Saturday, April 11, 2009

Good, good day yesterday. Got a cam call from P. and N.--so much more satisfying to see them as well as hear them. (Guess this is how people reacted to long distance phone calls after centuries of relying on written communication. And before that, letters through the mail were often the occasion of great excitement and pleasure--and sometimes anguish. What's next, teleporting?)
Got the tires put on. Made two batches of corn relish; will give one to Susan for Easter (she's having six for dinner). Talked to A., who will go on a walking tour of Brooklyn today (16 miles!)--hope the weather holds. Called Horizon for a list of therapists in the area. After my Thursday meltdown, this is a avenue I want to explore. Slept very deeply last night and woke up well refreshed.
Anyway, I'm back, I'm better, and I'm looking forward to a quiet Easter with just the four of us.
Later: Went to Weight Watchers in the driving rain. Am up 1.4, so I'm at 131--not so good, as I want to keep between 125 and 130, but not horrible, either. Will go down again, I'm confident.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...