Saturday, December 17, 2005

Good day yesterday. Had an acorn squash for lunch, 42 pretzel sticks, and half of my jello/yogurt dessert, then salmon for dinner. 42 pretzel sticks equal 2 points.
Damn! Did I actually count out 42 pretzel sticks? Yes! Can't imagine what it must be like to simply EAT TO LIVE and not think about food the way thin people do.
Uh, uh, that may be an insidious attempt to undermine my determination to be aware of what I'm eating. I'd better be careful and get back on my serious-about-calculating-what-I-eat track.
Okay, we went to a holiday singalong at the clubhouse last night--had great fun and I eschewed the lucious cookie table for decaf coffee. Had popcorn later and went to bed happy.
Today, am picking up a friend for lunch, but I don't anticipate problems. Will order a Caesar salad or something.
P.S. The first paragraph may seem a little weird. Maybe IS a little weird. A lot weird. Obsessive, crazy, ready-for-the-funny-farm weird.
BECAUSE: I just checked and I could have had 45 pretzel sticks for 2 points, not only 42!!!


Anonymous said...

17 grapes are 1Pt.

Mimi said...

Thanks for the tip. See my blog tomorrow--I only WISH I had stuck to 17 grapes.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...