Did buy a pair of Vera Wang shoes, but may return them. They sold for a song, but they have high heels and I'm debating whether it's worth breaking an ankle to wear them.
Hey, it might be. They're so pretty and so--well, sexy. I've modestly mentioned before that I have nice legs and they make those nice legs look great. All straps in bands of black and silver, they're what we used to call "f-- me shoes." I described them that way to daughter Ellen last night--and was able to show them on Skype--and we had a good laugh.
Wider: From the ever reliable and even insightful Justin Raimondo on O.;s European trip:
"Like Americans, the Europeans want to believe – but they see the two faces of Barack Obama too clearly, and the contrast is too apparent to be denied. The gullible Americans, who take things at face value, still believe their new president represents a real change, a challenge to the status quo, while the more sophisticated Europeans are quick to pick up on Obama’s inconsistencies – made all the more glaring by his habit of pairing two mutually contradictory stances on the same issue."
Oh, yes, "gullible" is our middle name. Over and over, we fall for the carefully crafted lies and call those who don't cynical malcontents. If a politician appeals to us, either as a "regular guy" (the slimy Bush) or as a paragon of silver-tongued frankness (O.), we'll fight to the death our right to follow him, even in the face of obvious falsehood.

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