Saturday, December 24, 2005

Daughter Ellen in last night about 10--so good to see her. As for me, I went early to Manahawkin and bought new ornaments, then Pat and I decorated the tree. It looks beautiful, I must say. I spent the rest of the day cleaning, putting things away, and running errands. Took a shower and had a well-thought-out, sensible, and well-balanced dinner of a can of peas. Yes, that's what I had. I then fell asleep on the couch. Unfortunately, when I got up, I had a glass of wine, pretzels, and ice cream. Went a little crazy in the food department, but at this point, I'm not counting.
Must now go to supermarket, then Ellen and I will make the pumpkin pie (apple already done), stuffing (won't put it in the bird yet, Betty, DON'T WORRY!), and sweet potatoes. Expecting either 9 or 12 for Christmas dinner, which we'll have early, about 4.
Almost forgot this is supposed to be a "weight and Weight Watchers" blog. Well, sometimes I deviate, so shoot me. Will weigh in on Tuesday and just take what may.


Anonymous said...


Mimi said...

Loved talking to you last night, Anon.--not to mention adorable Preshy.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...