Saturday, December 10, 2005

I feel good today. I made the decision, and started to carry it out, to jump-start (stupid cliche!) my diet by changing it. For a long time, I ate the same breakfast and lunch every day--not a bad one, but you're not supposed to do that on WW. Guess I did because I liked them AND most important, Im so damn lazy I get tired of weighing, measuring, and recording.
Well, I changed that yesterday. I had an egg ("fried" in spray) on WW toast and half a grapefruit instead of my usual cottage cheese on toast and o.j. I was out Christmasing until after 2 and at that point, had decided to go easy on the carbs, so for lunch, had an acorn squash and a head of cauliflower. (I don't care if that sounds weird.)
For dinner--get this--I had a big bowl of cereal (2 cups of puffed rice and a cup of skim milk=3 points) which added at least some of the milk WW wants you to have. I then went out to a Christmas pageant with friends Walter and Susan. Skipped the refreshments (cookies) at intermission, but accepted their invitation to come in and have a little cup of eggnog (with about half a shot of rum) after. Felt perfectly comfortable drinking it because I hadn't filled my points earlier. Eggnog isn't listed in the "Getting Started" book, but I suspect this was worth at least 4 points, maybe more.
When I got home, savored my daily reward of hard candies (1 oz.=2 points). Went to bed happily about 11--very late for me--and slept until an un-heard of 8 o'clock. I'm feeling great and ready to continue my innovations!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...