Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I've been getting complacent of late. Ate the other half of my salad about 4 yesterday and made hamburgers (Pat had a roll, I didn't), oven fries, and creamed corn (he had, I didn't) for dinner, so that was fine. However, for some reason, I rebelled against my usual at night, skipping the (low point) popcorn for (considerably higher-point) pretzels and a glass of wine. I then consumed more raisins than I should have. Not horrendous, but that's the kind of thing that can slowly sabotage weight loss.
BUT--today is my birthday. Not a milestone--that's looming next year--but my birthday still seems very special to me--I hope everybody feels that way. Best about it is being with daughter Alison and family. We'll go up to Cream Ridge for dinner; whatever she has, I'll enjoy it. Hope and expect I'll get calls from the other kiddies, too, and will surely talk to my twin, Betty, too. I'll call her, probably from Alison's, as we're 3 hours later.
Tomorrow: lunch with Susan, then a dessert gathering next door. It's a battlefield.

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