Thursday, June 30, 2022


Sort of a down day: I spent most of the morning reading, copying, and checking out the info from BOA re my rent and utilities payment.  Assembled the evidence, scanned it, and emailed it to the office. Also rearranged the freezer and labeled a lot of containers--makes it a lot easier to select.

I got an email back from Diane saying it was fine for Vickie and I to come over next Wednesday. Later, though, Vickie called to ask if maybe we could do it Friday, instead. I forgot it was Wednesday and asked Diane if we could come "tomorrow." She wrote back that she would rather Wednesday, at which point I wrote back to say I had meant Friday, not tom--. Oh, never mind. Turned out Friday's okay with her and we'll go tomorrow (the real tomorrow!).

I set out to walk to Smart 'n' Final after lunch, but--I assume because of the sleep problem--felt tired and turned back after a short distance. Tried to nap, but got restless, so I just got up and played my favorite Jewel Match Royale. 

Perked up a bit late in the afternoon after I walked over to Von's for a few things. I need human contact and, aside from emails and texts, I didn't have any until then. 

The Insomniac's Note

I've been having trouble sleeping lately, darn it. The night before last, the insomnia followed my usual pattern: I go to bed about 9:30, read for a half hour, then fall sleep with no problem. However, I then wake up between 2:00 and 3:00 for the usual, but after, can't get back to sleep. Think I'll try changing my routine a bit. My ideal get-up time is 5:30, but I have my phone/alarm set for 6:30; hardly ever do I sleep late enough to use it. But happy day--I slept well and just got up at 6:00--what a relief.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Tuesday At Ellen's

Yesterday was another of the recent fun ones: at Ellen's in Ojai. I took the bus that got  me to Ojai a few minutes after noon and Ellen picked me up. The heat was phenomenal; I think the lowest was 89 and from there it went up to the nineties and stayed there. However, she has central air, of course, so no prob.

When we walked into the gated side yard, Greg was just finishing the salmon on the outside grill. He accompanied that with roasted zucchini spears--both dishes, seasoned with his own combinations of spices and a light touch of oil.  Here's Greg with one of the plates:

The picture really doesn't due either Greg or the meal justice: It was superb. The salmon was wonderfully tender and, of course, perfectly seasoned with just the right amount of--I think--oregano, basil, rosemary (😄), and other herbs and spices. Greg never overdoes the seasoning; we talked about some dishes that are just too overloaded. Seasoning is supposed to be subtle and to enhance the food, not to stand alone on the taste buds. Anyway, it was scrumptious.

After we ate, Greg went to Java Joe's for coffee and to read, asking us to meet him there at 3:00, after  El and I went to Rain's Department Store and browsed. I impulsively bought a "decorating bulb" for cake icing. I'm thinking of having a little dinner party--possibly with Suzanne, El, and Greg--and will use it then. We then went back to El's and she went through the many grooming items she has and we filled two large bags with some she gave me. 

Met Greg and sat outside, although it was mighty hot. I had the counter person make me up a mocha/hazelnut concoction to my specifications and boy, did that taste good, albeit I was inhaling six million calories. We sat and chatted over our various coffees until it was time to go back to El's and wait for the Access Van. It got there, as promised at 4:45, I kissed my dear girl goodbye, and was ferried back to Ventura.   

What a neat day after a series of good ones and now I'm going to buckle down and address my various financial, business, clutter-clearing and other concerns. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2022


 Another full--and fun--day. Suzanne and I met outside our adjacent doors and took off for the Reagan Library at 9:00. Got there in less than an hour and had to wait a bit until it opened at 10:00. That was no problem, though, as we sat on comfortable benches among the lovely foliage and the spectacular views across the Simi Valley.

The exhibit--on World War II--was what I expected in some ways: Lots of worshipful praise for our heroes who sacrificed their lives for our freedoms and were, in every single human facet, far superior to those ugly monkeys, the Japanese, and even the Aryans, although they, at least, are white. Okay, it didn't actually say that, but the awed and adoring for "our boys" heavily implied it. 

However, there were plenty of interesting parts. Here's a fascinating one:

Incredibly, this kid was TWELVE years old when he enlisted in the navy. Later, he went into the marines. He married when he was fourteen and had his first child at fifteen. I hope his weird story can be read, if enlarged.

Another interesting story was "Maidenform And The Birds," which chronicles the story of carrier pigeons during the war. It seems a bra-type contraption was invented for paratroopers to hold the birds against them, then release them as they fell.

Anyway, it was okay, but I thought there were three notable omissions: 1. the very active peace movement and organizations of the time; 2, the chaplains of at least three three major religions; and 3. the home front, including the scarcity of gas and metal, plus rationing of food. 

We had lunch before we left and some good conversation, about the war, wars in general, and less charged topics. Home about 2:15, which suited me fine. I changed from jeans into shorter pants and bused to town. Called Ellen and I'll take a bus to Ojai today and the Access Van home. She told me it'll be over 90 there today, so to call her when I get to Von's and she'll pick me up and drive us the mile to her place. Just strolled around and enjoyed it.  

Home by five and was waiting for Paula to pick me up for rehearsal at 6:45. (Add got info from boa)

Monday, June 27, 2022

A Day Among The Plebians

What a fun day! I showered, dressed, then walked over to Vickie's at 11:15 (brought her some corn bread), and off we went to Bennie's birthday party. We walked into the Hill Street Cafe and the first person I saw was James, Bennie's brother and guardian. I had been in touch with him via email regarding SO-FI's various transgressions, but had never met him in person. Here he is with Bennie:

And a few more party pictures:

Anyway, Vickie and I had a lot of fun:

James told party-goers to order whatever they wanted on the menu, but please only one drink. Since Vickie isn't drinking alcohol until next week,* she suggested that after my orange blossom (see pic), I could have the Chardonnay she'd order with my meal. Hey, don't have to ask me twice and that's what we did. I like the eggs Benedict I've had several times there and that's what I ordered. We had a great time meeting and chatting with others, many of whom had worked with Bennie at the county; he was with them for forty years.

After the felicitations, the cake (oh, yum!) and the goodbyes, Vickie asked if I might want to go to O'Leary's, a nearby bar, and play pool. Yes, I'm serious. Vick had been a champion (ranked seven in some kind of system in which top is ten) years ago, which I knew about. Did I want to play? Don't be funny. But did I want to watch her play? Sure! We walked into O'Leary's and I thought I was back bar-hopping as a teenager in A.C.**

It was such fun! I ordered (another) Chardonnay and Vickie had a no-booze beer. She played several games of pool with two guys who had been playing each other. (The idea is for the winner to continue to play; loser is eliminated.) Vickie won a game or two and also got compliments from on-lookers for several shots. It occurred to me that sometimes I get bored with "polite society" and those who favor it. I get tired of staid, settled, affluent people who had high-level careers and go to church and wouldn't dream of saying the F word or sitting in a bar watching ordinary people--maybe even Republicans or fundamentalists or those who work with their hands!--play pool. I loved it.  

*Vickie wants to end her abstinence then because that marks a full year during which she didn't drink. We agreed she's compulsive, like me. 

** This is such a long post, I'll put this reminiscent part on the take-it-or-leave-it basis below. I have no idea why the type is larger!

Did we actually do that? Yes. We couldn't have been more than sixteen or seventeen, since we were in high school, but Mary Martin, Janie Moylan, Joanne Eisele, Jeanne Dollard, Betty and I, and lots of others would tell our parents we were sleeping over somebody's house, then visit the bars and nightclubs. It's incredible that we were even admitted, let alone served booze, but we were. Once, Mary, Joanne, Teddy Mooney, and I went to New York on the train and stayed in a hotel overnight. That was because the legal drinking age there was 18; by this time, we had graduated, so I guess we were that age then. We stayed at a hotel in Manhattan, then went by bus to Greenwich Village to a bar. I clearly remember ordering and drinking a whiskey sour; what else we had I don't know.  

Sunday, June 26, 2022


It turned out to be a good day. Got up at 5:00 and following my regular routine, had my coffee and did laptop stuff, then got dressed. Before breakfast, I made the corn bread and put it in the oven. After I ate, I cooked up the pudding, whipped the cream, and set the table.

 Diane got here about a half hour early, which was good, as we had a chance to sit and chat for a bit over a glass of wine. Jim arrived at his usual 12:30 and joined us with a glass of red while I heated up the meal. I decided to go with the garlic chicken, after all, and it went over big, along with the sides. Certainly, so did the chocolate pudding and whipped cream.

We relaxed on the couch--I always think that's more comfortable after a meal than sitting at a messy table. Since we were having such lively conversation--well, Diane and I were--I didn't introduce the scripts and that was just as well. Every once in a while, Jim would say something, but as Diane remarked later, it was hard to get him to actually converse--that is, engage orally back and forth with other people. He left about 3:00 and the Access Van came for Diane at 3:30, which worked out well. I walked her to the front and off she went with thanks.

Cleaned up the kitchen, then went over to Von's. Since I'm a "member," every once in a while, they give me something free. This was a package of chicken sausage which I put it away when I got home. Went over to Suzanne's with some corn bread and the remaining pudding and whipped cream. We sat and enjoyed some neighborhood gossip for a bit. I'll bring some corn bread to Vickie today before we go to Bennie's party. 


Saturday, June 25, 2022


For the first time in living memory (ha!), I skipped T.O.P.S. and so what!

I decided to make applesauce to add to lunch for Diane and Jim today. Since I always have citrus with my oatmeal at breakfast and I had only one orange, I ran over to Von's before breakfast for another. But oh, happy day, they finally got pixie tangerines in! I bought two pounds and went happily home; cut up the orange to add to the applesauce and enjoyed a tangerine with breakfast.

I was sorry to get a text from Diane about 9:00, saying that her legs (neuropathy) were worse and she wasn't sure she could come today; she had a doctor's appointment at 2:30. Happily, though, when she called after she went, they seemed better. She's coming on the Access Van, rather than the bus, and I'm glad about that. I told her to call me when the van gets to the front entrance and I'll meet her out there.

Dust mopped, then Bona-mopped the hard floors, washed the bathroom rugs, dusted the wood stuff, and otherwise cleaned up. I decided to serve sandwiches instead of the garlic chicken--I think the weather is too warm for a hot meal.  Besides the applesauce, I'll also serve crystal pickles, which I got out of the freezer, and chocolate pudding with whipped cream for dessert. Of course, I have red and white wine for them and beer for me.

After lunch, I bused to a shop near the transit center. Didn't buy anything there, but went to BevMo for the small-bottle quartet of Chardonnay. I've been having one in the evening while I watch the hour of my current favorite show, Better Call Saul, thereby violating my don't-drink-alone rule, so shoot me.  

I dug out a few of my scripts, in case Diane would like to "read," as Jim and I have been doing. I won't push it, but sometimes conversation lags and maybe this will perk things up.

Friday, June 24, 2022


I was pleased when Ellen called in the morning and invited me over.  I'm booked up every day until Tuesday, so that's when I'll go.

In preparation for meeting Jeanette for lunch, I looked up the menu of the Lazy Dog restaurant. What I've noticed more and more lately, is that restaurants are no longer listing prices on their on-line menus. That's just one more ploy to get as much as possible out of the consumer, joining the you order/you pay/you add tip practice before you even sit down. The Lazy Dog is no exception.

I took the 6 to a certain stop, then walked the rest of the way (a mile or a bit more) to The Collection. Got there without difficulty a little early and Jeanette arrived shortly after. We sat outside on a typically lovely day; I had half a grilled cheese and soup, plus a Blue Moon. We talked and talked and talked. Jeanette has an interesting background. She was born in the U.S. of Chinese descent and told me of the typical old-time Chinese bone-headed ideas: that boys went to college, but there was no reason for girls to go. She has three sisters and one brother (who naturally was sent to college paid by  his parents) and she and her sister financed their own way (Jeanette graduated from Berkeley). I told her that wasn't much different from my own Irish/German family. It was a given that my three brothers would go, but although I was never told I couldn't, I was never encouraged to do so. Instead, I went to night school for 22 years while I had a husband, a house, four children, and a full-time job. Got my bachelors degree when I was 54, which I resent to this day. Am I holding a grudge? Damn right.

Jeanette is 75 (looks younger), married to a Caucasian, no children, is borderline diabetic although she's very slim, does a lot of "spinning" and Zoom exercise classes (although she's anything but the elegant Asian type), and I enjoyed her company.  We stayed two hours talking, then said goodbye. She asked if she could take me home, but I wanted to browse in the shops a bit, so declined. Looked around in a few stores, but didn't buy anything and took the 6 home.

Stopped at Von's and got a box of chocolate pudding (the kind you cook, of course, the instant kind is vile), plus heavy cream to whip for topping. I was considering making my signature ground turkey stir-fry, but decided on Viola! garlic chicken, instead. I don't feel like making my own and I will add homemade applesauce and from scratch cornbread, not the Jiffy stuff I gave Jim last time.     

Note: Neither Julie, Lora, nor Bobbi are going to T.O.P.S. today, so I called leader Lennie and told her I'm going to skip, too. It won't hurt to miss once in a while and I don't feel like busing and walking there. 

Thursday, June 23, 2022


I omitted sweetener from my morning coffee, so I could go over to Quest in Von's and get my blood test. I walked over at 7:00 and found a man waiting for his. He had an appointment, I didn't, and I thought there'd be no problem being a drop-in.

There was: Somebody had a 7:20 and the guy was still getting his, so I left. Went on the Quest website but wasn't able to get an early one until a week from today, the thirtieth. Oh, well, ignorance is bliss, I guess, when it comes to low platelets. 

After breakfast, I walked the overpass to the library branch to return my latest Kellerman. Back to my favorite non-fiction, I found the interesting auto-biographical Nowhere Girl/ A Childhood On The Run. Stayed for a bit to read the first few chapters, then checked it out.

From there, I walked to Ralph's, still in search of tangerines; they didn't have any, either. The Market? Nope. That means there are no tangerines in Ventura, California, because I've already checked Von's, Target, and Smart 'n' Final. But isn't it summertime and doesn't California grow more citrus than any other place, barring, maybe, Florida? Are they rotting on the trees or what? So I had to settle for half a grapefruit with my oatmeal for breakfast--good, but not nearly as good as pixie tangerines. 

I stopped at Suzanne's and we discussed with glee the anonymous note complaining about somebody who used dog waste to--well, to disgust their neighbors, I've never seen such a thing and we agreed maybe the writer is coo-coo. Called Olivia to tell her about it and left a message. Ellen called with her take on my return email to SO-FI and I incorporated some of her advice into my answer.

Other than that, I looked at the flash drives I just found.  Some concerned of the Dionne Quintuplets and other's were of Mike's family. It was sweet seeing Vivian and Violet as babies--now about to enter college and almost fourteen!

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Tuesday, Town, And Bizarro World

About 11:00, I took my cart and bused to town to the place LaVonne told me about that has reduced groceries on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Got ground turkey, apples, peppers, and zucchini.  Then--I hadn't intended to--but stopped at a shop and found two nice blouses. I want cotton, but don't want to iron, and these are a good compromise of a cotton blend.  Strolled around for a bit--beautiful sunny day--and when I was ready to go home, was delighted to find that the more convenient bus stop in town has been restored. For a time, boarding had changed to a block away because of some kind of construction.

E-mailed Diane and invited her to lunch on Saturday; I'll ask Jim, too. I had expected her to take the Access Van here, but when she wrote back to accept, she asked for the bus schedule. Hmm...I don't know if she'll be able to walk here from the bus stop with her neuropathy. Called her after dinner and yes, there should be no problem walking the few blocks. However, I asked her to call me as she was disembarking and I'd meet her and walk her here. 

Called Primary Medical to ask about my blood test, as I hadn't gotten an order for it. Dr. L. had probably already mentioned this, but I forgot: She just sent it to Quest electronically. Okay, I'll go over to Von's in an hour, when they open at 7:00 and get it. 

The bizarre part: When I got the paper just now, I found on my doormat an anonymous typed complaint about people in apartment 604. It charged that they don't clean up after their dog. There was one at Suzanne's door, too, and I assume he, she, or they left one for every tenant in this building, maybe the whole complex. It might very well be from a woman Suzanne has mentioned who was angry about dogs being allowed to run loose in the grassy area outside my windows. I must call Olivia and tell her. She had lived in that section and when we talked the other day, she had complained about a "Joey," who lived downstairs from her in--yes, 604. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Monday, A Meld, And My Wedding

Washed the linens, remade the bed, and cleaned up a bit. Edited the long email I'm sending back to SO-FI (and oh, yes, I added it to the chronicle I'm keeping on the creeps).

Took my cart to The Market, then Wal-Mart for veggies, sponges, and stuff.  Bused home and had lunch. Neighbor Michelle called to tell me her friend, Debbie, also in the complex, had gotten the same eviction notice I did--saying she didn't pay the rent in February! She did, of course, and has proof. Michelle said she'd keep me posted and I promised to do the same. Called Ellen to tell her this latest wrinkle and we chatted; also emailed El the one to SO-FI to get her opinion.

Olivia called later on the same topic (she has moved since); she's convinced they're trying to get rid of older people. Seems far-fetched, but who knows? They certainly have a peculiar accounting method--if they have any.  

Went to CVS for cream sherry, in which I like t indulge in the evening. Got home and ran into Leah, my young neighbor from upstairs; I told her the saga of the rent thing and she said she'd show me the app on the resident's portal she uses for rent. I may or may not want to do it, but will install it. Today, I think I'll ask Diane and Jim if they want to come over for lunch on Saturday. 

Rehearsal last night and to me, it was the "coming together" one. This is something that seems to happen (if the company is any good) sometime during the preparation for a show. I mean a  particular rehearsal during which the script, the actors, and the overall performance just "meld." Most are at least partially off-book, we relax into our roles, and we eagerly engage with each other. For better or worse, we're a company, and we're in this together, no matter how grueling it gets. It's like a marriage--a polygynist one--only not so fraught. Speaking of which, this would have been my sixty-fourth anniversary. 

Monday, June 20, 2022

Sunday, Sleep, Suzanne, and Gaten

A slow day, which was just as well, considering I woke 3:45, then couldn't get back. I finally got out of bed at 5:00, but was pretty draggy all day.  Didn't do much but this and that on the laptop and a few clean-up chores. I was determined not to address any more of my problem with the apartment company; will return my attention to that today.

Ellen called and we had a good chat. She and Greg got a kick out the card the kittles, Sessie and Gwennie, sent Greg for Fathers Day. (Me? No, sir, the kitties sent it!) Son in Tokyo sent pictures and videos of adorable Mr. Kl, who will turn 9 in September. Son himself will turn--well, a little more than 9--next week.

Went next door at 4:30 to Suzanne's for our little social session; Vickie came, too, of course, and we caught up with each other's doings. Vickie said she had called her birth father for Fathers Day. He and her mother were divorced when Vickie was three and she had always considered her stepfather her real Dad, but she loves her bio-Dad, too. I was intrigued when Vickie told us his second wife had skated in the Ice Capades. I thought I may have seen her in one of their performances in Atlantic City, but then I remembered that Vickie is only two years younger than my older son, so that seems unlikely. By that time, it had been years since I had seen the Ice Capades.

Suzanne served some of the cheese, crackers, and jam her relatives sent for her retirement and it was good. As we always do, we brought our own drinks, which works out fine for all of us. Home, I watched the rest of the first episode of Web Of Make-Believe, then switched to Stranger Things. However, that was one of the earlier episodes, when Gaten was a little boy, but I don't think I want to keep watching for the years until now. I'll try to get the current version, now that he's 20. Constant Reader (that's you, Pat!) may recall that I was in Steel Magnolias with his mother, Heather. 

I came across a recent pic of Gaten and Mum, Heather. and how she looked when we were on stage together It's quite a contrast from twelve years ago when were on stage together. (I'm standing second from left, Heather is seated on left.)


Sunday, June 19, 2022


Got up a little earlier than I like, but not by much, 5:00. After breakfast, I did a wash, then started researching SO-FI and found some interesting stuff, which I'll record on my chronicle of woes with that Son of a Beast entity.  I added to the return email I'll send to Jasmine and will add more.

Did a wash, then showered and washed my hair. I decided to dress up a bit for the reception at the museum at 3:00 and wore this:

The skirt isn't as long as it looks here; it has buttons down the front and I think is fairly slenderizing. Added the Chinese pendent I got in Hong Kong.  Jim picked me up at 12:45 and off we went to Diane's. She had asked me to show Jim around before we came up to her apartment, so after she buzzed us in, I did that. Went first to the meeting room which has a table tennis table, a pool table, jigsaw puzzles, and so on. That opens to a very large and attractive patio, with lawn chairs, umbrellas, barbeques, and some beautiful- plantings.  On the second floor, I showed him the "movie and library room," then we headed to Diane's for lunch.

I brought the wine--white for Diane and me, red for Jim--and Diane had a lovely light lunch of shrimp salad, asparagus, and strawberries, with a muffin for dessert. She and I also, of course, enjoyed the Chardonnay, which was a cut above what I usually drink.

We had good conversation ranging over a number of topics, including, of course, philosophy. Diane said she had seen the first episode of Web of Make-Believe, etc., and she was so horrified she had to turn it off.  She insists that it's a documentary, but because my fellow actor, Anthony C., plays a character in it, I didn't see how that can be and insisted Diane was wrong. However, see later. 

We stayed until about 3:00, then Jim and I left for the museum. Diane had been nice enough to provide Jim with an application for Silver Crest--now it's up to him to get off his can and pursue it. I'm not going to act as his housing agent anymore.

There was a nice crowd at the museum's opening reception and we had a few nibbles, then scanned some of the art. Stella had texted me she'd be there and we chatted with her for a few minutes. We didn't stay long and Jim dropped me off at home about 6:00.

After a sketchy dinner (a chicken thigh and half an acorn squash), I sat down with NetFlix and found Web of Make-Believe. Was my face red: It is, indeed, a documentary, with a few reenactment vignettes and Anthony appeared in one of them. Talk about small parts: His lasted about one minute in total and he had no lines. He simply appeared sitting on a couch, then getting up. But hey, it was a paying gig and he appeared in a real show.

Although Diane thought it was so terrifying, it seemed to me a bore. It concerns young men and women who have a kind of cult of gaming and call police hotlines to report some bogus horrendous occurrence in progress. This prompts SWAT teams to rush to the given address with guns drawn and the gamers can witness it on video. In the piece in which Anthony appears, a wrong address was given, the resident comes to the door and is inexplicably shot dead by an officer. I turned it off after seeing Anthony and may not bother to resume. 

Saturday, June 18, 2022


My boy, Mike, in Bangkok, having lunch a few days ago with his cousin, Chrissy, my dear departed brother's daughter. He was there on business--so good they could get together.

As for me, I continue to endure the crapola visited on me by the SO-FI organization. I've chronicled this in an Office document, so won't include it here.

T.O.P.S.: Down 2.2 pounds at home, so 128.4; down 1.8 at meeting, so to 129.4. Julie picked me up, Sharon held forth, so the usual. Interestingly, Julie, who had been accountant at the yacht club here, told me the situation I'm enduring is not at all unusual: payments are processed when the bank sends paper checks, but they can get lost, be an posted on the wrong account, or otherwise mislaid. Hey, maybe there's fraud involved--seems unlikely, but could somebody be living it up on my dime? 

Jim called to remind me he doesn't have uninsured motorist insurance, so did Diane and I really want to have him pick us up?  After a heated exchange, I finally told him I'd get back to him. I looked the question up on line, then called the state insurance department. Spoke to someone and yes, that's the case. However, I was told, I have health insurance, so in case of an accident, I'd be covered. Called Jim back to tell him*and we firmed up plans to go to Diane's today. Unfortunately, when I spoke to her, she said her neuropathy has become worse and she thinks she won't be able to go with us to the reception at the museum. She asked me to show Jim around Silvercrest before we go to her apartment for lunch, so that should work.

Spent a lot of the morning in formulating my return email to SO-FI, then escaped and bused to Target. I took back the nylon crossbody bag I had bought (the second one; the first was from Macy's), as I've decided to keep the one I bought in town the other day. 

Via text, Suzanne invited Vickie and me to a little social session tomorrow at 4:30. I texted back I'd surely be there and had something interesting to tell them. (I was referring to my on-going prosecution by SO-FI, of course.) A short time later, she stopped over, curious about the topic. I showed her my eviction notice--think I'll have it framed and hung on the wall--and we had a good long talk, which included the conflict with the Church and the order of the Immaculate Mary, re an abortion.

I finally bit the bulletin and ordered NetFlix. I was delighted last night to find Better Call Saul and started watching from the beginning, although I've already seen that. Can't wait to see Anthony in the Web of Make-Believe movie.

*Why in hell should I have been the one to research the question--why didn't he do it? But oh, well, at least we know...

Friday, June 17, 2022


What a day. I'm not going to chronicle most of it here, but am keeping a record on a Word document of what I've been going through with SO-FI, the huge organization that owns this place. It involved a notice at my front door yesterday morning, an immediate trip to the office, a walk to the bank, phone calls and emails that chronicle the idiotic and amusing--if it wasn't so incredibly infuriating--situation with the apartment managers from Hell.

So speaking of: I went to the office early on to rant and rave, then walked to the bank and Wal-Mart. Had a quick lunch, showered and re-dressed, and took off for town and Happy Hour with LaVonne at 4:00. At LaVonne's suggestion, she and I met at a newish place on Main called Bank of Italy (I can't seem to get away from banks), which is actually a bar/restaurant. We sat outside, of course, as it was a pleasantly warm, although overcast, day. She had a Shirley Temple, which they didn't have on the menu, but made up for her and I a beer; we both just had appetizers of "mushroom toast."   

I was surprised to hear LaVonne hadn't been in town for months. She's a bus person, too (we're a breed apart), and I go there so frequently, I just assumed she did. Anyway, we had a pleasant time chatting, but I left at 5:00, since I had rehearsal at 7:00. Walked to the bus stop and rode home.

Had just a bite, then was picked up by Paula at 6:45. Rehearsal went well--Paula and I were both thrilled that it was just us and our playlet, not the full cast of the full show--and we rehearsed for two hours. Shannon, writer and director, gave us various tips and pointers, and it went well. So far, we're without a set, but that will come soon. Since my part is so small (but, as they say, "meaty") and I come on at the end, I had time to observe who's good--most of them--and who isn't (shall be nameless). 

I chatted with Ben, who played the young husband of my granddaughter in Welcome Home, in the last Fractured Actors production three years ago. Ben is a terrific actor and an truly interesting person. He's only 22 and is engaged in walking across America--literally; he walked to Texas most recently. He identities as "homeless," although he's nothing like the sad, mostly older people we ignore on the street. He said his parents now live in Mexico (although he isn't Latino) How does he eat? He'll take temp jobs here and there and may--or may not--have some money stashed away. Where does he sleep? Sometimes on the beach, sometimes in paid accommodations. Ben is obviously very bright and articulate, and he's a pleasure to know. 

Home at 9:00 and I just watched a bit more of a documentary on Dominick Dunne. I always like him as a writer and he had an interesting life, filled with celebrities, money, high-living, and tragedy. He died several years ago. I finally bit the bullet and signed up for NetFlix, as I want to see Anthony in Web of Make-Believe

Note: I had phone calls yesterday with Ellen, Olivia, Carolyn (we discussed my visit to Betty, of course), and my co-resident friends, David W., and Michelle.  It's just too long and involved to elaborate on them here, so I won't. I also called Primary Medical twice and both times, was put on hold so long, I hung up. (Dr. L. had said she wanted to look at my low platelet count, but I wasn't given a lab request for that.) Will call again today, damnit. 

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Betty, Anthony, And First Rehearsal

I got the 9:43 am bus to Santa Barbara, then an SB city bus to Alamar Street. It was so simple and I was pleased to see a bus stop on the other side of State Street that would take me right back to the transit center. From there, it's only a block to the place where the bus back to Ventura comes int.

Got to Villa Alamar about 11:30, to find Betty in the recreation room with others, while "Don" led them through some chair exercises. Several attendees were sound asleep, including Betty. I sat next to her, but didn't wake her.  I quipped back and forth with Don, a nice guy and about the age of most of the residents. I continue to be intrigued with Jan, an attractive blonde, surely no older than her forties. She seems completely and perfectly normal, so I wonder why she's there. Betty awoke, but she, of course, wasn't "there" in the other sense. Whether she was surprised to see me or not, is hard to say, since she has become so robotic.

When the program was over, it was lunchtime. An aide and I guided Betty into the lunch room--even with the walker, she's very unsteady on her feet--and I asked if I could buy lunch for myself. I was told there was no need, and I was brought the same lunch as the residents. This consisted of canned string beans, a small mound of salad (certainly the kind you buy in a bag) and a chicken patty. Actually, I thought the patty was pretty good, although maybe that's because I was hungry. Betty, however, barely picked at the food; later, an aide and I fed her some, but I'm afraid it's a lost cause.

After, we sat in the atrium for a bit, then went into the rec room again. Several residents were in there, including "Rick" who clearly thought he was in charge of the facility. He was directing people where to sit--they paid no attention--and when I was about to leave, protested it wasn't time yet. I said something or other to placate him and made my escape.

Got a bus almost immediately back to the transit center, but had to wait a half hour for the one back to Ventura. On my way there, I got a text from Shannon, of Fractured Actors, asking if I could come for a reading at 7:00. I was a little annoyed at such short notice--it was already 3:30--but decided not to get into a snit and texted back I would go. 

Had a quick bite, then took off for the 21 bus, then the 11 bus, then a walk to Palma Street. I was pleased to see some of my old buddies from the Speakeasy show, including Anthony Contreaes, who gave me a big hug. We're all thrilled to know he has a part in an upcoming Netflix called Web of Make Believe: Death, Lies, and the Internet. He said he was in the first episode--I'm not sure if he gets bumped off or not. And what a neat guy he is: just as full of joie de vivre as he looks:   

 Also met a newcomer, Paula, whom I like a lot. She took me home and said she'd pick me up tonight.

But as for the script and, in particular, my part: I'm debating whether to tell Shannon at rehearsal tonight that I'm going to pull out. It's really very small--two single lines and two longer speeches at the end of the short--and frankly, not very funny--playlet. 

We sat in a circle and started off with that one, Interstellar Galactic Management, LLC. The other four plays were much longer and generally, more amusing. Some of the actors were very, very good, but the one who, for some inexplicable reason, was given the part for which I auditioned--was truly lousy. I know Meryl Streep isn't shaking in her boots at my acting, but hey--I'm was a helluva lot better than she was. (Sour grapes? Damn right.)   

Wednesday, June 15, 2022


Did a white wash after breakfast. While it was swishing around, I swished around mentally, trying to resolve my Windows problem: I can't seem to get back into just Open Word, which is my word-processing program. Windows keeps interfering and I can't quite understand what son Patrick advised me to do. 

I then dry- and wet-mopped the hard floors, which I should have done before this. Washed the bathroom rugs and otherwise spruced up the place. 

Jim called at 7:00 am to ask me to remind him of our plans for Saturday. I did and when I asked how his class went (summer session started on Monday), he said the class was cancelled because of low sign-ups. I fear that bodes ill for the fall semester, also.

After re-making the bed, I took my cart across the overpass/walking path to the park and the little lending library. It's been some time since I've been there, so there was a treasure trove of books. I took four and put in five. I'm still on Kellerman's latest and I still already had several I haven't started yet, but I'll get to them.

Sat for a time on a bench and called Nancy. We had a good talk and she was interested to hear of Jim's and my upcoming visit to Diane's, then the reception at the museum. She asked me to give Diane her regards, which I will. I was sorry to hear she still rarely leaves home; her health is still precarious. 

From the park, I bused to the mall. Got two bottles of Chardonnay at BevMo and bused home. By that time, it was almost 3:00 and I still hadn't had lunch. Had a vegan one of potatoes, broccoli, and the onion and tomato mixes I had made on Monday. 

After that, unusually for me, I lay down for a nap, only to be awakened by Jasmine in the office, calling to say I owed a utilities bill from August, 2021. I couldn't barely understand what the hell she was talking about, then reminded her that I had asked to have whatever cockamamie stuff they came up with in writing. I was steamed. I immediately called Ellen, and calmed down a bit. She advised me to send Jasmine and/or manager (oh, I forgot, it's "community director," of all the idiotic and grandiose terms!) an email reminding them that I  had asked for any financial question to be put in writing. I argued a bit, but then decided to do so.

Actually, I looked up on my blog and had documented the other encounters with the office re rent and utilities. Will send to El to substantiate my claims. Hmm...of course, Ellen isn't the one hounding me.... Also sent an email to my friend and co-resident, David W. to see what his recent dealing with management have been.

Called blogger friend, Pat R. and we talked a bit about her Christmas show.  I apologized for not realizing she's interested in holiday-themed playlets, not general ones. I'll see if I can come up with anything pertinent I might suggest.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

WinCo, Wal-Mart, And The Potato Family

Suzanne and I left for WinCo at 9:00 and I stocked up with the bulky things that are sometimes hard for me to get home. Also got zucchini, as I want to try a roasted wedged recipe that looks good. I managed to get several other items, plus a few things at a store nearby.

Home by 10:00 and I started food prep activity. Sliced up tomatoes, added a few spices and popped them in the over. Fine-sliced about a pound of onions and did the same. (It made me feel virtuous because I put them in the oven at the same time, thereby using only the electricity I would have for only one.)

After lunch, I walked to Wal-Mart to ask if they have a VHS player I could use for the tapes I have. They don't, but I found they will transfer the tapes to DVDs for about half what the guy I spoke to the other day charges. Was also told they will transfer slides to DVDs and I'll be taking some of my old slides there as soon as I have time.

Speaking of time: Once I got home, I realized it was churlish of me to tell Pat I wouldn't let her see my little skits and playlets, so I changed my mind. Unfortunately, I spent hours trying to send the scripts via email and they just won't line up properly. I may try scanning and attaching the pages, but that would take quite a while. Possibly, I'll just take Pat's advice and simply send her the hard copies. I started copying and damned if  my printer didn't suddenly start issuing copies in very dim type. My ink cartilages are full, so I don't know what the problem is. I called Canon, but their "technical support team are not in." Guess they're on the east coast and I called too late. I'll try to get to them today.  

Incredibly, when I looked at Facebook yesterday, I saw a "You Have Memories With Dan McMahon." I looked and there, on June 13, 2015, I read that I had posted the fact that Dan wrote The Potato Family skit is "all over the Internet." Hmm...I just googled it and saw lots of references, but not my skit.

Put in a load of wash after dinner and just now, at 6:00 am, another--sheets and whites.   

Braggy Note: For only the third or fourth time, I got the Wordle word--"donor"--on my SECOND try. I actually know someone, Sarah H., who got it on the FIRST try--sheer dumb luck, unless she has an in with the NYTimes.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Sunday With Roger Ebert

Damn, I'm getting downright decadent!

It's true, I walked to Smart 'n' Final (coffee, acorn squash, and Chardonnay) in the morning, then back, so got three miles in. But after lunch...

...after lunch, I sat for three hours* and watched Life Itself, a documentary on Roger Ebert. Several years ago, I read his autobiography of the same name, and in my estimation, it was one of the best. I favor biographies maybe more than autos-; somehow, writing about oneself seems to bring out all the subtle and not-so-subtle pats on the back by the author. Ebert's was something different.

He was, of course, a superb writer, something that isn't always recognized, maybe because he was "just" a film critic. But his stuff was invariably thoughtful, insightful, and instilled with a sense of--well, life itself.   

Suzanne texted me to ask if I want to go to WinCo today and I need a few things, so I will. Ellen called on her way home from work--yes, it was Saturday, but she had a few more things to do. After the year-end teacher meeting today, she's off until the end of August--YAY!    

On my way yesterday, I took this right outside where I live on Telegraph Road. I love the look of the farmland and the hills:

*The only reason it took so long is because of the commercials. I know, I know, I can get Plex without them, but I don't like it enough to pay for it. Plex, however, seems to have the worse operation--the exact same commercial frequently runs three times in succession. I don't think there are any Weinersnitzel restaurants around here, but if there were and they were giving away free food, I'd run the other way.

Sunday, June 12, 2022


Darn, for the first time in weeks, I had trouble sleeping--woke at about 3:00 am and couldn't get back for a while. Finally dropped off and got up at 6:30. I'm pretty sure that was the result of getting little exercise on Friday.

Suzanne stopped over to tell me she had bought a blood pressure machine and I can use it anytime I want. (But why would I want to?) She also mentioned that her family had sent her some kind of cracker/cheese/fruit/etc. tray and she'll serve it the next time she, Vickie, and I get together for one of our social sessions. (Now she's talkin'!)

I put together the ingredients for meatballs early, then stowed the combination in the fridge while I walked over to Von's for rotini and good bread. Added the egg, bread crumbs, and seasonings to the ground meat (chicken, not beef), shaped them into balls and browned them in olive oil. Put them and the sauce in my big saucepan and set it to simmer for twenty minutes or so. Boiled and drained the rotini, and combined it with the sauce. I set it aside until we were ready for lunch.

Jim came at his usual 12:30 and we read scripts again, this time, comedies Tootie Looks at Real Estate and Playing Games, then the dramas Imposter and Telephone (first version). Whether Jim's delivery has improved or not is debatable, but he enjoys it and so do I, so--well, so be it.

After, we sat on the couch and chatted and I asked if he wanted to go to Diane's next Saturday--for lunch, then the three of us could go to the reception at the museum. He said he did want to, although I know his classes start tomorrow. Called Diane and we made the date. I offered to bring lunch, but she insisted she'd serve something; I'll bring the wine, red and white. I had called Janette, whom I had sat with at BCNN, she called me back, and we'll meet at the Lazy Dog in Oxnard for lunch on Thursday.

Jim stayed until almost 4:00, then at my request, dropped me off at the mall, as I wanted to get at least some walking in. Went to Macy's, then Target and there saw a crossbody bag that may be what I want. Bought it and will see if it'll work for me or not.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Nuthin' Much

Aside from T.O.P.S., ain't nuthin' much happening. Weight-wise, I went up--I knew I would--by 1.06 at home to 130.6 and by 1.03 at T.O.P.S. to 131.2. That's out of my comfort zone, so I'm going to quit having the cream sherry at night. 

There were six of us--Lora's back from one of her many trips (she's a travel agent) and Sharon brought back my coat. The meeting, if you can call it that, was the usual snooze fest; Julie brought in an article on the importance of protein (oh, really? I thought you were supposed to eat bonbons all day)* and Sharon had her usual electrifying news (little grandson did something). Didn't get breakfast until 10:00, as usual on Fridays. 

Went over to Von's for pixie tangerines from Ojai--they're fabulous and I have one with my oatmeal every morning for breakfast. Also bought frozen veggies: spinach, string beans, and Brussels sprouts. Took some stuff out of the freezer to make for lunch today, assuming Jim will be here.

Shamefully, I lazed around a lot of the rest of the day. I was fine, not achy or sleepy, I just didn't feel like going anywhere or doing anything productive. Therefore, I sat and played games on the laptop. Also read "MedPage" and found this hysterically funny video by young doctor, Dr. Mike:

Ellen called--today was her last day of work/school with the kids. She'll go in on Monday for staff day and that'll be it. We had a good talk, then I went out to get the mail and found a sympathy card from her regarding Helen's death. Called her back to thank her. I want to call Larry today to see how he's doing and what the funeral plans are.

Called Jim and, as ever, invited him to lunch today. I think I'll make it myself this time; I have ground turkey for meatballs, Ragu for sauce, and will get some pasta. I also picked  up cornmeal and will make proper cornmeal bread, not the odious stuff from a mix. 

As I constantly bemoan, the Ventura Star doesn't publish on Saturday. However, since I pay for it, I get the digital edition. Reading about the county fair (I hope to participate in the western poem contest), I saw Barbara Quaid, who's a friend of mine. I haven't seen her for awhile, but we're both in Soaring Spirits and I've met her otherwise for lunch a few times. The story noted that she has retired (she's 72) as CEO of the fair and her replacement is on her former staff. Here's Barb on the right, meeting the press yesterday:

Friday, June 10, 2022


Walked to The Market again, then to Wal-Mart for Fathers' Day cards and Brussels sprouts. I wanted to also find the place I saw on-line that can transfer my Dionne Quintuplets UHS tape to--well, something else. They're listed as on Montalvo Square, but I couldn't find them. Called and was told they're actually in town on Main Street. As we talked, I started thinking that maybe I had already had this done. Will look in my collection to see.

I also want to ask about getting some of my old slides printed up. There are some from sixty years ago to the month: Patrick's third birthday party and Helen was there.  I want to see if I might have them in "photos" on this computer. It just seems somehow sweetly precious to see her so long ago--and to know how many long and happy years she and Larry had to live. Here she is, probably 15 years ago, when I visited them in Florida:

After lunch, I spent three hours--three hours, from 2:00 to 5:00!--transferring my Dionne Quintuplet pictures from "pictures" to "photos." Now I'm not sure what to do with them. Then I spent another hour transferring other pics into "albums." Damn, I haven't sat that long without getting up for ages and I don't want to.

Luckily, though, I slept well, as I have been for several weeks, so that's good.

Thursday, June 09, 2022


Walked to The Market in the morning for cauliflower, tomatoes, and toothpaste; walked back, so got three in.

Tidied up in the garden and was pleased to see that my little plot is blooming--literally:

These look large, but are actually miniature roses.

Ellen gave me those lilies several Easters ago. When the gate was installed, I had to cut them and my lavender plant all the down to the ground. I was sure they were dead, but they rose again, just like that guy in the bible, whatshisname. 😁

My ivy geraniums are climbing nicely and the non-ivy are thriving.

After lunch, I spent a fair amount of time on food prep: marinated tilapia and prepared cauliflower and tomatoes with various seasonings. I cut very small some leftover broccoli and added it to the tomatoes. Popped both in a 425 degree oven and they turned out yummy:
Incredibly, I ate half of the cauliflower and a good amount of the tomatoes for dinner, along with the tilapia.

Aside from domestic chores, I wrote my niece, Joan, who had asked if I had completed transcribing my father's 1945 work diary. Far from it, I'm only in the middle of February, but I'll send her what I've done so far. She had said she would give me "credit" and wouldn't show it to anybody without my permission. I wrote back she could show it to anyone nd that it was unnecessary to give me "credit." Geesh.

After dinner, I hauled out all the boxes and albums and containers with some--just some--of the family pictures. I want to find pictures of Helen from earlier days. Found this beauty of her and Larry, which I scanned and sent to two of their daughters: 

Called Carolyn and we had a good chat. I told her I'd like to visit my dear twin some day next week and think I'll go on Wednesday. I half want to see her and half dread it. She understood.

Wednesday, June 08, 2022

Sad News

 When my phone rang about 7:30 and I saw it was Larry, I knew why he was calling. His beloved wife, my dear sister-in-law, Helen, had died. It had been very clear for months, if not a year or more, that she would be departing this world before long--but it's always a shock and a sorrow. I cried and he cried. 

I put this on my blog when I visited Larry and Helen in November of last year:

--With my dear sister-in-law, Helen, fading away from this life, both physically and mentally. But that smile--it lights up the room.--

Larry told me that any memorial or ceremony would be "later." I don't know for sure, but maybe Helen will be cremated--that seems to be the trend. Larry asked if I'd tell Betty and Frank; I said I would, but didn't mention that I thought they might not grasp it--or remember who she was--so I called nieces, Carolyn and Franciine. I have so many memories of Helen,  including when she and Larry were just going together. We were all thrilled when they married those many years ago--about 65, I think. Time is a thief.

I called niece, Joan, also, but one of Larry's daughters had already notified her, as she also lives in Florida. Later, Joan called me to discuss the diary of her mother and my sister, Gene. She was very concerned that I might show it to someone else. I assured her I hadn't and I won't. 

Other than that, Suzanne came over to ask if I wanted to go to the Reagan Library to see the WWII exhibit. She thought that, since I'm a pacifist, I might not want to, but yes, I do. It's history, after all, it happened and is, in fact, an interesting subject. I'll treat, including lunch, as this will be my retirement gift to her. Took the time to plant both the pretty "Orange Bell" Ellen had given me and the plumeria stalk I had gotten at the BCNN meeting.
I went to my doctor's appointment at 1:30, via the Access Van, as I need a referral to a dermatologist (or I don't need it--not sure which). Dr. L. also wants me to get a blood test so she can look at my platelet count, which has been low, I guess. Bused home and didn't get lunch until almost 3:00.

I called my friend, Pat, in Jersey, and we had a good long talk. I don't know why I thought she had known Helen--just because they were both R.N.s?--but was glad I had called. Our conversation helped to raise my spirits, as it ranged over men, including her friend, Jack, my friend, Jim, and the problems with those pesky creatures; her efforts to pull together a Christmas show; my scripts and shows; various physical/medical topics; and SEX! 😜 Well, I won't go there...

Tuesday, June 07, 2022


My big brother, Larry, flying yesterday--ON HIS NINETIETH BIRTHDAY!  Okay, he may not look like a dashing young pilot, but he's intrepid! 💗

As for me, I puttered around a bit until 11:45 when Julie picked me up for lunch with Soaring Spirits. She had a friend of hers in the car, also named Rosemary, but always called "Rosie," and we had a good time talking. Incredibly, when Rosie was a girl, she lived in Toms River, until she married her first husband and they moved to Arizona. She has a interesting background: had her five children with the first, then he joined some way-out religion called "Christadelphias." According to the great god Internet, they are 

"...a non-Trinitarian, millennial Christian group whose fellowship is linked by a common understanding of the Bible and Christianity. Christadelphians aim to get as close as possible to the faith and practice of the early Christian church..."

It seems he had all kinds of odd ideas and beliefs, which he tried to impose on Rosie and their children, and that's why she left. Rosie herself is of Sicilian descent. 

Besides the three of us, only Vera, Susan, and Regina were there, but we had a good chat session after--for more than two hours, in fact. I mentioned I was going to bus from there to town to the library to pick up the book I had on reserve. Julie, wouldn't you know, insisted on driving me there. I got the book, strolled around town a bit, then bused home.

On the way, I got a text from James C., who is my neighbor, Bennie's, brother. James invited Vickie and me to an 80th birthday party for Bennie on June 26th at the Hill Street Café. I stopped at Vickie's to tell her and found her in tears, worrying about Mary. I went in for awhile, listened, and tried to help. Vickie is so worried because she thinks the facility where Mary is doesn't treat her properly. She has contacted an ombudsman and Mary's daughter is involved, too. Vickie did say she'd like to go to the party, so we put it on our calendars. 

I called Jim about our plan to visit Diane so he can see Silver Crest. Since she has a commitment on Saturday, I asked him to name another day. Not exactly to my surprise, he hemmed and hawed, then indicated he wanted to put it off, as he was so distraught trying to get ready for class. Did this surprise me? Not at all: Jim seems to have an inability to make any effort toward solving his chronic financial

Okay, I should remember it's easy for me to talk; I'm not rolling in dough, but am financially secure, have a house and other assets in reserve, plus a vast network of children and kin in case of disaster. I greatly dislike getting unsolicited advice myself, so I'm going to pipe down and mind my own beeswax. 
Well, I'm going to try...  

Monday, June 06, 2022

Sunday At Dudley House

Stella texted me in the morning, sending me a pic of the card from Ventura museum, an invitation to their opening reception. I had already gotten one and am toying with the idea of going; not sure if Stella sent it to ask if me to go or not. I called Diane about our idea of Jim and I going to her place and she was all for it. However, Saturday is not good for her, as she has another commitment. I'll call Jim and see what other day he might be available. 

I spent a freakin' twenty minutes getting into my Dudley House 1890's outfit. Damn, it's now a little tight around the waist, plus, for some mysterious reason, it's become too long. That's a real hazard--the last thing I want to do is trip on my skirt going down the D. House stairs. Finally got it together and it looked okay:

My brooch can't be seen here, but it was pinned on my bosom, as Caroline Dudley would say. 

Deanna picked me up at 12:30 and off we went. Luckily, I had time to adjust my outfit and walk through the rooms to re-familiarize myself with the place. I've always done the first floor only; somebody else does the second and yesterday, it was college student Cameron. 

It's been three years since I've acted as docent there, but to my relieved surprise, the facts about the Dudleys, their farm, their house, their children, and their lives easily came back to me. I didn't have to refer to the material in the docent printed guide at all. It was enjoyable to meet the different people from here and other places (one young woman lived in Alaska) and I conducted four tours, so wasn't idle more than a few minutes in between. 

Laura, who was the "greeter" (their duties include staying on the porch and, well--greeting people), took me home. She is ninety years old and still active in the community. (It came as somewhat as a shock to realize I'm only five years younger than she is.) I had been apprehensive about the docent thing, but it turned out to be an enjoyable day. 

As soon as I got home, I turned on the oven, changed clothes, then seasoned several pounds of chicken thighs and popped them in the oven. Had one for dinner--yum--and wrapped and froze the others. I then went over to Von's for rolls, made sandwiches with the ham, Swiss, and turkey breast I had left over from Saturday, and popped them in the freezer, too. Slept like a stone, I'm glad to say.

Sunday, June 05, 2022


Went over to Von's for turkey breast, ham, and Swiss cheese and made sandwiches for lunch. I added some applesauce, fresh out of the slow cooker, and naturally, wine and beer. Jim came a bit early, as he wanted to read over some scripts before we "performed" them, so he'd know more about the characters. Good grief, these are little six-minute jokey skits, not Macbeth, so why.... But no prob, he read them over and we even discussed the characters a bit. 

We had lunch, including the cake Vickie had brought me for dessert, then settled down on the couch. Whether or not Jim has improved on his delivery is debatable, but I'm not conducting a private acting lesson here, and I don't intend to. I did give him a few pointers here and there. He has a tendency to sound exactly the same, no matter the circumstances of the piece or the character, so I tried to get him to be a bit more expressive. We did When Cooks Confer; The Truth, The Embellished Truth, and Nothing Like The TruthIf Guys Were Gals; and Help Wanted--Not! 

I was a bit annoyed when Jim told me--didn't ask me--I should type the stage directions in red. They are now, as is customary, in parenthesis, which is standard. He said it confused him that they were in the same font as the characters' dialogue and "other scripts are in red."  I told him I had never seen a script with red stage directions and he said he couldn't remember where he had seen it. Anyway, I have no intention of going over the damn things and putting them in red.

I suggested that, next time, we do one of my more serious plays (all one-acters) and he thought that was a good idea. I also suggested he might want to apply now to Silver Crest, as a possible place to live after he retires. I described Diane's place and thought I'd ask her if we could come see it next Saturday, if she's available; I'd bring lunch. 

Jim stayed until after 4:00 and, as ever, I talked and talked while he contributed little to the conversation. Ellen called later just to say hello and we had a good chat. 

Am I prepared for Dudley House today? Not too firmly, so if I have a problem with the spiel, I'll just have to wing it. 

Saturday, June 04, 2022

Friday, Food, And Fractured Actors

And the beat goes on...

Weight up a bit at home and T.O.P.S.: to 129.9 at the former and 129.9 the latter. I'm not even sure exactly about the difference, but it's scant, about .03.  After the meeting, Julie offered to take me to Sharon's to retrieve my coat, which I had forgotten two weeks ago.  I protested at first, but finally acquiesced, although it's about ten miles away. We got there and waited outside for a bit, then I went in and chatted with her husband, Lewis--and waited and waited. I finally asked if I could help look for it--Sharon couldn't find it--and went into her bedroom. 

Good grief, you had to kind of sidle in because besides the double bed, it was filled from floor to ceiling against all walls with plastic containers full of clothes, most also in bags. Why you would stow somebody else's coat in a bag and then in a plastic container is beyond me. Anyway, we couldn't find it and I didn't want to keep Julie waiting any longer, so I asked Sharon to bring it to the next meeting.

When I got in the car, I had the nerve to ask Julie to take me to Ellen's in Ojai to pick up my Dudley House costume accessorize box, which El had left for me on her porch. She kindly did--another ten miles or more--I got it and we finally headed home. By the time I got in, it was almost noon, so I had my breakfast that late and skipped lunch. 

Took off with my cart for Smart 'n ' Final for broccoli, chicken thighs, and tangerines, then to The Dollar Tree next door. Walked home, so got three miles in. I studied my Dudley House info, then washed, cored, and quartered the apples I had picked up on Thursday, added some chunked tangerines and set them to simmer in the slow cooker. 

Changed my top, then headed off to O'Leary's for Happy Hour with Diane at 4:00. I was a little early, and when I walked in, I found they didn't serve food, just drinks. Since I had had nothing but oatmeal all day, I knew I couldn't drink alcohol without food--I'd probably fall flat on my face. When Diane got there, I suggested we go to the Hill Street Café nearby. Fine with her and that's what we did. 

We each had a glass of chardonnay and an appetizer, plus lots of catching-up talk. Diane is still a devotee of what seems to me odd cults and ideas, but hey, each to her own and I didn't open my mouth about it. We were there for about two hours, then said goodbye, and walked home. There and back was at least another two-and-a-half, so that was good. 

Home, I called nephew Steve and invited him to come on July 10 with Robyn and Dex to see Joel (Steve immediately said, "Baby Joel!) and he was happy to accept, assuming he has no other commitments. Called Jim--oh, yes, he'll be here for lunch today--and asked if he enjoyed our play-reading. He enthusiastically said he did, so I dug out more scripts we'll do today.

Sorry to disappoint my loyal fans (fan?), but it appears I didn't get the part for which I applied at Fractured Actors. However, Shannon asked if I'd be willing to take one "not a big part, but funny and cool." I accepted and she'll send the script.

Friday, June 03, 2022


Pretty busy. I finally dug out my Dudley House info--I'm doing docent duty the day after tomorrow and just maybe, I should know what I'll be saying. I need to keep studying it--not memorize, but just know the facts, so I can tell the tour-takers. Also tried on my costume--damn, is it heavy and warm. But that's a minor problem; the real one is that when I got the costume from Ellen's shed, I neglected to get the accessories. I called her to ask if she could leave the shed open and I'll bus there today.

Bused to town and on the way, I impulsively texted Suzanne and Vickie and invited them to come over at 5:00 for one of our social sessions. I went to the shop where farmers bring produce and other food; LaVonne had alerted me to it. It's very inexpensive and boy, were there lots of shoppers. I got beautiful bright red apples, cocktail franks, lettuce, rolls, and a few other things.  Outside, I saw a little girl carrying a real squirrel. Chatted with her--Isabella--and asked if I could take her picture. She said the squirrel--Baby--had fallen out of a tree. Isabella invited me to pet it, I did, and the squirrel didn't object. That makes me think it's probably not long for this world.  Here are Isabella and Baby:

By the time I got back to my neighborhood, it was almost 3:00 and then I stopped on the way at Von's for some cheese and nibbles. Incredibly for me, I skipped lunch, as I wanted to clean up before S. and V. came. I dusted, dry-mopped the hard floors, and shifted a few things from the dining area to my bedroom. Cut the cheese into squares and added toothpicks to them and the cocktail franks. 

Vickie came at 5:00, bringing me a bottle of wine and a lemon cake. I really wish she hadn't. I know damn well she has very little money and combined, they must have cost her fifteen or twenty bucks. Of course, I thanked her heartily; it just makes me feel sad that she squandered that much.  She, Suzanne, and I did, though, have a good time talking and talking. I think both of them are more isolated than I am--Vickie spends a lot of her day transcribing minutes, which must be excruciatingly boring; Suzanne has fibro neuralgia, and I know it causes her a lot of pain.  As for me? I'm a free spirit and hope to be for  a long time to come.

El called back and said she had looked in the shed and into my big container and picked out the box I had described that I think has the accessories in it. She'll leave it on the porch and I'll pick it up. If they aren't in there, no prob because she said my key to her house opens the shed, too--I hadn't known that.
So today: 1.) T.O.P.S.;  2.) Ellen's in Ojai; 3.) Happy Hour with Diane at O'Leary's at 4:00.

Thursday, June 02, 2022


Julie picked me up at 9:00 and we went to the BCNN meeting. Sat with Regina, whom I've met before (remarkably, she always remembers my name) and a newbie named Margarita. Joining us was Bernice, whom I had also met before, and Jeanette, whom I hadn't and who sat next to me. 

Jeanette and I had a great time talking; she and her husband own thirty acres up north, but moved to Ventura to escape the heat. He goes back and forth to oversee the almond grove; both raise bees. He had kids, she doesn't. Janette is 72, but being of Chinese descent, looks considerably younger. We really bonded, exchanged cards, and I hope to see her again. I also liked Bernice a lot. Divorced, no kids, and goes to the Y every day (every day!) to swim, lift weights, and otherwise maintain her body, which is, no surprise very trim. There was no program; instead, a singer-/guitar player entertained. I took a video of him, but can't seem to post it here, so here's a still:

The stalk on the table? It's plumeria, and somebody brought it cuttings to share. I intend to plant it on the patio--I hope it comes out like this!

Lunch was at Brophy Brothers nearby at the harbor. I've been there many times, but when we arrived, we found they wouldn't give separate checks. That's a real pain in the rear for those of us who carry little or no cash. So Julie, Bernice, Regina, and I sat at a separate table, which was fine with us. Had an enjoyable time with them.

Julie dropped me off at home (I'll see her again on Friday for T.O.P.S.) and I stayed just long enough to change my slacks (it had gotten warm), then thought I'll bus to town. However, as I sat on the bus bench, it occurred to me that I should check the day of my brother, Larry's, birthday. I had made up a name verse--a long one, which was a challenge--and thought the date was June 19, but no. That's Fathers Day and his birthday's on the fifth--AAGH! I rushed home to finish up the verse and card and high-tailed it to the P.O. to mail. Bused from there to town and called Larry to let him know it was coming. Coincidentally, cousin Sally called just after to rave over the name verse I had sent her as a thank-note. Got to town and just strolled around; didn't get home until almost 6:00 and dinner time. 


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...