Sunday, April 26, 2009

Gloriously sunny and warm yesterday. Did lots of stuff, but none worth mentioning. (Well, how come, the reader asks, have you "mentioned" your boring, mundane, everyday activities every day for several years in this blog?!?)
Today's the day for the show at the Tuckerton Seaport. I stopped there yesterday (yeah, you weren't going to mention anything) just to get an idea of the setup. Looks doable.
True confession session: Last night after my popcorn and wine, I suddenly snapped and scarfed down half a box of vanilla wafers, two Tastykakes, and handfuls of Dots. Wha' hoppen? I don't know myself, but every once in a while, I seem to get the craving. As long as it doesn't happen very often, I'll just move on.
Not Really Wider, Except in a Social Sense: Christopher Buckley has written an excellent, wonderfully readable memoir of his parents, Bill and Pat Buckley, both of whom died recently. It's not out yet, but is excerpted in The NYTimes today. Oh, yes, yes, I know Buckley pere's views were diametrically opposed to mine and to right-thinking people everywhere, but I still liked his prose style and his--well, style. The memoir is a treat to read, and it seems unfair to just pick out stuff here and there, so I'll just add a quote he used in referring to his father:
"Some years ago, I came across a Thomas Carlyle quote that could serve as the solipsist’s definitive credo: “Let me have my own way in exactly everything and a sunnier and pleasanter creature does not exist.”
Isn't that rich? But the whole thing is good, aside from the Times' title, the now cliched "Growing Up" thing ("Growing Up Buckley"). Here's the link:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to the Buckley article, Mom. I really enjoyed it.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...