Saturday, November 15, 2008

Got to BJ's early and stocked up on supplies. Galvanized myself later and actually cleared out, washed, and re-arranged the refrigerator. After that, I did the same to one half of the linen closet; will do the other half today. It's incredible the of amount of medication, plus inhalers, bandages, and other medical stuff we have--we could open a drugstore.
Sister Betty called about noon (9 am her time), thinking I was worried about her, as she lives in Santa Barbara where forest fires are raging. Worried? I didn't even know about the fires, as I don't watch television aside from "Countdown" from 8 to 9 pm. Get most of the news from The NYTimes, which I read on-line, but at the time, they were running only a small piece I didn't notice. Anyway, Betty's okay and is at daughter Carolyn's for the duration.
Was pleasantly surprised when good neighbors Dennis R. and Bill G. stopped in to chat with Pat for a bit and change our furnace filter. Just another "we're so lucky to live here" incident.
Got a nice message from son Mike, who announced that 4-year-old darling Vivian has now mastered use chopsticks! She said she's "going to teach Nana" to use them, a skill I've been incapable of inquiring. Of course, if I had such a capable little instructor nearby, I would probably be able to pick it right up.
Note: Darn, now I can't remember what "code" I was going to use for my weight. The hell with it: just got back from WW; lost 1.8, for a total of 74.2 off and a current weight of 125.4. Yipee!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...