Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Boy, did it rain. During a lull--ever the eternal optimist (ha!), I thought it had stopped--I drove to Santori's, then Shop-Rite. Wouldn't you know, after I was thoroughly committed, it came down in sheets and torrents. No matter, though, I replenished my veggie supply, then stayed snug and dry in our cozy home. Had a good long talk with Pat's niece, Donna; I had dropped off at her place dups of the family pictures we received from Pat's cousin.
I finally started looking through my postcard collection, which Joel had kindly gotten from the attic for me. What a chore--there are so many of the thousands I have that aren't sorted, it will take me an age to get them in order. However, I'm determined to try to sell them and it has to be done. Trouble is, I have no idea what a fair price is and I doubt if the guy with at "Unshredded Nostalgia" does either. Will try to get some advice from the Washington Crossing Postcard Collectors' Club, where I had belonged for many years.

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