Sunday, November 09, 2008

Still rainy. I was able to run some errands in Manahawkin while Pat slept. Made an apple crisp. Puttered around otherwise. A. called, as she does daily. Mike and Paula, plus adorable little girls, called on the web cam. Mike then called his Dad on the phone, as he can't get into the study.
Speaking of adorable little girls, there was a piece about the first daughters on a news show yesterday. (I don't watch T.V. news, but Pat had it on.) I must say, much as I'm aggrieved at their father following along in the imperialistic ways, they really are darling. I'll enjoy whatever news of them Michelle allows, the latest being their search for a puppy.
Note: I haven't yet had a chance to check out a blog called either "Will Wilkerson," "The Fly Bottle," or both, but was struck by this quote in an essay on Obama's win:
"...frankly, I hope never to see again streets thronging with people chanting the victorious leader’s name."
I first thought, What? Why should that be disturbing? After all, a dark horse (God will forgive me) has won the presidency and the populace wants to show its excitement and joy. Then I started to think about it. Oh.
I hope never to see that again, either.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...