Monday, November 03, 2008

We followed the NY Marathon on T.V. and with the computer alerts daughter A. had signed us up for. She finished! Yay! We're so proud--not bad for a grandmother of two. Her cousin, Joan, called to say she and Jim were spectators along with son Jeremy, who had made a sign; A. ran past them and saw it. After, they were able to meet up with A. and M.
A. called us later, happy and proud. Joan called us after they had gotten home and we had a nice talk.
Also talked to sister Betty, friends Barb D. and Mary Ann V., and via the web cam, the-highlight-of-the-weekend, daughter Ellen.
Put together an apple crisp and tuna salad for today, and will add a green salad, bread and crystal pickles for lunch with Frank and Marybeth. As things stand now, they'll go with us to the doctor's; we'll have to leave for Toms River by 3:30.
Then there's this, from Nance Greggs on Democratic aimed at the made-up idiot dolls of the mainstream media:
"Tens of thousands dead in a war you promoted like a ratings-grabbing miniseries sure to bring in the viewers and the bucks, Constitutional rights torn and tattered while you made a spectacle of shredding the once-noble profession of journalism with your stunning displays of ignorance, a middle-class that all but disappeared while you discussed missing teenagers and the fading careers of the once rich-and-famous, a government that tortured, imprisoned, raped, and plundered with abandon while you busied yourselves with looking the other way.
Yes...yes! That's exactly the fury I feel every time I'm subjected to the boob tube (that appellation seems to have fallen out of favor--maybe because it's such a truism?), which I can't always avoid, although I try.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...