Friday, April 10, 2009

Got an oil change in the morning and was going to have the tires rotated. Didn't, however, because they looked and said all four have dry rot and two are bald. Am going to get new tires--to the tune of $436--put on today.
The rest of the day was terrible. No point in elaborating, but I'm going to have to find better ways to cope. Talked to Mike, then A.; will look into some kind of counseling.
Wider: As ever, Justin Raimondo in Anti-War.Com, hits the nail on the head in his "Suicide of the West." Aren't we all sick and tired of hearing the incessant "war on..." rhetoric? An excerpt from his essay:
"A reflexively warlike mentality has infected the national psyche since September 11, 2001, and now permeates every aspect of life, including discussions of economics. The inauguration of Barack Obama as President changes this not one iota: indeed, it suits the purposes of this administration, which is fighting a “war on recession” as well as the Long War on the Af-Pak front."
But that's later on; he starts out with the amusing:
"I had to laugh when I saw the headline blaring from one end of the Huffington Post to the other: “Pentagon Preps For Global Economic Warfare“!...Yikes! Man the battlements! Deploy the credit cards! Unleash the default credit swaps! And for the love of God speed up those printing presses at the Federal Reserve!"
Sure, Justin--laugh on the way to the gallows. But darn, he always manages to cut through the crap.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...