Friday, December 16, 2005

Had a wonderfully enjoyable evening at Flo and Joe's last night. Of course, I screwed up royally in the food and drink department, indulging myself with the glorious desserts and wines (including a delectable pomegrante (sp?) wine), but I'm giving myself some leeway.
I finished the leftover garlic and oil pasta for lunch yesterday and generally strayed from the WW path, but the important thing, I think, is that I'M AWARE of my calorie intake, not just mindlessly stuffing...
Hmm. Sounds good, but yeah, it's a cop-out. My warring personnae seem to hold two simutaneous, but conflicting thoughts: that as long as I know what I'm doing and exercise reasonable caution, the weight won't stick AND that it doesn't matter what I know, don't know, write, don't write, and so on and so forth, nature won't be denied and I'm going to gain.
Hey, I don't feel like wrestling with this. Have a lunch date today, another tomorrow, a party on Sunday, plus my birthday next week, Christmas, our progressive dinner on New Year's Day--yoicks!
Well, so shoot me. I'm in a silly and defiant mood; will take my lumps on weigh-in Tuesday, but in the meantime, kick up my heels--so there!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...