Monday, November 24, 2008

Great family birthday party. If I say it myself, the food was superb. Had a pork roast I dressed with a rub, then added a spiced apple topping. With that, served peas, baked potatoes and gravy, my crystal pickles, plus a veggie casserole a guest brought. The cake--chocolate with mocha icing--was delicious as ever. It was wonderful to have the little boys here--we were eight in all--everybody had a good time. Now looking forward to Thanksgiving.
Wider Note: I just saw a caption on the Comcast homepage: "Cabinet picks puzzle liberals." But why would liberals be concerned about their candidate stabbing them in the back? Don't they assume that? Anyway, for me, "puzzled" doesn't exactly cover it--I feel more like "furious," betrayed," and "empty."
Oh, but I forgot; I voted for Nader. He, at least, remains true to his beliefs against child murder.
Later Wider Note: Just looked at Comcast's video, now entitled "Obama picks confuse liberals." (Why the word switch? Who knows?) It's basically just "neutral" talking heads acting as apologists for the administration-to-be. The more things change...
Blood-chilling Note: Please read yesterday's (Nov. 23) entry in "A Tiny Revolution" if you don't believe the ruling class would engineer events--up to, and including, murder--for political gain. And not in some banana republic--it's clear the machinations were on behalf of our own fair land:
Blood-curdling Note:
Want a peek at the new world order, as conjured up by the neocons? Go to:

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 Down a tad (.02) to 127.2 at home and a tad more at T.O.P.S. (.07) to 128. Meeting was so-so, consisting of each of us reading a paragraph ...