Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Enjoyed kitchen duty again yesterday. Succeeded in finishing the turkey gravy without burning the house down, baked two loaves of banana bread, and picked up a few more supplies at the store.
Got an invitation from Susan for a "ladies luncheon" on December 17, plus Vivian asked if I could meet her for dinner on Monday. With those and a few more plans, the holiday season is shaping up nicely.
The nurse practitioner, Lorraine, came and what a neat person! She gave Pat a flu shot and checked him out. We both liked her a lot and look forward to her visiting again.
Wider Note:
Got an e-mail from Gerri B. to the effect that the repubs have "stolen" the Catholic church, because of the abortion thing--thanks, of course, to its leadership. Wrote back that when the church is as vehement about killing children in other countries, I may go back to my birth religion. Then again, maybe not.
And this, from Justin Raimondo at
"I never fail to smile when I read contemptuous references in American news outlets to the "state-controlled media" of, say, Russia or China. This from the same crowd whose news "reporting" in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq might have been written by someone in the Pentagon press office – and probably was!"
Be sure to click on the references. Then weep for your lost country.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...