Sunday, December 04, 2005

Yesterday, went up to Alison's after lunch to cut holly (she and Mike have a huge tree, heavy with berries). Grandson Joel and precious Joely came and we went to Tootie's, a little luncheonette in New Egypt, for dinner. What to order from the standard little luncheonette menu, which included chopped sirloin smothered in gravey, fried seafood platter, and chicken parm replete with 3 pounds of cheese? I settled on Caesar salad with chicken, which was pretty okay, but wasn't like an Caesar I ever ate. It was made not with romaine lettuce, but with packaged iceberg festooned with carrot shavings; included grape tomatos and cucumber, which Caesar doesn't, and was covered with some kind of bottled dressing bearing only a passing nod to a real Caesar's. Instead of strips of grilled chicken resting on top, there were little chicken chunks surely cut off a roast chicken mixed through. When I mildly commented on the non-Caesar aspects, the waitress assured me that the restaurant across the street makes it the same way. I was so amused I shut up and ate the stuff and, you know what? It tasted good. I was hungry, something I often have a problem with on WW, and that made it a good meal. As the French or some people say: "Appetite is the best sauce." Well, that's a paraphrase, but the sentiment is, of course, true. When you're hungry, it makes the food taste good, I don't care what it is.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...