Saturday, November 30, 2024

Thanksgiving Thursday And Day After Friday

It was good fun, of course, but I'm having a problem transferring pictures on here, plus it's almost 6:00 pm on Friday* and it's been a long two days, so this will be spotty with just a few random pics. First, I guess, the action: Mike drove to LAX to pick up darling Vivian...

...then stopped for me on the way to Ellen's. What a darling girl, my granddaughter is--I hope I can post more pics of her here! At Ellen's, we visited together, then Mike, Vivian, and I walked the mile and a bit to the shopping center, partly through the meadows. Mike picked up some things for hostess, Ellen, then walked back to get the car, while Viv and I sat on a bench until he picked us up. 
Back at El's, we did this and that--she did almost all the work, though, and we mostly talked together. Make, who admits to being a tea addict, in Ellen's side yard:

Greg got there and fired up the grille for sea bass and his own creation, zucchini strips with his pesto sauce--they were yummy.   turkey was accompanied with stuffing, roasted root vegetables, roasted Brussels sprouts, candied yams, cranberry sauce, along with the sea bass and zucchini, then for dessert, my pumpkin pie with whipped cream. White wine was a good addition for some of us;

After. we naturally talked, laughed, and generally had a good family (we now consider Greg one of the family) time. Greg left in the evening and we turned in fairly early (I slept over), thankful, as ever, for my priceless gifts. 

FRIDAY: Up early. There was somewhat of a crises before breakfast when the (separate) electrical system went out. This is an older house (Ellen calls it "quirky") and has some kind of a electric box that occasionally gets overloaded and a switch outside has to be pulled. We had to awaken Ellen, but it got fixed. The funny thing is, the lights and other things stayed on because they're connected to regular power lines.

Mike made breakfast (eggs and toast with salsa, if wanted), then we cleaned up and boarded the new Mercedes he had rented and drove up into the Ojai hills. We car-toured the camp Vivian's sister, Violet, had attended in the summer, stopping at the overlook, of course. A couple there took pics of all four of  us, which I don't have yet, but here are the three important ones: 

We drove back to El's, had lunch (leftovers from Thanksgiving dinner, natch), then Mike and Vivian left for a hike in the high country. Ellen, dear girl, drove me to the bus and I got the 16 home. I did little before bed except unpack and clean up a bit. 

M. will drive V. to LAX today (sob) and they'll stop to say goodbye to me on the way. Tomorrow, Mike himself will leave (sob) to drive up to SF, then back to Singapore.

* It's now 8 am on Saturday and I'm just finishing this up. I'll probably add more chronicle and pictures on subsequent entries. Added note: Vivian was one of the very best things about the holiday. What a darling girl: pretty, intelligent, and full of 20-year-old life and enthusiasm. I love her so much and am so thankful to Mike and his (ex) Paula, for the gift of her:

Thursday, November 28, 2024


Yet another biz, biz, bizzy day. Mike came over about 9:30 and immediately sat down to address the new laptop questions I had written down. It took quite a while, but he got most of them resolved. We then went over to YouBreakIFix, which conveniently, is right across the street in the Von's shopping center. Of course, I walk over there frequently, but the spoiled kid had to drive. (Considering he bikes miles and miles--twenty some at a clip--daily, it's a little odd, but oh, well.)

At the computer store, we talked to programmer Val and he recommended that I take both laptops over to have the local(?) data transferred. Mike wants Ellen to go with me, as he doesn't think I have a brain in my head when it comes to how the Internet works (a valid assumption, I'm afraid). 

We then went to CVS and Von's, where I bought all the ingredients needed for my contribution to turkey day, pumpkin pie. I had thought of making apple, too, but just didn't think I had time.   

We then went to The Little Lion for lunch. I had a "pumpkin butter grilled cheese" and an IPA  and Mike eggs Benedict. It's a pricey place, but both were good and Mike treated, so hey, what's not to like?

Back to my place, then Mike left. He'll go to bed early, as he's picking up--or picked up-- Vivian at LAX at 5:00. They should be driving here now to get me and we three will stay over at Ellen's.

I tackled the pumpkin pie. I rolled out the crust and it fit the pie pan well. I'm afraid the rim isn't up to my standards, but it's okay. Popped it in the oven and it came out pretty good. How we'll safely get it to El's is a question, but I'll figure something out.  

I put in a wash, then partially packed, called BMO, with which I'm having a feud, but it's being addressed and to my advantage, I believe.

I set the alarm for 5:00, just got up, and now it's Thanksgiving Day. I have plenty for which to be thankful and every once in a while, I realize that. 🦃

Note: I'm not taking my laptop to El's, so next entry will be on Friday--I think...

Wednesday, November 27, 2024


A fun day.  The Access Van got me to Ojai and Ellen's at 10:30. After the three of us chatted for a bit, Ellen continued cleaning the oven and Mike and I went to Rains Department Store. I like this place a lot--seems to me they have items you don't see anywhere else, including cards by local artists and so on. It's pricy, yes, but worth it. I didn't buy anything yesterday, but will go back with list in hand. The Rainbow Bridge is right behind Rains, so he and I went there after to say hello to Greg. He's going to make fish on Thanksgiving and Ellen will do the turkey.

Mike and I then went to Westridge Market to get some things Ellen needed. I had planned to get the ingredients for my pumpkin pie, but the place was very busy, it was hard to find things, and when I saw the prices of the ginger and cloves, I decided to go today to Von's for them, as well as all the other items. I did buy myself a turkey sandwich on a croissant for lunch. 

Back at El's, we ate, talked, and otherwise amused ourselves. I took a brief nap on Ellen's bed (I like hers almost as much as mine), then she and I watched some of the documentary Grey Gardens T.V., which features Jackie O.'s eccentric aunt and cousin. I believe it was made years ago. 

Later, we settled in for yet another cutthroat game of gin. I was losing badly (Mike cheats, El insists, and her muse was asleep or something), but incredibly, I rallied and won. Nobody was more surprised than I was. It was a lot of fun, as ever, as we don't take it seriously.

The Access van took me home and I got in by 7:00. My friend, David W., the ornithologist, texted me to offer a half dozen avocados. I accepted with pleasure and when I got home, I found them at my door.  

Mike will come over today and clean up some of the lingering questions about my new laptop. Then I'll start the crust for the pie. 

Oops, almost forgot to mention the news that I'm starting a new career in agriculture. Here I am with one of my offerings, which Mike bought yesterday: 

Tuesday, November 26, 2024


Wow, what a day. Mike got here about 10:30 and off we went to Office Depot. We spent time looking at laptops and I got this one, which I like a lot and which was one on sale remarkably low-priced. Went from there to Barnes & Nobel, where Mike and I browsed; he bought four books, I none; since I mentioned before, I'm working on four of them already. We were pleased to run into Greg at B & N; he was looking for a particular Chinese cookbook. It's good to know he'll join us on Thanksgiving, 

I suggested the Stone Fire Grille for lunch and that's where we went. Had a good lunch, then took off for my place. There, Mike started working on transferring data and setting up my new laptop...

...let us draw a curtain over the drama that ensued--suffice it to say that Mike declared me an nincompoop (the apple doesn't fall far from the tree) and I cut him out of my will. Okay, okay, it wasn't quite that bad, but it's true I'm  not exactly the Internet Genius of the Year.  The worse thing was this blog. I won't even go into the problems, but they entailed my old email address which I haven't used for years and the good one  Happily however , thanks to Mike, it was resolved and the thing is set up.

We had called Yandoo Communication to  come out tomorrow in case the issues couldn't be solved, but were able to cancel after Mike did his thing.

El asked me over again today and I'll take the Access Van again. I asked to get to Ojai at 10:30 and they're picking me up between 8:30 and 9:15 or something, so much earlier than needed, but that's okay, I guess. 

Monday, November 25, 2024


💓Busy, fun day. Access van picked me up early, so I got to Ellen's about 11:15. She was still dressing, but Mike came out, energetic as usual, and he and I went to the Ojai farmers' market. I was amused by this sign and am going to send it to Bev, who had brought persimmons to our T.O.P.S. meeting (she and husband have a farm in Santa Paula):

I got broccoli, but nothing else, as I was annoyed at the incredibly high prices. Yes, yes, some are "certified organic" and yes, yes, I'm not hurting for money, but charging a dollar each for very small lemons is a crime. El had asked Mike to get some sweet potatoes, but the ones we saw there were misshapen and didn't look all that good, so we went to The Rainbow Bridge for them. 

Back at El's, we had a late lunch--her yummy, homemade chicken vegetable soup--then talked and laughed. The kids, Ellen and Mike--61 and 57, respectively--had a few things to do and while they did, I took a short nap on Ellen's bed. Got up and Mike and I went to Bart's Books--he bought four, I none, as I have several at home I haven't started yet. After that, we sat and played an uproarious game of gin rummy. Mike won by a longshot, but we were all winners, as we had such a great time. 

Access van came to get me at 6:00 and off I went home after a wonderfully good day. Mike wants to go to Barnes & Noble today and I may or may not go with him. I told him I'd be flexible--whatever they want to do, I'll do today. I would like to be with them tomorrow (Tuesday).  The water will be out in my building for part of the day. Then on Wednesday, I'll be making the pie--I decided on just a pumpkin, no apple and there'll only be the five of us. 💓

Sunday, November 24, 2024


In the morning, in quick succession, I did a color, than a white wash. Got an email from management that on Tuesday, the water would be off for 3 to 5 hours between 9 am and 5 pm. Gee, nice, right before Thanksgiving, thanks a lot. 

Called the Access van and I'll be taken to Ellen's for lunch today, then picked up at 6 pm. El invited me to stay over on Thanksgiving, which I'll be happy to do. I'm gathering my supplies for the pumpkin pie, but I still need to buy some things, ginger and cloves in particular. 

It rained! Started about 9:30 and dripped off and on half-heartedly for several hours. Therefore, I didn't go out at all, except to get the mail. Annoying and I hope it doesn't start up again. 

Mike texted me at 3:00 to say he was already at Ellen's--good, I didn't think he'd be in that soon. Can't wait to see him today. 

The other day, I got this Thanksgiving card from the Tokyo Trio (names obscured, as I've been instructed not to reveal them):


I've been getting these handmade cards ever since Mr. K. was born, eleven years ago and, of course, I've saved every one of them. 

Other than the above, I just lazed around all day, playing my Jewel Match Royale, reading a bio of Alfred Hitchcock; I started No Bad Parts, but want to take it in stages. Otherwise, looked at YouTube, and mostly just spent the day idling. Showered and washed my hair before dinner (salmon and Brussels sprouts), then did more of the same--idling. 

Saturday, November 23, 2024


 We had the T.O.P.S. brunch yesterday in the gathering room at my place. I got there at 8:00 and Sharon (on left in the first picture) and her husband, Louis, were already out front. I brought all the utensils, plates, napkins, and other items and the gals all brought the food.  I also brought tomato juice, plus the vodka our former leader, Lolly, had given me when she moved away. We're still friends on Facebook and I sent her these three pictures. On the right is Louisa, who is not a member and hasn't been for four or more years. Actually, she used to live in SO-FI, when I first moved here, but I always found her snide and nasty. Why she was invited is a mystery and it pissed me off.

In the picture below, Bev is in the back on the right and my good friend, Lora, is on the left. That's Louisa again in the front left, next to leader Lennie, and seated are Mary Ann and Cheryl.

Here's Cheryl below; she's the one who picks me up for T.O.P.S. every Friday:
I wish I had gotten better pictures, but I was too busy. 

It was great that Kim, the "assistant community directory" (oh, give me a break) had the K-Cup coffee machine put on the counter, moving it from its usual place in the main office. 

We had decided not to have a regular meeting, but we did get weighed in and Bobbi and I won the biggest loser bucks, each having lost 1.2 pounds. Lennie had said last week we'd tell stories about our husbands and I was annoyed when she first opened a paper with prayers from several different religions and asked each of us to read one. WHAT?? Her husband may be the retired pastor of Trinity Lutheran, but this is a secular group. Luckily, before the paper reached me, all the prayers had been read. I would have passed, anyway.

We then did tell some anecdotes about husbands--that is, three of us got a chance (how we met hubby and so on) until it was Sharon's turn and she absolutely would not shut up. I was glad when Cheryl got up and started clearing the table while Sharon was still talking; I did, too and soon, so did most of the rest of the group. Incredibly, Sharon still held forth on while this was going on. 

Everybody cleaned up their own and packed up, then we said goodbye. I stayed longer to wipe the table and counter and pack what was left of the utensils and so on. Before I left, I went up to the office and thanked Kim and Soyant for their help. 

Home and Ellen called to say Mike was flying into San Francisco today--YAY!--but she wasn't sure what time he'd be in. I don't know if he's coming directly from China or not. We agreed that he would probably be tired, as he'll have to drive here for several hours, so I'll wait to go to Ellen's tomorrow.

Took my lunch to the middle and ate there while starting No Bad Parts, the book Carolyn has sent. It's absorbing and I think might be life-changing. After, I took a short nap, then went over to Von's for provisions, then to CVS for ZZ--Quil.

Friday, November 22, 2024

Thursday And Childhood

Slept okay, up at 6:30. Cleaned up a bit after breakfast, then packed my lunch and went to meet Diane at the library. Walking over the footbridge was a little cool for my taste, but once I got there, it was okay. Where we eat is in a fairly protected area between buildings with grass and foliage, so it's pleasant.

Talked and talked, of course, including a long discussion about Trump, whom Diane thinks is the anti-Christ--seriously. Well, he's pretty bad, of course, but so are the dems. Worse than either are the major media whores who service the death-dealing politicians of both stripes. So, yes, we had a lively discussion. (Why anyone would look at what passes for "news" is beyond me.)

We broke up about 3:30, I walked home and across from my place, I took this pic, which illustrates one of the many reasons I like living here:     

Sent a text to my tenant, Lori, asking about the water bill. She wrote back that she had been traveling and her mother, Pru, would have received the mail, including the water bill I sent.  Happily, she got home, found the bill and texted me she would go to the municipal building to pay it in person. Great--one knotty problem solved. 

The other--the business about the BMO credit card is still hanging and I was annoyed to get an email from Experien to say my credit rating has decreased. A few days ago it was exception, now, because of their error (that's my contention, anyway), it's--well whatever it is, I didn't bother to look at it. 

Friday, 5:35 am: When I opened the front door to get the paper just now, I found this at my door:

Niece Carolyn and I had talked, as we have before, about our childhoods, which are, as I think almost everybody's is, still a living presence in our lives--for better or worse. She mentioned how much this book had helped her and clearly, she sent it. Coincidentally, I just finished by current "read," The Cell, by that poor excuse for a writer, Robin Cook, so will start it today. 

Thursday, November 21, 2024


Left a bit before 8:00 for the transit center and from there, got the 8:45 bus to Santa Barbara. Julie called while I was on my way to discuss what seems to be a fiasco with the party for the Hondurans. Sandy Schultz, who hosts it and invited us, sent me an envelope without an address as to where the party is and send Julie an envelope with an address that started with 0 in Thousand Oaks--there's no such thing. Hey, maybe we'd better forget about the party.

After some confusion (all on my part), Carolyn picked me up and off we went to Villa Alamar. We found Betty in the rec room (residents had just made apple pies--don't ask) and took her to her room, where we sat and chatted for 45 or so. It's never a real conversation, of course--Betty responds to questions with totally unrelated answers, but it was enjoyable. Betty no longer walks; she's in a wheelchair all the time now. Her legs are getting stiff and Carolyn rubbed and moved them around. 

Carolyn and I then took Betty to the dining room for lunch, then we went to La Paloma in the heart of Santa Barbara. The logo reminds me of a vaguely religious symbol:

Over my protests, Carolyn treated. though the place is pretty pricey. We had a fine time talking, of course--just as I do with my daughters, we talk freely, openly, and honestly about a number of topics. No lectures, no advice, just listening to each other. 

After lunch, we went back to Villa Alamar to say goodbye to Betty. I always get emotional then and yesterday was no exception, but I recovered quickly. We had planned to have Carolyn drive me to the bus, which I would take back to Ventura, but instead, she insisted on driving me the thirty miles. She didn't come in, as it was getting heavy on the 101, but we hugged goodbye after a very enjoyable day.                  

Got home and checked my email, and found there was a problem with a credit card. It's so long and involved I don't want to go into it, but I was on the phone with BMO for an hour. My credit rating is "exceptional" and damn it, I don't want it to change. I hope it's resolved, but I fear it isn't.     

Ellen called and brought me up to date on the renovations (finished and satisfactory) and the company coming in, Mike on Saturday, Vivian on Thanksgiving Day. Looking forward to seeing them, of course.

Was sound asleep when I got a call from Victoria Care Center--at 11:00 PM! Jim had been taken to the ER because he "complained of a pain in his left knee," but treated and released. I'm debating whether to suggest they hold off calling me until--say 5:00, but I realize the nurses work in shifts and this was the night person. I'll think about whether to see if some compromise can be reached.  

Lib lunch with Diane today. .Hope the weather warms up--noon, when we meet, is predicted to be only up to 66 degrees. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2024


Uber guy picked me up at 9:30 for my dermatologist appointment in Oxnard. As ever, he was sent to the wrong entrance, but I called to correct. Got there early; Dr. Sun took me early and blasted my new lesions right away. Incredibly, I was out the door a little after ten--earlier than my 10:15 appointment actually was. Hey, I can live with that.

I walked down to the Whole Foods shopping center and went to Target for their yummy grapefruit. I bought three--oddly, they were only $1.29 each; they're $1.49 at the Ventura Target. Also picked up a six-pack of my favorite: Hazy IPA. While there, I called Noreen to see how she was doing emotionally and we made a date to meet for lunch at Pirano's in town. 

On the bus, I met two women, Barbara and Betty. I was surprised that anyone who live there would be on the bus, since they have a van and many residents still drive their own cars. However, they were going to Macy's, then Danny's for lunch, so I guess they're okay with the bus. We chatted happily and I told them my association with The Townhomes, gave them each my card, and asked them to call me. We'll see if they do--I hope so.

It took me an hour and a half and two buses to get back to Ventura, but I made it by 12:30, only to find Pirano's closed--not sure why. Anyway, we went down Main to that little restaurant on the corner (can't remember the name), and had a nice lunch and, of course, much intense and satisfying conversation. Noreen's friend, Gary, is going to drive her to her brother's place up north on Tuesday, then to her granddaughter's for Thanksgiving. They're just around the corner, right? Dream on, this is California; it will take them roughly seven hours to get to the brother's and another four to her granddaughter's. Anyway, I was glad to hear she was feeling somewhat more hopeful.

We said goodbye and I strolled around town a bit, then bused home after stopping for a lemon and low-cal popsicles at Von's. Now I'm preparing to bus to Santa Barbara, meet Carolyn, and see Betty.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024


I spent some of the morning dealing with Little Egg Harbor Township, after getting a notice that my mercantile license (for having a rental property) had again been denied. This time, the reason was because the water bill hadn't been paid. Now, when I first rented the house, I asked to have the water bill (which is every three months) put in my tenant's name, but that wasn't allowed. Therefore, it is sent to me and I put it in another envelope and send it to the tenant, who is responsible for payment. I'm not sure what happened this time, but I know I sent it to Lori. I emailed her to ask about it.

After that, I should be ashamed to admit it, but I'm not: I spent most of my day until 4:15  playing "Match Royale" on this laptop. So shut me--I just didn't feel like going anywhere or doing anything productive.

It was chillier than  I'm used to--in the middle sixties--and fast getting dark, but I took the 21 bus to the transit center and from there, the 11 to the B & N shopping center to meet the Soaring Spirits gang for dinner. I wasn't in the best of moods when I got there, but after good talk with Vera, Susan, Glenda, and Grendall, I perked up. 

I also chatted with a newcomer named Pat--small, slender, and very nicely dressed. She was married for five years, divorced for ten, then remarried to the same man for thirty years until he died--reminded me of Taylor and Burton.  During a discussion, though, I asked if she was religious and when she answered "No, but I'm spiritual," I lost interest. "Spiritual" is Queen Cliché of the Kingdom of Cliché and what I called a "weasel word." It can't be pinned down as to meaning, as it means different things to different people, and in my book, that makes it meaningless.* However, I had an enjoyable time.

Dermatologist appointment in Oxnard this morning and tomorrow, Santa Barbara and Betty. 

Here are a few pics of Mike with his--uh, friend, in Shenyang, China: 

They stayed at the Grand Hyatt.

Mike and Monica. Interestingly, the coffee shop is inside a Catholic church. Hmm, this is The People's Republic of China which, BTW, its economy is head and shoulders above that of the U.S. According to Richard Wolff and others, this shabby empire is waning and sadly, I'm afraid that's true. Corruption does that to all empires, sooner or later. 
Mike has to have minor surgery on his nose when he gets back to Singapore tomorrow. Coincidentally, I'll be at the dermatologist's in a few hours. 

*Years ago, when I told a very slight acquaintance I wasn't religious, she said smugly, "No, but you're spiritual." I almost stuck a fork in her eye.   

Monday, November 18, 2024


 A fair amount of activity yesterday, starting with the weekly med, changing and washing of the linens, and the big--and this time very satisfying--crossword. Cleaned up a bit, then packed my lunch and walked the mile down Telegraph Road to Ace Hardware. Got light bulbs and the stretchy bracelet-like thing that holds my keys--very convenient. Also went to Dollar Tree next door for several items.

From there, I walked to Kimball Park, another mile and a bit, intending to eat my lunch there. As I did, my neighbor, Lorraine, called, saying she was making soup and could she borrow some flour? Sure, but I wouldn't be home for a few hours--she said she was in no rush and to call her when back. 

Got to the park, but it was a little cooler and breezier than I had thought, plus there were lots of high and junior highs having soccer practice. I considered sitting down to watch--I often enjoy that--but all things considered, decided to bus home. Did so and left off my purchases, packed a small container of flour, and called Lorraine to say I decided to eat in the complex middle and why didn't she meet me there?

She did and while I had a late lunch (by that time, it was past 3:00), we chatted. Lorraine is not exactly similar in background, personality, outlook--or much else, frankly--but I enjoy her in small doses and yesterday, we had an enjoyable time together. After an hour or so, we parted and I took myself home.

In the meantime, Sharon called to ask if I was inviting one of my neighbors to the T.O.P.S. brunch on Friday. Of course not, why? Because I had made a remark after she said she'd invite Louisa, who  had been a member--oh, five years ago, but not since. Why in the world Leader Lennie thought that was okay is beyond me, but I shouldn't have said anything. I think Sharon is disgruntled, but whatever, but I don't feel like dealing with her on a kindergarten level, so the hell with it. 

Sunday, November 17, 2024


 Nothing much going on in the morning. Later, I walked to the P.O. to send some of the overseas Thanksgiving cards and check the weight of a gift I had intended to send to Jersey. When I learned what the postage would cost, I reluctantly changed my mind. It was so expensive, I'm going to try to come up with an alternative. 

Walked home and packed my lunch, then  took the 21 bus to the transit center. While waiting for the 6 to town, I glanced down at my shoes and--good grief, they didn't match!

Well, it was dim in the bedroom and they were right next to each other and they're the same brand, size, and col... AAGH! Not the same color and not even the same style! However, I don't think anyone else noticed and if they had, I don't care.

In town, I a cocktail shaker and small ice bucket; bought them to take them to the T.O.P.S. brunch on Friday, in case I make Bloody Marys. Of course, I don't know how to make Bloody Marys--I'll have to look it up.

Ate at my usual across from the mission, then bused home. I texted Suzanne and Vickie to set up a day for me to take them to The Little Lion for a thank-you lunch. We decided on next Saturday, but then I realized Mike is coming in that day, and I don't know what time, so I scratched it. We'll come up with an alternative. 

Saturday, November 16, 2024


I was down 1.2 at home and down 1.7 at T.O.P.S. to 126.6 and 127.3, respectively. The meeting was partly one of our therapy sessions and partly about the brunch I'll host here next week. We all decided we'd simply simply get weighted, then eat and visit, rather than have a regular meeting--fine by me. 

Ellen called to ask if I had electricity hers in Ojai was out, which seems to happen fairly frequently (I don't think I've ever had an outage in Ventura). She speculated that someone had hit the transformer--again--and darned if she was right, as I found out later. 

It was after 11:00 when I finished breakfast and I spent some time on Facebook, then did a few boring,  this 'n' that chores. I decided to walk to the P.O. to see how much a package I may or may not send to Jersey would cost. However, when I got outside, it was chilly--62 degrees--and the wind had kicked up again. Darn, I just had to turn back, even though it's only two blocks away.  Went back and decided to tackle some food prep instead. I had a lot of fresh veggies, so I did a stir-fry prep with the tomatoes, mushrooms, sweet pepper, plus ground turkey, of course, Because I now have a freezer more or less full, I decided to stow them in the freezer, and did.

Called SCAN to have Uber pick me up for my dermatologist appointment on Tuesday. So far, I've never booked a return trip, because I prefer to go somewhere after and bus home.

Mike Face-Messaged me. He has some obvious lesions healing on his nose--yes, Basel cell--one of which will get surgery next month. I was surprised to hear he was leaving for Shenyang, China, last night, to visit the childhood home of  a friend of his, for four days. I'm looking forward to seeing him a week from today, when he comes in for Thanksgiving. Oops, that reminds me: I had asked Suzanne and Vickie which day they'd like to go to lunch at The Little Lion, next Saturday or Sunday, but I'll have to switch that because Mike comes in on Saturday.

Also, re The People's Republic of China, I found this video by economist Richard Wolff. It's an hour long, but I watched every second. It rings true and I defy anyone to prove otherwise:

On a lighter note, I found this on Facebook--love it, love it, LOVE IT:

About 4:00, I went over to Von's to pick up a few things, so now my larder is full and I'll be eating down what I have stocked in. 

For the third time in the last year, I got Wordle in two. Only once have I gotten it in one and that was a few years ago. 

Friday, November 15, 2024


As mentioned, I had a restless night, but felt okay when I got up. Did the everyday morning things, then packed my lunch and took off for the library. As I was walking toward the gate, I ran into Vickie. Every once in awhile, she gives herself a ten minute break (she works at home) to stretch her legs, a good idea. I told her of my plan to take her and Suzanne to lunch at The Little Lion as a thank-you for taking me and picking me up at The Airporter. She was pleased about that. I wasn't pleased at all to hear she had to have an infusion yesterday--I'm not sure if it's for the cancer or her other maladies, but I hope it's not too bad. 

Got to the library (behind it, actually) to, as usual, find Diane already there.  We settled in and, also as usual, sat and talked happily for a good three hours. I was sorry to hear Diane is now reconciled to using the rollator (a kind of walk, but sturdier) all the time. She's self-conscious about it and, in the past, when for instance, she came to one of my performance or to BCNN meetings, she would take her cane. However, her neuropathy is advancing and that's no longer an safe option.

Anyway, we had our usual convivial time. Said goodbye and I went to the library to return a book, borrow two, and buy one. Stayed there for a bit reading. I walked home over the footbridge and glad I had gotten that exercise in--a total of two miles. When I got home, I started on some food prep, first cooking up a large (two pound) bag of frozen mixed vegetables. I prefer fresh, but like to have frozen available, too. I stowed some in the freezer, the rest in the fridge to have it the next few days. I also put in a freezer container the "juice" in which it was cooked.  I often save that and use it for something in the slow cooker, as much of the nutrients go into the water.  After that, I cleaned, seasoned, and roasted the cauliflower I had gotten at WinCo. Ellen called while I was in the middle of that, so she asked me to call her today. 

What did I have for dinner? Mixed veggies and cauliflower, of course!  

Thursday, November 14, 2024


No particular reason I put the day in caps, but it's like a title, so I did. (These are the globally important things that clutter my mind.) Went with Suzanne to WinCo and stocked up on this and that. Home by 11:00 or so and I spent time--too damn much time--on the upcoming T.O.P.S. brunch. I email Mary Ann B., at the suggestion of leader Lennie, although it's been several months since Mary Ann has attended. However, she wrote back that she'd be delighted to come and will bring syrup, butter, and so on (for the waffles). Bobbi asked if I would invite Julie--hmm.  Now, Julie's a friend of mine, but she dropped out of T.O.P.S., maybe a year or so ago, so I doubt if she'd be interested, but I texted Lennie to get her input.  Julie would come, anyway, but maybe.

Did some food prep with the big mushrooms I bought, but other than that, I just kind of fooled around. I had intended to walk to Ace Hardware to return the metal bracelets to hold my keys for plastic ones, also to see if they have the bulbs I want. However, I just didn't. I spent time watching and listening to Patsy Cline (she and Elvis have become favorite of mine) on YouTube and fussing around with this and that.

Now, this worries me a bit. On Tuesday, I didn't follow my usual walking and busing because I didn't feel well and thought it was better to rest. Yesterday, though, I was fine and, except for going to WinCo with Suzanne (in a car), I just walked around the complex a bit after getting the mail. I don't want to this to become a habit and am glad I'm meeting Diane for lunch today. 

Nature corner: The moon at 5:00 pm was beautifully brilliant and I took a picture of it. Unfortunately, it barely shows up, so readers will have to take my word for it:

Darn,  just as I suspected would happen, I slept poorly last night, even though I took the sleep aid. Got up for the usual at 3:15--that seems to be my witching hour--and didn't get back until six something. Both the RLS and the arthritis were acting up, for some reason, before I got up and took medication.  The alarm rings at 7:00 now and I just turned it off and slept until 8:00. I feel okay nd hope my trek to our lib lunch will encourage a full night's sleep. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2024


I felt very much better yesterday--maybe a bit still "off my feed," to use an old-time expression, but not bad. Today, I'm completely well.

Since I had slept so much of Tuesday, I thought I'd be wakeful last night, but I wasn't. I wasn't hungry for breakfast, so skipped it and just had coffee. Usually, I drink two mugs: one when I first get up, the second with breakfast, but just had one mug.

Put in a white wash, went out to get the mail, and cut up and roasted some yellow potatoes, but that's all I did that was active--didn't run any marathons.. I just spent the day relaxing with cryptograms and email. Wasn't hungry until about 1:00 and then I had a can of ravioli. It's been years since I've eaten the stuff and boy, what ever possessed me to buy it? It's terrible. However, I didn't have a reoccurrence of my stomach problem, so that's good.  

Spent time organizing our T.O.P.S. brunch, which we'll have on the 22nd. Lora will make waffles, Sharon will bring eggs and stuff, Bobbi will bring bagels and cream cheese, and Cheryl will bring fruit. Don't know yet what Lennie and Bev are bringing. I called Maria, but I emphasized to all of them not to go overboard--we usually only have five at the meetings and I don't expect any more. 

Talked to niece Carolyn and we'll try again next Wednesday. She still went to see Betty yesterday and that sweet girl texted me this picture:

Carolyn had given Betty the baby and she likes to hold it. That knowledge alone breaks my heart. 

Ellen called and happy day--the contractors are finished re-doing the guest room and she herself pointed the door leading to the outside. She'll paint the one to the laundry room later. She also tipped the workers to move the full bed from the other guest room and will buy a twin. I hope Mike and Vivian appreciates the time, effort, and money she put into this project. Of course, it isn't just for them, but to get the house in shape to sell, but they'll be the first ones to take advantage of it.   

I was glad when Suzanne called and asked if I wanted to go to WinCo this morning. Sure thing, and we'll leave at 9:00.. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2024


This will be very short because I'm not feeling well. Got up yesterday with a slight upset stomach. I thought it was just something I had eaten the night before, so more or less ignored it. Wrote out a thank0-you card to Noreen, then dressed, packed my lunch, and bused to town. Ate at my usual across from the mission and seemed to feel okay, but later, stomach again bothered me. Bused home, getting in about 4:00 and immediately lay down. I slept until 8:00, still not feeling well, and now had gastrointestinal problems.  

Niece Carolyn and I had planned to see Betty today, but I called to tell her I couldn't come--we'll have to go another time. It's now 7:00 am and I feel marginally better, but not completely okay. I'm going to take a COVID test, then lay low the rest of the day. 

8:00: Now that I got rid of my innards (isn't that coy?), I feel considerably better--not up to par, and I'm gong to lay low and rest, but a lot better than I did. I'm so unused to being sick, this came as a surprise. 

Monday, November 11, 2024


Unfortunately, I had trouble sleeping Sat. to Sun, even with the OTC sleep aid I've been taking. I tend to get up for the usual, then find it had to get back. However, it was the usual Sunday: my weekly med, changed the sheets, and did the crossword, which was so-so.

I finally did clean up the patio. Wow, so much debris of leaves and long pine needles. I filled three large shopping bags, then lugged them to the trash place. Looks a lot better, of course.

Packed my lunch and walked to Wal-Mart for light bulbs; I want the new, twisty ones--they cost more, but they last so incredibly long, they're the only ones I want. Wouldn't you know, Wal-Mart didn't have any. Maybe I'll go to Ace today and get them there. I did pick up Thanksgiving cards (I send to family) and a thank-you card to send Noreen for the lovely amaryllis. 

Ate my lunch in the circular plaza across from Ralph's. It's been a few months since I've been there and it was a beautiful day. I greatly enjoy the fountain and so do the birds. Bused home and stopped at Von's for cauliflower and red potatoes.

Thought I'd nap when I got home, but I didn't and that was good because I slept well last night. Called Ellen to catch up with her and her knee. She and it are progressing well; the P.T. said she was "on point" or "on progress" or whatever they say.  

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Saturday With Noreen

 After breakfast, I called Noreen to see how she was doing and if her unwanted house guest had finally left. Yes to the last mention--"Michele" (she uses only one "L") had moved on to sponge off somebody else. The fact that she was at Noreen's for several months is incredible, especially since she paid no rent. Noreen had actually been to see her at Target, where she works, so she holds no grudge.

As for Noreen's emotional health, she's in a depressed state. She believes her children don't love her and that she has no significance in the world. She described her marriage, which ended in divorce years ago, which was certainly not ideal anyway. We talked long and frankly. Although she was an R.N., she doesn't want to pursue therapy. She is religious and belongs to Emerging Spirit Church, one of those odd sects that abound in this area. Although she's bright, she's believes the answer to her sadness is in the bible, not science. I gave no advice, but listened and sympathized. I did tell her that a therapist helped me--to a point--when I was my husband's caretaker for so many years. I asked Noreen if she was thinking of taking her own life, but she assured me she would not. 

We decided to meet for lunch after we had discussed our problems at length. She suggested Danny's, an excellent idea, as it's just a short walk from the transit center. They have a terrific menu, with all kinds of items--including a good vegan section--that's hard to find anywhere else. We met there at 1:00 and continued our serious talk over sandwiches, Chardonnay, and a hazy IPA. I think--I hope--she felt better after and, incidentally, it helped me, too, to be so completely open with Noreen. I consider her and Diane, along with my daughters, subs for my dear twin, with whom I used to be able to talk the same one. I'll see a shadow of Betty on Tuesday when I go to Santa Barbara.

When Noreen and I said goodbye, I walked her to her car. To my surprise, she gave me this lovely waxed amaryllis, the waxed part forming a kind of vase. I love amaryllis and consider a beautiful token of our friendship:

Got home about 4:00. I had thought I'd get the patio shaped up, but lazy me, I didn't. Hey, it'll still be there today and Monday--or for the next millennium if I don't get on the stick and do it.   

Saturday, November 09, 2024

Friday And T.O.P.S.

Lost a smidgen (.08) at home and smidgen of a smidgen (.05) at T.O.P.S., so was 127.8 and 128.6, respectively. We held the meeting here in the rec room, clubhouse, gathering place, or whatever the hell it's called, in the main building because Trinity Lutheran is having something done with the floors. Actually, the room here is quite well done and everybody liked it--it beats Trinity Lutheran, were we usually, meet, that's a cinch.  

The meeting was much more of a therapy session than anything, which happens often. Lora came and she's very upset and worried because her house hasn't sold, yet, and the new one in Arizona is almost finished. It's very nice--spacious and with a lovely back area, but I guess its proximity to the freeway, which Julie mentioned, is a liability. Anyway, we started talking about our childhoods and how we were brought up and boy, talk about a therapy session. I often forget how privileged this little Ventnorite was, but when I hear about others' backgrounds, I realize.

Aside from that, I suggested we have a meal together, as we very occasionally did in the past. I had in mind a pot-luck lunch, but Lennie suggested brunch at the meeting itself, and that's fine. I checked with Kim in the office and sure, no problem, so I'll see when the members want to do it.

As usual, I didn't get breakfast until after 10:00. Ate, then packed a lunch and, as I've been meaning to do for some time, walked to Ace Hardware on Kimball Road to get the stretchy "bracelets" on which you can attach your keys; very convenient for me and my last one finally wore out. When I got to the shopping center, I ran into my neighbor, Lorraine. We chatted for fifteen or so and she asked if I wanted a ride home. Sure thing and after I got three bracelets,* she took me. After I put my things in, I took my lunch--by this time it was after 2:00--and my book and ate out in the middle.

Ellen emailed to tell me I could order free COVID tests on-line, and I did. 

* When I got home, I realized two of them were a little tight.  The other, which is a different plastic, fits better, so I think I'll take the two back. 

Friday, November 08, 2024


 After breakfast, I swept Suzanne's and my front walk of the debris that came down with the wind. Made my lunch and took off for Victoria Care Center, first dropping in the mail my checks for BCNN dues and the holiday party. Walked close to two miles to VCC, but I felt good and it was a nice day, the wind having died down considerably, which was such a relief.

Got to Jim's room and was pleased to see he was in a wheelchair, not in bed. He has improved a lot, which was ever better. Now, I mean he's improved over how he had been the last time I saw him; he still has a way to go. He said his sores were healing well and we had a good talk. I also met his roommate--i.e., the guy on the other side of the privacy curtain. His name is Steve and he seems like a good guy. He's 72; I'm not sure he's in Victoria.

While I was there, the nurse came in with Jim's lunch and I asked if I could get mine and eat with him. "Sure," she said, and I did. Ho, ho, naughty me--naturally, I had my Voodoo Ranger IPA, which accompanied my sandwich. Jim actually got a kick out of that. I stayed about 45 minutes and we had a good talk. I must remember to bring him another book next time.  I asked Jim if they have a library--I wouldn't be surprised if they do, considering almost all there are elderly--but he didn't know. I'll ask the social worker.

I planned to bus to Kohl's, but I walked instead. That was another mile, so I got good exercise. Used my gift card to buy something for those in N.J., then bused to the mall to see if Target got any grapefruit in. They hadn't, but I got some Roma tomatoes.  At Kohl's, I ran into my old (not aged old 😁) Kimball Park walking buddy, Diane, and we happily chatted. I hadn't seen her for several years, at least. 

Sent an email to Sandy Shultz to get her address so Julie and I can attended her party with Hondurans on December 1. Damn, I hope it's not in Camarillo--not sure if the fires had waned. 


Thursday, November 07, 2024

Wednesday, The Peace Corp. And The Weather

The wind was so fierce when I awoke, I almost called Julie and asked her not to pick me up for the meeting. Changed my mind, though, and I'm glad I did. I had missed the last two meetings because Julie was abroad and I was pleased to see some of the nice people who belong. Laurie McF., who I think dips into this blog now and then, greeted me and so did Susan S., co-president, and Denise D. Both of them had been in my acting group, as was Dusty, the other co-president. One of my favorite people, she came up for a hug and a vow to call me for lunch.

As for the program, I thought it was the best they've ever had. Two woman who had been in the Peace Corps, presented and one of them, Sandy Schultz, had joined when she was 59; she's now 86. She served in Honduras, learned Spanish beforehand, and is still very much involved with the people who live there. It's too long and involved to explain all she did, but a major part was arranging for children born with malformed feet to get surgery in the states or elsewhere. She is "godmother" to several and in close touch with others in Honduras; in fact, she's having a party at her home with some visitors from there on December 1, which Julie and I will attend. Here's Sandy, sitting down next to a Peace Corps person, whose function I not clear on. Here, Sandy looks somewhat grouchy, but she's anything but:

Here's a better picture of her, with some of her friends:
As mentioned, the little girl has had both malformed feet corrected surgically, thanks to Sandy.

The other speaker, Pamela Wyville was also fascinating. At 22, she joined the Corps and was in Niger, Africa, for two years. She showed a number of slides and talked about her experiences and the abysmal situation of those who live there. She lived as they do, with no refrigeration or running water--the toilet was a hole in the ground--far from what we would call "civilization". Yet, she survived and in fact, when her stint was over, worked in Africa for several years. Here she is with some of her people: 

During the program, we all noticed a smoke smell from outside. At the same time, we saw the blue sky becoming more and more beige/gray. What could that be? It could be--and it was--fires not too far away in Camarillo, stoked by the terrific winds. A number of homes burned to the ground there. 

After the meeting, Julie and I joined the lunch group and went to Tradewinds in Oxnard. We were lucky enough to sit with Sandy and had a fine time. On the way home, we noticed that there were blue skies over Ventura--let's hope it stays that way.

Suzanne stopped over when I got ikn to show me pictures of her nephew's wedding, which she recently attended. Ellen called to bring me up to date on her knee, which is progressing well. Her dealings with her contractor is also progressing, but not too well, since he's often late and has a bad back. However, things are slowly getting done. Susan Roberts, my occasional friend from Manhattan (NY, not the one here) also called. She was in Manhattan; but she's the one who comes here to babysit for her little granddaughter. We'll get together when she's here next. 

This morning, it's all calm and serene with barely a breeze from the wind of yesterday. However, it's a good thing I don't have anything scheduled for today, because there's a lot of cleanup outside to do. The maintenance people will take care of the full complex, but I'm preparing my broom for my bailiwick: 

Wednesday, November 06, 2024


Walked to Telephone, then took the 11 to east (or more east) Ventura. Dropped off my donations to Goodwill, then met Diane at "her" park across from her place. We had our usual enjoyable talk, confiding in each other with this and that, commiserating about problems, and laughing over a lot of stuff. I'm a little concerned that Diane has dropped several of the activities she used to follow. Granted, it was a lot, but she is now leaving her Buddhist group and her book club She's also dropping out of BCNN, which I'm attending today. She was disappointed that she didn't get more interest in her offer to lead a kind of psychic/spiritual group. She's experiencing more fatigue than she used to, and I didn't ask, but I'm afraid that may be a result of her progressing neuropathy.   

We did have good talks on a multitude of topics, and we lingered for three hours. I went from there to Grocery Outlet down the street for veggies, pretzels, and this 'n' that. Bused home and got in at 4:00. I  immediately put in a wash, which included what I was wearing. Had dinner, then jumped in the shower, washed my hair, and settled in for the night.

BCNN meeting today, so Julie will pick me up at 9:00. I'm hoping she plans to go to lunch after. Frankly, that's what I mostly look forward to lunch; I'm getting bored with BCNN myself. I might drop out, too, or maybe not--I'll think about it. 

Tuesday, November 05, 2024


After my shower, I called the Little Egg Harbor Zoning Office in fear and trembling to get to the bottom of the rejection of my homeowners insurance. After a great dal of back and forth with Monica, my liaison there, I found that the state had sent out the requirement that this years' insurance be raised by $200,000! That brings mine to a huge sum, which I won't reveal, but it's surely more than what my house is worth. However, since I have until December 31, I'm much relieved and can deal with it easily.

Left at 10:00 for Soaring Spirit lunch. I usually walk the mile and some to Telephone Road, then take the 11 to Stone Fire Grille, but I just didn't feel like it, so bused both routes. So pleased, as ever, to see Vera and Susan, and there were three other men, but I didn't get a chance to talk to them. Glendall (no, I never heard that name before, either) came in and sat next to me. Across from us was obnoxious Fred. He never shuts up and I wasn't in the mood to be tolerant, but as happens with many bores, he didn't notice my bitchiness. Anyway, it was fun to be with the gang.

Bused from there to Target at the mall to get grapefruit, but horrors, they didn't have any! I asked the produce clerk about it and she said they had ordered them, but they didn't come in . Darn, I  hope this isn't a trend. I did buy several pounds of onions, sweet peppers, plant milk, and this IPA:

I love craft beers!

Home, I immediately chopped the onions and peppers separately, then seasoned and fried a portion of the onions, then stored them separately in the freezer. Now, the next time I buy ground turkey, I can use, after added some stray veggies.

I was pleased when a rep from Primary Medical called to react to my reaction, i.e., my response to their "survey" about my satisfaction with them. I don't often respond to these things--because why should I do their marketing for them?--but I wanted to let them know I was impressed with the P.A. and annoyed about them closing for lunch--and the caller was friendly and courteous.

Also got a call from Victoria Care Center from Jim's nurse. She wanted to let me know he had fallen out of his wheel chair and wants to order for him some kind of device to present that. She was very nice and I didn't mention it, but good grief, she called at 10:30 at night! That's the univalent of my friend, Pat, being called at five am, so of course, I had been sound asleep. However, I didn't mention it and I appreciated her calling. I'll try to get over to see him on Thursday.

Lunch with Diane today across from her place, after I donate some items to Goodwill. She'll get a kick out of the Voodoo Ranger.

*Note ot myself: Her name is Sandra.

Monday, November 04, 2024


For the last few months, I've been taking ZzzQuil, an OTC sleep aid put out by Vicks, and it works fine. However, I decided it may not be a good idea to rely on it, so Saturday night, I skipped it. Hmm...I went to bed late (for me) close to 10:00, figuring that would encourage me to sleep all night. It didn't. I awoke at 3:16 and didn't get back. Yes, I stayed in bed with my eyes closed and rested, so I guess that was better than not, but I finally gave up and got up at 6:15 (DSL).   

Took my usual once a week pill, had breakfast, and did the Sunday crossword, but I'm getting seriously annoyed with Frank (Longo, the one who does it). His clues and answers are getting more and more obscure. Who, pray tell, knows the middle name of the vice-chancellor of Samoa? Sure, I could look it up, but then why bother to do the crossword? However, I got the other three I do daily (Wordle took me all the way to six). 

I decided to walk down to Smart 'N' Final after lunch, but I had gone only about a quarter mile when I turned back. After so little sleep, I was just too tired. Home, I noticed the patio was really in need of a clean-up, due to the damn fir needles all over the place, so I spent about a half hour tidying up. I still have plenty to do.

E-mailed Diane to see if she wants to  meet across from her place for lunch tomorrow, as I have some things to do in the shopping center there. She does, and we will. As for today, it's Soaring Spirits lunch; I'll go, them maybe see if I can find something to buy at Kohl's with the gift certificate I got months ago. 

Aside from preparing and baking six apples (some for today and tomorrow, the rest in the freezer for later) I didn't do much else except play games. Ellen called and, among other topics, we discussed Thanksgiving at her place. I was surprised to hear that Vivian won't fly into LAX until 5:00 am on Thanksgiving morning. Mike will pick her up and may stay over in L.A. Wednesday, since it's so early. El said Greg will be coming, also--I'm very pleased about that.  

Julie called to ask if I wanted her to pick me up for the BCNN meeting on Wednesday. Her last trip (she travels a lot) was to Florida, just in time for the hurricane. Luckily, our mutual friend, Lora, was able to get her and her companion a flight out in time. Yes, I'll go to BCNN although, frankly, I'm losing interest in it. 

Happy day--I slept well and just got up at 6:16--YAY! 😄

Sunday, November 03, 2024


Showered and did a color wash before breakfast. Cleaned up a bit after, then thought about how I wanted to arrange my day. It probably would have been best to vacuum or work the patio, especially since Bev, my pal from T.O.P.S. just brought me some more little succulents (she and her husband have a farm in Santa Paula). I want to plant them, but I just didn't feel like it; I'll try to get to it today. Even though it was too cool for my taste and there had been a bit of light rain for a few minutes, I decided to go into town. Packed my lunch and took off.

I had forgotten there was some kind of festival or street fair going on, but I strolled Main away from it. It again started to rain very lightly--more like a mist--and I hadn't brought my umbrella, but I was okay with that. However, it was too wet to eat across from the mission, so I bused home.  I ate my lunch in front of the television--Frasier, again--then took a short nap.

Had some of my fresh salmon for dinner; baking it with orange slices and Italian seasoning--very yum. Mike called about 8:00. He was going to pick up Violet from the airport after her three-day sojourn to Indonesia--it was Sumatra, not Borneo, by the way. Mike is going to Hong Kong for a few days, but  Violet will stay there, anyway. Her school is right across the street and Liz, the live-in helper, will be there. 

Can't wait to see Mike and Vivian for Thanksgiving. Vivian will be here for only a few days, but Mike will come for ten or so. Good--he can help Ellen with preparations. She asked me to make the pie--I usually only do pumpkin, but may also do an apple this year.  I'll bring the cream, vanilla, and hand mixer to her place to whip the cream. What, just buy the canned stuff?  That would constitute the rape of the pie!  

Saturday, November 02, 2024


Weight was up both at home (a pound, to 128.6) and T.O.P.S. (.05 of a pound to 129.1), but no big deal. There was a a mix-up about the meeting venue: leader Lennie had texted Bev that it would be at my place today, whereas that won't be until next week. Anyway, we straightened it out and indeed, we'll meet here next week while floors are being laid at Trinity Lutheran.

Didn't get home until fairly late, put the bath rugs in to wash, so didn't  finish breakfast until almost 11:00. I then--finally--dusted and mopped the hard floors and put the the rugs in to wash. I was alarmed when I got an email from some outfit called SDL Portal to the effect that my mercantile license was denied because I need a higher amount of insurance. I called Little Egg Zoning Office and left a message, but probably won't hear from them until Monday.  

Another annoying happenstance: Ellen texted me to the effect that she had tried to called, but got a message to the effect that I wasn't taking calls at this time. What--since when? After a great deal of travail with Cricket Wireless, I discovered that I had accidentally put the wrong debit numbers on my automatic payment thing. The resulting crapola is just too long and boring to explain, but I got it straightened out. 

Decided to eat in the middle of the complex, as the sun was shining, so packed my lunch and did so. Ellen called just as I was finishing and we had a good, long talk. She bought a new slow cooker and made some delicious chicken soup; we also discussed Thanksgiving when Mike and Vivian will be here. After I ate, I went to Von's for salmon and other goodies. While there, I ran into one of my neighbors, whom I had just seen around the complex. Yesterday, though, she greeted me pleasantly and we fell into conversation. Her name is Deidra (I'm sure that's not how it's spelled ,but Spellcheck doesn't seem to know, either) and she's lived here for more than twenty years. I enjoyed talking to her and hope we can get together for lunch sometime.  

As for darling little Vivian--not so little, she's 20 and in her senior year at U. of Hawaii--she texted me thanks for her Halloween card. She went to a dress-up concert on Halloween as the Black Swan and I asked her to send her picture:

And her little sister, Violet? At 17, she sure isn't moping around at home in Singapore. She and her scout troop are now in Borneo, according to her father, or in Bukit Lawang, Indonesia, according to her mother. I not quite clear on whether they're the same place or not. Here are the girls:

Good grief, that looks strenuous!

Friday, November 01, 2024


My goofy neighbor (not in the same building, luckily) called at 7:00 am to complain about plumbing and other topics of no interest to me at all. She wants to take me out for lunch--hey, I'll let her, as I think I deserve it after tolerating her nonsense.

Got picked up via the SCAN benefit, but was furious when the Uber guy told me he had been instructed to wait at the wrong place--the gate on Woodland Avenue! Over and over, I've called, emailed, and texted the SCAN person in charge and still she's sending them to the wrong place!

Anyway, he got here and took me to Primary Medical. It was about 12:30 when I got there, which meant I had ot wait because they close for lunch. Why they don't stagger lunches is beyond me. Anyway, the P.A. saw me and yes, my nose things look like basal cell, so I'll get a referral. She's new there and I hadn't seen her before, but she was so nice I'm going to send a note of appreciation about her. We started chatting, I asked if she was a native Californian--yes, indeed, right from the area. When she asked me the same, I answered with my little joke: "I was born in a different country." "Oh, which one?" "New Jersey." This is a good ice breaker and people get a kick out of it. She then told me she was going to New York shortly because her boyfriend was running in the NY marathon. That opened up an interesting discussion when I told her my daughter and son-in-law had run that and many others. It was fun. 

What wasn't so amusing was the fact that this was set up in the waiting room:

I realize medicine has more and more become simply a money-making enterprise, like supermarkets and shoe stores, but I was disgusted with this. Oh, well, I already knew Primary Medicine is a private company,, I just think this commercialism puts them over the top.

I had packed my lunch, so took the 6 bus directly to town after my appointment and ate at my usual place across from the mission. Just as I finished, niece Carolyn called me and we had a good chat. We'll going to set a time to go see Betty during the coming week and that will be good. We also talked about the possibility of attending the Byrne gathering in Florida in December--that's intriguing. Strolled around town for a while--it was very quiet--and bought two pairs of jeans. 

Home at 5:00 and, since I hadn't had lunch until 3:00, I wasn't hungry yet, so spent an hour making cabbage fritters. This isn't simple, as a head of cabbage has to be shredded, then combined with dry and wet ingredients and fried in olive oil. However, I now have a good supply of yummy fritters in the freezer and will enjoy them tonight and for the next month or so.

While I was preparing them, the doorbell rang and two monsters--one a dragon, the other some kind of hairy thing, came to the door. I don't buy candy for the kiddies, instead when I stopped at the bank the othr day, I got a lot of ones and I gave them each one. They were really excited--these are about 7-year-olds, so I was glad I had. Later, an adorable little girl came and I gave her the same and she said thank you very politely. 

I got a call from the social worker at Victoria Care, telling me that Jim's bed/floor sores were seen by a "wound specialist" (I didn't know the existed) and are healing nicely. Must get over to see him one of these days.

Today, after T.O.P.S., I'm determined to spend cleaning the hard floors and other household chores--I've neglected them long enough. 


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...