Thursday, November 13, 2008

Good day yesterday. The "home physician" came early--about 10:30 and I liked her a lot. Pat wasn't up yet, so we got the paperwork (archaic term--it's really "computer work") done over a cup of coffee. Later, she examined him, explained the program, said she "didn't like" the color of his mucus (I can just hear my legion of readers go, "Ee-w-w!), and prescribed another antibiotic and a steroid. She said we'd next have a nurse practitioner or P.A. visit him; she also mentioned therapy to help in practical solutions to problems.
A. came in between her appointments and I was able to go to Kohl's I was astounded when I got home and was told the X-Ray technician, after calling first, had already been there and taken Pat's X-Rays! Home Physicians also do blood work, EKG's, and Echo grams in the home. I think this will be a good help to have, although he'll still have to go to the surgeon's office, for instance.
Otherwise, enjoyed hearing from good friend, Lynne; niece by marriage, Robyn; and friend Gerri by e-mail, as well as Pat's niece, Donna, by phone--all people of whom I'm fond . D. will visit on Saturday, which will be such a treat for both Pat and me.
On a wider note*:
Gerri sent a long article by Paul Waldman, in The American Prospect, which is so exactly what I (and evidently, millions of others) feel about the Bush departure, we could have written it--but not in such intense and elegant prose. It's called "Goodbye and Good Riddance" and I strongly recommend finding it on line (dated November 11) and reading the whole thing. For laying on the line the Bushies' inanities and inhumanities, it can't be beat. Here's an excerpt:
"Goodbye to the Bush Doctrine of preemptive war. Goodbye to the lust for sending off other people's sons and daughters to fight and kill and die just to show your daddy you're a real man. Goodbye to playing dress-up in flight suits, goodbye to strutting and posing and desperate sexual insecurity as a driver of American foreign policy. Goodbye to the neocons, so sinister and deluded they beg us all to become fevered conspiracy theorists. Goodbye to Guantanamo and its kangaroo courts. Goodbye to the use of torture as official U.S. government policy, and goodbye to the immoral ghouls who think you can rename it "enhanced interrogation techniques" and render it any less monstrous.Goodbye to the accusation that if you disagree with what the president wants to do, you don't 'support the troops.' Goodbye to stocking government agencies with people who are opposed to the very missions those agencies are charged with carrying out. Goodbye to putting industry lobbyists in charge of the agencies that are supposed to regulate those very industries. Goodbye to madly giving away public lands to private interests. Goodbye to a Food and Drug Administration that acts like a wholly owned subsidiary of the pharmaceutical industry, except when it acts like a wholly owned subsidiary of the fundamentalist puritans who believe that sex is dirty and birth control will turn girls into sluts. Goodbye to the "global gag rule," which prohibits any entity receiving American funds from even telling women where they can get an abortion if they need it."
*Decided to alert readers to political material with "on a wider note," starting now. Those who wish to read it can do so; those interested only in my mundane little day-to-day stuff can skip it.

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