Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The lab tech came about 8:40 while Pat was still asleep. I woke him, but the tech said he didn't have to get out of bed. She drew the blood in about two minutes, he went back to sleep, and she left.
What a contrast to the chore it was for both of us to get Pat to Lab Corps for the same thing! That's not even to mention the 3-hour round trip when we had to got to Fort Dix for blood-drawing. So glad we found this Visiting Physicians outfit.
I went to my own doctor for the blood pressure thing. It was 134/85, not bad, but higher than she and I want it. She cautioned me again about my over=use of salt and now I'm going to get serious about cutting down on it. It was gratifying to discuss the election with her, as she's a liberal like me; maybe I should have kept my mouth shut about voting for Nader.
Later, the oxygen guy came for regular maintenance. He was here for quite a while, as Pat had a lot of questions and requests. (I think Community Surgical has a phone, but he would never dream of calling them--too proactive, I guess.)
On a wider note: From an article
"(Obama's) policies are drawn from the same centrist Democratic Party sources as those of Bill Clinton, and Obama’s admirers might even find themselves with Hillary Rodham Clinton as secretary of state—which makes no sense whatsoever." The writer suggests "...there are no significant differences of view on war and peace between the two of them."
This is an ominous sign, it seems to me and it prompted my vote for Nader.

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