Tuesday, May 31, 2022


I had to eat breakfast whilst reading the Stephen King/other guy book That was so-o-o distressing; it's a given that you read the newspaper with breakfast, not...oh, never mind. 

Did some more on the Larry birthday verse, then puttered around until Ellen came about 11:30. We chatted a bit, then it was off to Wal-Mart. She got a lot of bulky stuff--paper towels and so on, but I'm already pretty well stocked. Got a number of other items, including Stevia, light bulbs, and Magic Eraser. Picked up some stock (cardboardy paper) to use for Larry's verse birthday card.

We went to Hill Street Cafe for lunch. Sat outside and it was so pleasant. El got a hamburger, I had chili and cornbread, plus a Modelo. We talked and talked--I'm always interested in hearing about the triumphs and tribulations with her third-graders.

Home and we visited together for another hour, then I walked her to her car. El gave me what she had worked up regarding my supposed rent shortage. I had already dealt with it, I hope, but I'll find this useful if management comes up anything more.  

Said goodbye, then turned my attention to finishing up the--well, the structure part of the card for brother Larry. This is the part I find tedious. I actually enjoy writing the verses (and Larry's was long--the longer they are, the more difficult to get them to both rhyme properly and scan intelligibly). When it comes to putting together the finished product, though, I tend to turn out stuff like a ten-year-old. Think I'll go to Michael's to get some embellishments. 

I was sure I'll have trouble sleeping since, again, I didn't get much exercise in. But no, I just got up at--happy day!--6:20 and I feel good and rested. 

Monday, May 30, 2022

Sunday: Santa Paula, Stella, And The Star

Damn, I had just written out almost a full page here and I accidentally pressed something and it all disappeared. I tried the left mouse place and hit "redo," but nothing happened.  Okay, I guess most of it was of little interest, anyway, so I'll leave out how enjoyable the Sunday crossword was and how I tidied up after breakfast. 

Considering how both Jim and I enjoyed "reading"--acting out--my original plays on Saturday, I decided to choose a few more. I picked the comedies The Truth, The Embellished Truth, and Nothing But  The Truth; When Cooks Confer; Help Wanted--NOT!; If Guys Were Gals, and added the drama Telephone (#2). Since most of the characters are female (to reflect the makeup of my acting groups), I'll change some names to male for Jim.

Stella picked me up at 1:30 and we went off to Santa Paula to see the play The Roommate. Only two in the cast, it involved a divorcee in Iowa, a gay woman who moves in, and various complications. It was actually pretty good and the players were very good. They greeted people after and I complimented them highly. 

We had an early dinner at a large Mexican restaurant in Santa Paula. Food was good, prices reasonable, and service fine, but the damn place was so noisy, we could hardly hear each other talk. That was the result not of the patrons, but of the extremally loud music that assaulted the ear. I doubt if I'll ever have the occasion to go there again, thank Zeus--I'd rather starve than do that.

As a companion, Stella leaves a whole heckuva lot to be desired, I'm afraid. She's small, slender, and quite attractive, but talks constantly about her various woes (bad ankles, bad knees, bad memory). Also, she scares the hell out of me in the way she drives: very slowly, and seems distracted much of the time. I guess the worst is that she has absolutely no sense of humor. I can tolerate being with her once in a while, but only just.  

Home around 7:00 after a reasonably entertaining outing; very much looking forward to seeing Ellen today.
One more time, I received no paper this morning. Called the Ventura County Star and phone contact is defective. After the various prompts, it just fast-buzzes. Now trying live chat. Walked over to Von's to buy one, but they didn't get delivered either. lWhat an outfit and I'm just about to end it all--my subscription, that is.  AAGH! 😬

Sunday, May 29, 2022


Just putzed around (not my mother's, but my late husband's expression) in the morning, pulling together lunch for Jim and me. I served an oven-roasted chicken and vegetables combo, with just pumpernickel bread and, of course, wine for Jim (thanks, Suzanne). Gave him strawberry sorbet for dessert.

When we talked on the phone the other day, Jim had lamented he didn't sound "natural" when he was acting (the last and, I think, only, time he ever performed was in my two "Acting for Amateurs" groups). With that in mind, I hauled out two copies of scripts for Hell on Wheels, in which he played the devil in the groups, plus The Potato Family, Tootie Looks at Real Estate, and Telephone, the first three comedies, the last a drama. After lunch, we sat on the couch and "did" the plays, he playing all the male roles, I the female. 

Jim is exceedingly inhibited, which shows, of course, in his acting, but he was able to relax a bit more during our session. Notably, of course, we were sitting comfortably on my couch and not on a stage. I was able to praise some of his progress and give him a few tips and pointers. We both enjoyed it and next time I have him over, I'll bring out more of my stuff and we'll do the same. He stayed until almost 5:00 (and he had gotten here early--unusual for him--at 12:15) and  I walked him out, as usual. 

Stella had texted me to be sure we were still on for the play in Santa Paula today and I suggested we have an early dinner after. She's on board with that, and will pick me up at 1:30.

Duane sent the pic of the group at his little dinner party in Encinitas two weeks ago:

Standing, l. to r.: Duane's daughter, Kendra, Sally's daughter, Teresa, Ani's father, Ray, and Duane.
Seated: Kendra's boyfriend, Connor, Duane's daughter, Jasmine, old lady with doggie, Sally, and Ani. In front, Mando, another canine I found was pretty okay.

Wonders will neve cease department: closeup of me with Ray's little dog, Buddy.

Saturday, May 28, 2022


No T.O.P.S today, but at home, I weighed in at 127.6, which is 3.0 less than last week. I doubt if that's  accurate, though--I don't feel three pounds thinner. 

About 10:00, I took the footbridge over Route 162 to go to the Hill Street library branch. I took back the Ethel Rosenberg book, then foolishly looked at the sale books and bought three. Considering I'm working on three others simultaneously, I must have a screw loose. Those are Stephen King's latest, Gwendy's Last Task, which he co-authored, it says, with somebody named Richard Chizmar. (It isn't up to your standard, Steve, so quit with the collaborations). I'm also reading One Thousand White Women, which Ani gave me, with an "historical fiction" premise (I have major questions about that one). Finally, I'm about a quarter into the non-fiction Lost Connections, which challenges the conventional take on mental illness, including the belief that serotonin is the cause of depression and can be treated with drugs. 

Walked from there to Wal-Mart* to pick up the mesh laundry bag I had ordered on-line, stopping at The Market for Brussels sprouts and eggs. Bused home, lunched, then trimmed, washed, and seasoned the sprouts and put them in the smaller slow cooker for a few hours. 

After lunch, I thought I lie down and take a nap. Had just dozed off when LaVonne called to chat. I didn't mind, but I didn't feel like trying to sleep again, so got up.   

Finished the name verse for Larry and it's one of the longest I've done. Not bad, although I made a silly mistake: It spells out "Larry Byrne Have A Happy Ninetieth Birthday," but I forgot the "I" in "birthday." Since it's in rhyming couplets and was already finished, I had to slip in a non-rhyme. It's not bad, though, and I think he'll get a kick out of it. Now I have to format it into a big card. 

I was pleasantly surprised when, after dinner, Suzanne rang my bell and asked if I'd like to come over and have cake. She had been the honoree yesterday at a retirement gathering at St. John's, where she's worked for thirty-six years. She invited Vickie, too, and we had a pleasant time. There's an abyss of belief, though, separating these two nice people and me: the religion one is obvious, but that's not all. I think there's a point at which friends have to concede they can't get any closer or more intimate if certain experiences are not shared. I leave that for readers to mull over. 

Suzanne also brought out a half bottle of wine, specifically for me (Vickie no longer drinks alcohol), then insisted I take the rest home. I'll give Jim some when he's here for lunch today. Didn't get home until almost 9:00, and to bed until almost 10:00. This wild living will do me in someday!

The cake and the three cronies: 

*Took my BP there, which was 101/66; that seems too low, but I guess it's okay because the screen said  "normal."

Friday, May 27, 2022

Got up feeling a lot better--tooth was no longer bleeding and didn't hurt. I couldn't put my lower appliance in, but that's no big deal, since they're only molars and I can eat okay. Got lots of things on my list done, with some hits and a few misses:

1. Bused to Bed, Bath & Beyond for the mesh laundry hamper for which I've been searching. I've gone to no fewer than eight stores and none have what I want. Guess I'll order on-line from Wal-Mart; maybe I can pick it up on Monday.

2. Went to Target, looking for same. Nope.

3. Bused from there to Macy's at the mall. I had admired my cousin, Sally's, across-the-body bag, brand name Kipling, and they had them. Bought one, although I thought it was pricey; not sure if I'll keep it.

4. Went over to the office with the printouts of my bank statement and proved, I hope, that I wasn't missing the rent for September, 2021. I conceded I owed them $126 (when the rent went up by that much, it was an error on my part), so paid it. I told Jasmine if there's any further question, I want everything in writing. 

5. Incredibly, I sorted and filed the paperwork that piles up so fast. Okay, most of the info is on the laptop, but I don't trust the Internet connection and with good reason, considering that fly-by-night outfit, Yandoo Communications.

6. Made myself an omelet for lunch, then did  a fair amount of food prep, including hard-boiling four eggs, rearranging the freezer, and laboriously preparing the loquats I had gotten from Ellen's tree.

7. Called CVS OTC to say, along with other items, I had ordered vitamin D, but was sent flaxseed oil. They'll send the other vitamin and I can just keep the other. Think I'll start taking it, as it's supposed to be good for the eyesight.

8. Ellen called to see how I was feeling after the tooth caper. We chatted for fifteen or so, then I told her I'd call Roz, Greg's mother, to see how she was doing.

9. Called Roz, who had been in the hospital for three days with an urinary infection. It seems it caused a back and neck ache and some confusion. Her sons have now decided she shouldn't live alone anymore (she's ninety), so she'll probably move to Minnesota.

10. Best news: I slept well and just got up at 5:30--Yay!  😀

Thursday, May 26, 2022


 9:45 am on Wednesday:

It's over and I survived! I can hardly believe I was home in little more than an hour. What a relief!

As for logistics, Julie took me there and home. She then left for her "house in the desert" in--I think--Palmdale. We're not having a T.O.P.S. meeting tomorrow and that's fine by me; I'll get to have breakfast before 10:30.

But now it's 5:12 pm (Wednesday) and I'm somewhat uncomfortable with the aftermath of the extraction. It isn't agonizing, but the surgeon had to put in stitches and he said the roots were very long and deep. I had a gauze pack in most of the day and, as of now, I still see red blood, but not as much as before.

I took hydrocodone-acetamin at 11:00 and I could take one now, but it really doesn't seem to be very effective. I looked it up and it seems it isn't very strong. I wonder if I should take an OTC pain reliever instead. I'll go see what I have...

...hmm, just plain old aspirin. Maybe I'll take that before I go to bed (but I didn't need to). Speaking of which, I had trouble sleeping last night--nervous about the ordeal, I guess--and lay down after I got home this afternoon. I couldn't sleep, but rested for an hour or so. Aside from that, I spent most of my time playing "Jewel Match Royale" on this laptop.

I got hungry about 4:30 and just had some boiled vegetables--room temperature because I'm not supposed to put anything hot in my mouth for 24 hours. I then went to Von's and got a quart of frozen yogurt. That was all I ate as I watched a segment of "Who Shot JFK?" last night. 

Now it's 5:55 am and I feel much better. The spot where the tooth was is little sensitive, but not really painful. I'm having my good coffee (although technically, it hasn't been quite 24 hours) and hope to resume my normal life today.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022


 Biz, biz, busy day. I finally got the name-verse for Sally done. I then gussied up a large, plain white note card, pasted the verse in, added some sparkles and stuff, addressed and sent it off.

Also got in touch with Stella, then Santa Paula Theater Center, and ordered the tickets on-line. Stella doesn't know how to do that and will reimburse me Sunday.

Walked to Smart 'n' Final and The Dollar Tree (now a dollar twenty-five) and picked up tilapia, a broccoli, carrot, and pea pod stir-fry mix, lettuce, and salad dressing at the former; some containers at the latter. I ran into Lennie, our T.O.P.S. leader, who will be leaving for Iowa and his sister's tomorrow. We won't have the meeting this Friday, which is fine by me.

Called Jim and we chatted for some time about--of all things--acting. I met him five years ago, when I ran the acting classes at SCAN, never dreaming he'd become a close friend. Invited him for lunch on Saturday, which he accepted, natch. 

Finally turned my attention to the damn rent thing. I printed out bank statements for the period in question, then called the bank to make sure there was no hitch in my automatic payments. No, there were not and the statements show I did NOT overlook the rent for September of 2021. I'll call the office after I get the oral surgeon thing done today and make an appointment to settle this.  

Ellen called on her way home from school and we had a nice talk. Unfortunatly, Greg's mother is in the hospital, as she has some kind of infection. I'll call her today, assuming I survive the dental ordeal.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022


I'm up, I'm down, I'm up again--read on:

I'll definitely take Ellen's advice and buy my printer ink on-line after this, but I was in a hurry to print some things yesterday. Took my little cart, walked to Telephone Road, then took the 11 to Office Depot. It was easy enough to take back the ones that didn't fit. The cost--originally $47 and tax--was increased by more than five bucks, I guess because I got the Canon brand for the black cartilage. 

Bused home and started a salad for lunch, but put it aside to change the inks. Put in the blue and magenta, then went to open the black--ye gads and little fishes, the damn thing had leaked and was obviously defective! I did the wailing and gnashing of teeth routine, then rang Suzanne's bell and asked her to take me back to the store. I simply didn't feel like another two-hour, three-bus trip. She kindly did, I got another black (insisted on opening it in the presence of the cashier and it was okay), put it in when I got home, and it works--whew!

After lunch, I bused to town. Went to the library to take back Dancing Man book--I'll return the Ethel Rosenberg one tomorrow--and happily strolled around after buying a drawer divider. 

Out of the blue, Stella called to see if I wanted to go to the Santa Paula Theater on Sunday to see something called The Roommates.  Sounds good, but I'll have to make the reservations myself, as she's electronically challenged.  

Monday, May 23, 2022

Sunday, Sorbet, And My Struggles

Sunday started out okay--crossword was enjoyable and I got all but two--and I finished the name rhyme for Sally. I want to send it to her as a thank-you note through regular U.S. mail. Went to print it out and found the cyan and black were out. Oh well, I decided to ask Jim to drive me to Office Depot to get more.

Jim came at his usual 12:30 and we had a good lunch. I served a Viola! meal--pasta with veggies, cheese, and sauce--and the strawberry sorbet I had made. It had been hard to get out of the container in the freezer, so I had left it out for a time to soften, then put it in individual bowls. It was very good. 

Jim was in a much better frame of mind, as he had finished preparing the curricula for his summer course and was working well on those for his two autumn ones. I asked him to take me to Office Depot after we ate--and that's where the disaster, horror, monstrous happening annoying incident took place. To cut it short, I bought a set of their brand of ink, asked if it was right for my copier, was told yes, got it home, tried to put in the cyan (that's blue, damn it!), it didn't fit and I got ink all over my fingers!   

I was fit to be tied (Mom's expression, of course). I ranted and raged, then called Ellen and she walked me through it. I finally realized that maybe the world would go on turning, so calmed down. Besides, she and I will spend Memorial Day together next Monday and that will be fine. She persuaded me to start ordering ink on-line, which I will after I take the other crapola back.

Suzanne stopped in after dinner and we chatted. Her nephew had visited (he's an attorney in exotic, far-off Iowa) and we had planned for me to meet him, but it didn't work out, so we'll do it next time, we decided. Suzanne mentioned she had seen our mutual friend, Vickie, last week, but not recently. I'll get in touch with her soon. 

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Fractured Actors Redux

I was still nervously debating with myself while I was dressing: Did I really want to go to the audition? Would I be able to project? Would I be greeted with pleasure or polite resignation? Did I care enough to suffer my usual stage fright? Finally, I decided on the "nothing ventured, nothing gained" attitude and boarded the Access Van for the trip to Vineyard Church, from which Fractured Actors sprang. As I walked up, though, I found that the church has changed its name to Liminal--don't know why.

I entered and found a young Asian woman studying a page of script. Nobody else was around, but soon, Shannon came swooping in. I hadn't seen her or Jeff since I was in their production of Welcome Home three years ago, as COVID shut it all down. I shouldn't have worried: She gave me a big hug and Jeff followed and did the same. I hope they weren't faking it, but they seem to be thrilled to see me. Shannon gave me a page of a play called Window Dressing to study, then took the young woman into the theatre to audition. I was amazed that, before she left, the young woman told me she had loved me in Welcome Home three years ago.

Shannon asked me to study the part of Aunt Kathleen. From what I gather, the play involves a conflict between a designer and the aunt of a  bride-to-be. I was called in shortly after--first to read the aunt, then the designer part, Shannon cuing. 

Afterward, I mentioned a verse I had written called "Heart's Desire"--could there be room in the show for it? Probably not, but they wanted to hear it. I recited it from the stage (I know it word-for-word, of course) and they honestly seemed to be blown away. (Shannon said, "But you didn't write that"--I assured her I had.)  I also mentioned my play, Acquisitions. The show is already set (they write all the material), but they're interested and asked me to let them read it. I'll email it shortly.

Boy, am I glad I didn't listen to my nervous/I'm not good enough/who do I think I'm kidding? twelve-year-old self earlier in the day. Naturally, I may not get a part--there's probably plenty of completion--but I've got my foot in the door and there's no place else I'd rather be. 

I just looked at the video of Welcome Home my niece took. Originally, I had cringed when I saw my performance, but actually,  it wasn't half bad. Here's a still from that show: 

Saturday, May 21, 2022


Damn, this is the first time in years I had to skip my daily post (yesterday). Reason?  Read on:

The Internet was off overnight--that is, Thursday to Friday! Anyway, long story short, it came back on late Friday morning, but mine didn't. Why? Because I had screwed up by somehow pushing a button that says "power on the router. I never knew it existed before, but after I was on the phone with the tech for forty-five minutes, unplugging this and re-plugging that, I was told another tech would call me. I then found the power button.

Thursday: Did a lot of wash, then walked to The Market and Wal-Mart for this and that. Saw Suzanne as I was leaving and we made a date for 5:00 for one of our little chat sessions (she with O'Doul's, me with real-deal beer). I went next door to her place and we chatted about my trip and so on. Went home and later, she rang my bell to ask if the Internet was off. It was, so I called that sorry excuse for a company, Yondoo Communications and the recording said there was a "potential" outage for our complex. ("Potential?" It was actual, not "potential"--damn, their recordings can't even speak English!) But I don't even want to record all the crapola--see above. 

I decided to go to the auditions at Fractured Actors today. I'll see if there's a part for me and/or ask to recite my "Heart's Desire" verse. If they ask, I have others: the somber "Cabin Fever" or the cutsy-poo Halloween one. 

Friday: Sharon called to tell me she wasn't going to the T.O.P.S.; still not feeling well.  Julie picked me up, as usual, at 8:30. Only Lennie and Bobbi were there besides us.  At home, I weighed in at 130.8, which means no gain, but it's a tad more than I like. At T.O.P.S, I was up .03 to 129.6. We decided to skip next week's meeting, as both Lennie and Julie will be away. Had breakfast late (10:00), as always on Fridays, then dealt with the Internet thing. Bused to Target after lunch to look for a mesh laundry container; theirs were all too small.

The oral surgeon office called to ask me to make my appointment on Wednesday 8:45 instead of 9:15. I called Julie to ask if she could pick me up then, and yes. 

I decided to go to the auditions at Fractured Actors today. I'll see if there's a part for me and/or ask to recite my "Heart's Desire" verse. If they ask, I have others: the somber "Cabin Fever" or the cutsy-poo Halloween one. 

Called Jim to tell him I was going there and could he come to lunch on Sunday? Sure, and we talked otherwise about various things and gender change--why not talk about gender change?

Home and I used Zelle to transfer some dough, then cousin Sally Facetimed me--accidentally. We had a good laugh over it, then chatted for a few minutes. 

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Home Again, Home Again...

(For some reason, I can't get these pics under the text.) This is the quilt Sally and a friend made, which commemorates her athletics career--mostly running, but also the two Ironman contests in which she participated. What achievements and she didn't "retire" until she was seventy-three!

I got up, as usual, early--about 5:15--dressed, posted my blog entry, then took a brisk walk around the High Country complex. Sal got up and we had coffee; we skipped breakfast, knowing we were going to go to brunch before my train left.

Duane and Ani picked us up at 11:00. I was pleased to see that David, Sally's other son (and she has a third in Colorado, plus two more daughters) was in the car. He lives a distance away, but had been ill and Duane had picked him up, brought him to Encinitas, and installed him in one of the many bedrooms in his house.  David is limited mentally and was mostly silent through the meal, but we were able to draw him out a bit. 

We went to a restaurant near the station, but it was crowded and it took some time to be served. We finally were, but I was antsy (I get that way thinking I'll be late for something) and darling Duane took me to the station while the others finished their meals. Of course, I first kissed and embraced my dear cousin, her precious boy, and his beautiful lady. What a family and how lucky I am to know them!

Got the train and settled down for the almost six-hour trip. It was pleasurable to see the landscape speeding by, but the stops came about fifteen times and it got tedious. Happy day, Ellen was there at the Ventura station to pick me up and what a joy to see my girl! We went to Aloha on The Promenade for dinner and were surprised to see an arch outside set up for a marathon run. 
Had a good meal and good talk; got home about 6:30, kissed El goodbye, got my mail from Suzanne, and immediately jumped in the shower, then a bit of TV, then bed.

Golly Gee Oh Gosh, I had a wonderful time in Encinitas, but home is where that hunk of flesh is, and I'm glad to be here. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2022


Got up early--5:30--and after coffee, took a walk around the complex.  Sally got up in a bit and we had breakfast. Sal took a shower, then she, Maggie, and I went for a walk, stopping in to see a friend of Sally's. Chris, who's in her early seventies, is planning to walk the Camino de Santiago, in Spain, in September. This is a hike of nearly 500 miles, which P.J. Steward's son, Bryan, walked a few years ago.  He wrote a book about it: My Own Pace, which I bought, read, and enjoyed. (I mentioned it on a blog entry of a few months ago.)

I've actually gotten to like Maggie, Sally's dog, but no, I don't want one. Here she is:

Sally's daughter, Theresa, picked us up at 2:30 and drove us over to where she lives in Carlsbad. Whew, what a place! It had been The Resort Hotel and was converted into some of the most beautiful apartments I've ever seen. Only 800 square feet, but seeming much more spacious, it includes one bedroom and two baths, a big kitchen, dressing room, and a lovely balcony. We sat there and chatted over wine and soda (Teresa doesn't drink) and it was fine. In the powder room was a "map" of the San Diego area; I took a picture, as I find it helpful to understand how the area is arranged:

We left for Happy Hour at the Brigantine on the beach and met Teresa's son, Tristan, 21, there. What a neat guy! He's somewhat chubby, but good-looking, and has an appealing personality.  Like another, younger Tristan I know, he likes to cook and may pursue a career in the restaurant field. After various drinks and tacos, we shared a huge slab of coffee ice cream with whipped cream--also shared life stories, likes and dislikes, and other topics.

Home about 6:00 and I took a shower, then sat with Sally and watched some the San Diego Padres/ Phillies game. We followed that with glasses of brandy and our intimate, far-reaching, and ever-so-satisfying heart-to-heart talks until 10:30.  Again, I slept soundly. We'll meet Duane and Ani at 11:00 for brunch near the station, then get my train at 12:40.   

Tuesday, May 17, 2022


Sally and I had long, good talks after breakfast. We've both had some concerns and worries about our children--all parents do to some extent--but nothing that time and loving care didn't remedy. She told me about her grandsons, one of whom was born female, but transitioned in gender. He'll graduate from college this year.  

The painting below is on Sally's wall. It shows a little girl and behind her is a child's chair.  I thought it was some kind of nineteenth century scene, but it's actually Sally as a flower girl in a fashion show. She's kept her little chair for--oh, eighty years--and had it reupholstered in the original blue.  

Duane came over after lunch; he had a number of errands to run, but stayed for a half hour or so. I asked him to tell me more about his casita venture in Mexico.  He and two partners are building small airbnb houses there. I can't remember the name of the town, but Duane said it was wine country and somewhat of a mecca for tourists.  Four are already built, two each of one bed, one bath and two beds, two baths. They're furnished, of course, with full kitchens. He said they might be ready for rent in June--maybe. I definitely am interested as a possible vacation spot. The area is only a three-hour drive from Encinitas, where I am now, but of course, much farther from Ventura.

After lunch, I told Sally I needed to take a walk. We had been sitting down almost the whole day and I knew I need to move.  It's sad to realize Sally can't walk very far or fast now.  She had been a marathon runner well into her sixties and completed the Iron Man route several times. This is incredibly grueling, as it includes swimming, biking, and a marathon in quick succession. But Sally has had some heart and other problems and needs to take it easy. She was fine with me walking out and I ambled around the area for about an hour.  

I wanted to take Sal out for dinner as a kind of hostess gift and we went to Casa De Bandini. It was huge, filled with people, and wonderfully authentic Mexican décor. We both ordered burrito platters and yummy Margaritas. The portions, which included sides, were huge and we both took containers home. 

When we got back, we sat and talked and talked and talked, filling in the fifty or so years of what went before. It was close to eleven when we turned in and again, I slept like a stone. 

Today, we'll meet Sally's daughter, Theresa, and another grandson, just turned 21. I was charmed to be told his name is Tristan and he likes to cook--sounds like another Tristan I know, but that one just turned 14.

Monday, May 16, 2022

At Sally's

I'm finally able to add to the blog, but it took awhile and I'm going to cut this short. I just want to write briefly about the party last night:

At Duane and Ani's palatial* house in Encinitas, we had a terrific gathering. Besides the host and hostess, plus Sally and me, attendees were Sally's daughter, Teresa, Duane's daughters, Kendra and Jasmine (both in their early twenties and gorgeous), Kendra's boyfriend, Conner, and Ani's Dad, Ray. What a congenial group and what a beautiful setting.

We ate out by the pool--a huge enclosure which includes a guest house (sitting room, bedroom, bath, and doors to two other rooms) and various plantings. Before we left, we saw Ray's model ships--wonderfully majestic and meticulously crafted. He is staying with Duane and Ani for a time until he gets his own digs. Great food, wonderful company, and we had a ball. 

Here's my cousin, Sally, back at her place the next day:

 ("The Mermaids" is the name of the water aerobics group to which Sally belongs.)  

* Palatial in the sense of "mansion," "huge," and "this ain't Newark, New Jersey." And if anyone deserves to own it, it's warm, kind, fun, out-going, and good-looking Duane.

Sunday, May 15, 2022


Stripped the bed, did a white wash, and re-made. After that, I put in a color wash--now everything I own was washed except what I was wearing. Spent a lot of time selecting clothes and checking my list of what I must take, such as meds, brush, charger, and so on and on. I know I tend to overpack, but I can't seem to help it, plus I always confront myself with questions, such as wondering if I should take light or warm pajamas. I'm taking my laptop for sure; in this modern world, I'd be lost without that and my phone. 

I watered the plants inside and out and scrubbed, roasted, and stored in the freezer the three pounds of potatoes I still had. Took out the trash; I'll do the same this morning before I go. I just hate going on a trip, then coming back to a messy home.

At 3:00, I set off for the market; walked there and got this and that, then bused to the transit center. I thought I'll look for a new mesh laundry container; my old one is just about shot. Looked at Ross, but they didn't have any, so I'll check Target when I get back. If they don't, I'll order on-line from Wal-Mart.

While I waited for the 10 bus, Ellen called to say hello and we confirmed she'll pick me up on Wednesday. I'll see if she wants to go to Jasmine Thai for dinner after.  

Darn, I didn't sleep well. Got up for the usual about 3:00 and only dozed until the alarm went off at 5:30. Okay, maybe I can sleep on the train.

Saturday, May 14, 2022


Took to T.O.P.S. the program I mentioned from MedPage Today and conducted the meeting. Also took my applesauce. Everybody seemed to be interested in the program and liked the applesauce. Incredibly, Sharon brought doughnuts. This is a weight loss group, folks, and Sharon brought doughnuts. That's not some pretend low-cal doughnuts, or rice cakes disguised as doughnuts, or one doughnut for the six of us to share. No, she bought a dozen of regular doughnuts. This is a woman who weighs four pounds less than three hundred, with severe diabetes, and who can't walk across a room without getting short of breath. She brought doughnuts. Nobody ate them there, but did take one or two home. I didn't. As for me, I gained a pound to 130.8 at home and 129.3 at T.O.PS. I want to get back down to my comfort zone, but I'm confident I will. Not, though, if I start eating doughnuts.

Walked to the P.O. to mail the little book to grandson Mr. K. and found it would be $28. I took it home. Trying to decide if I can maybe take pictures and send it that way. We'll see. Bused from there to Wal-Mart and got page protectors for the ancestry booklet I made up for cousin Sally.  Stopped at CVS for cream sherry--I bought two, thinking I'd give one to Sally. But boy, I'm going to have a big suitcase and my laptop; maybe I should just take her out to dinner, instead. I spent the rest of the day making up the booklet. My feeling is that, although Sally was adopted, if the Fiegenschuh (Figenshu) and Bub (Bubb) antecedents hadn't come over from Germany, her mother wouldn't have been born--at least not here--and Sally wouldn't be in our extended family. Tortuous reasoning? Maybe, but I'm sticking to it. 

I just came across this video on YouTube. Sophia is the granddaughter of my friend, Susan, who lives across the street from my house in Sunrise Bay. I guess she's a pretty good drummer, although the goth makeup is startling--but, hey, kids are kids and she's only 16. 


Friday, May 13, 2022

Nails, Hair, And Lunch With LaVonne

Went across to the shopping center at 9:30 and got a pedicure at Nails D'Elegance, so my feet feel good. Right after, I stopped in at Great Clips and got a trim. All was accomplished before noon, when I walked to the Hill Street Café for lunch with LaVonne. We sat outside on the patio, which was so pleasant--about 70 and sunny. 

Left there and walked home. Since I had been out late the night before and still got up at 5:30, I lay down and took a good nap. Was awakened about 3:30 by a call from Primary Medical. Long story short: I was supposed to have a yearly skin examination (since the lesion on my nose was removed) and Dr. T. has left the practice. I had called to ask for a referral to someone else and the call was to tell me my primary doc wants to see my first. I don't see why, but made a appointment for June 7. Darn, she's on Johnson Drive now, too, which isn't as convenient.

Once I got up, I continued copying family pics and documents on the Figenshu side for Sally. I need to pare it down and also, to figure out a way to present it. I also wrote a note to little grandson, K., and will send it with the book Mike got him--today, I hope. 

T.O.P.S. today and I volunteered to do the program. I found an interesting article on MedPage Today which poses the question "obesity is a major factor in mortality, so why don't insurance companies support treatment?" They do to a point, yes, with covering costs for senior programs, such as "Silver Sneakers." But that's for only a select group and things like bariatric surgery are regarded as cosmetic. I won't read the whole thing to the group, but will mention a few points, then have them read the comments from medical professionals.

Niece Carolyn called and we had a good talk, with a few tears and Ellen called on her way home from school, just to say hello.

Wonders Will Never Cease Department: I've been sleeping well and the newspaper's been at my door for the last several days. Yay!  

Thursday, May 12, 2022

My Cart And Dudley House Doings

Things are looking up! Bereft without my trusty sidekick (my cart), I looked on line to see if they had any. Sure, there are lots of them, but many are too big. I had the smaller one (my big cart I gave to Suzanne) and it was just right for me. Besides, they invariably need assembly and hell, no.

I put the problem to one side and trudged the mile and a half to The Dollar Tree. I wanted to get two sets of plastic or cardboard cups, one to hold the dip I was bringing to the Dudley House covered dish, the other for the homemade applesauce I'll share at T.O.P.S. tomorrow. Right next door is Smart 'n' Final and, while walking there, it occurred to me that a supermarket might have carts. It turned out they do, but they're the large kind, too.

But wait--what was that store over there? Aha--Ace Hardware! I went in, was directed to an area, and there was almost an exact duplicate of the cart I had lost. I bought it on the spot--interestingly, it cost three times as much as my other one had (four years ago), but not nearly as much as those on-line. I happily put in my purse and purchases in it, and walked home, so got three miles in.

I assembled the cheese cubes and dip I was bringing to Dudley House and also the stuff for T.O.P.S. I told Lennie I'd do the program, too, as I got some information from MEDPage on why insurance doesn't cover obesity.

After lunch, I cut up the cheddar and pepper jack, made the dip, and otherwise prepared for the Dudley House covered dish. Showered and washed my hair, called Jim to remind him to pick me up at 6:00. (That wasn't really necessary, but I get anxious.) This will be the third or fourth time Jim will accompany me to this event and we both enjoy it. 

We got there early enough for me to assemble my cheese offering, which I put on the wine table. I greeted lots of old acquaintances there including Director of Docents Lynne, Sherry, Deanna, Jan, and their spouses. I was glad to see Connie, especially when she asked if I might be interested in acting in her suffragette skit, which she's just pulling together. Sure thing and she'll be in touch. The program consisted of Lynne and Connie in late nineteenth century dress, of course, impersonating Mrs. Dudley and a neighbor, talking on vintage phones about current affairs, including Presidents McKinley and Teddy Roosevelt's visits to Dudley House. Lynne on right in the first pic, on left in the second:   

I didn't get home until 9:30 (gasp!) and even stayed up to watch some Better Call Saul, so it was the middle of the night before I got to bed. (Okay, ten-thirty.) I'm meeting LaVonne for lunch today and want to get a pedicure, too, so I may take a nap later. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2022


 Another busy day--plus a disaster.  

I've been duplicating some family pictures and documents for cousin Sally and ran out of printer ink , so at 9:00  I headed to Office Depot with my little cart. I intended to walk to Telephone Road, then bus the rest of the way, but walked the whole route, about three miles. Stopped at WinCo first for pumpernickel (my half-German heritage coming out, no doubt), spinach, and spaghetti squash. Took the 11 bus to the transit center and who did I run into there but LaVonne? We chatted until our respective busses came (she was on her way to town) and made a date for lunch tomorrow at the Hill Street Café. Home, I put the stuff away, had lunch, then took off myself for town. 

I headed to the market on the west end, where LaVonne had told me they had produce sales on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Boy, did they: I got three wonderful organic grapefruits, five pounds of potatoes, and ground chicken at bargain prices. I didn't stop anywhere else and after taking the bus to the transit center, got the 10 for home.

Good thing I did: It stops right in front of where I live and while I was walking to the gate, my cart hit a snag or something and suddenly came apart. I had to carry my groceries--and they were heavy--and go home. Went out later to get and throw in the recycle bin the remains of my cart--that was the disaster--sob! As soon as I had a chance, I looked up carts on-line. I'll probably have to send for one and what's scary--AAGH!--will have to assemble it myself. Oh well, I'll ask Javier if he'll do it for a tenner. But in the meantime, I'm restricted to stuff I can carry--woe is me.  

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Floor And Food

Nose to the grindstone day. Okay, I'm exaggerating, but I did get lots of put-off chores done. Started with dust-mopping, then wet-mopping the hard floors; washed the bathroom rugs and cleaned the small one in front of the kitchen sink. 

Also did a fair amount of food prep. After trimming and washing the Brussels sprouts and carrots, I stowed the former in the fridge and dressed the latter with garlic herb marinade, then roasted them in the oven. Cored and chunked the apples, added quartered citrus and cinnamon, then turned them into applesauce, courtesy of the slow cooker. Those last three I do often, so they're no big deal, but the other...

...strawberry sorbet! I just came across a recipe that doesn't involve an ice cream maker, which I don't have and don't want. This is so simple: two pounds of strawberries, washed and quartered, two tablespoons of lemon juice, simple syrup (one cup sugar and three cups water, boil and cool) and that's it. You put them together, then use a food processor (don't have, don't want) or blender (have!), to puree the mixture, then put in the freezer for at least six hours. I had some after dinner and it was DELICIOUS! 

Tomorrow, Jim and I are going to the Dudley House covered dish. I had already bought hard cheese and searched out a recipe for a dip. Found one--happily, I have all the ingredients and will bring that; I may add a bottle of wine.  

I've been searching out and copying family pictures and documents on the maternal side to bring my cousin, Sally. Not sure yet how I'm going to present them--maybe bound in a loose-leaf book?  I'll think of something. 

Monday, May 09, 2022

Mothers' Day

The Access van got me to Ellen's about 11:30--a bit early, but that was okay--and I found Greg in the kitchen cooking up a storm. In another forty-five or so, we three then sat in the lovely side yard and enjoyed his meal. He opened with a wonderful spinach soup, mostly his own creation. I think Greg has a remarkable skill with herbs. He used several in the soup, including cilantro, ginger, garlic, and others, but as ever, the seasoning was very subtle--he never overdoes.  We then had cod, which he dressed with different herbs, capers, and lemon slices (from the tree outside). I hadn't had cod for years and this was just delicious. Here he is serving it up:


El cleaned up the kitchen after Greg had done his magic (his kitchen expertise doesn't seem to extend to that), then he left for work and I helped El change their bed.  We then enjoyed our Margaritas outside and I opened my presents. I got some neat things, including this from the little guy in Japan and his parents (names obscured):


But of course, my real presents are the people who sent them.
The Access Van picked me up about 4:30, but I didn't get home until six, as Lesly, the driver, had several other "guests," as she calls them to pick up and drop off. I never dreamed Ojai was as large--or as impressive and beautiful as it is. I enjoyed the ride up in the hills. 

Home and went over to Von's to pick up the free (because I'm such a good customer, I guess) frozen garlic. They were out of them, natch, so I got a rain check. 

Sunday, May 08, 2022


Called my cousin, Sally in Solano Beach (part of or near San Diego, I'm not sure which) then made my reservations for my visit. 

I was considering going to a concert in which Julie's friend, Margaret, is singing in a concert at Channel Island Cal State. The more I think of it, though, the less enthusiastic I am. It's on June 4 at 7 pm, which means I wouldn't get home until 'way past my bedtime and I have my docent stint the next day. Darn--but I hope to attend another time. 

Jim got here for lunch at his usual 12:30. I kept it simple, just serving one of the Voila! frozen meals I had in the freezer--beef lo mein, which wasn't half bad. Added some nibbles, bread and butter, and red wine for him, of course, and beer for me. Gave him dessert of lemon cake with blueberry slurry and vanilla yogurt. As ever, he gobbled everything up.

Jim always looks at the books I'm reading and we chat about them. I assumed he reads during meals, as I do and was surprised when he said he didn't. Why? Because he eats in the kitchen standing up--good grief!  That seems to confirm what I suspect: that he eats very little and probably skips meals.

Anyway, we had some pleasant talk and he left a bit before 3:00. I immediately got my cart and walked to The Market to get in at least get a mile and a half. Got carrots, Brussel sprouts, tomatoes, and a few other things and bused home.

Called the Access Van, which will take me over to Ellen's, then take me home. It will be low-key, just the two of us, as Greg is working, but as ever when I'm with my girl, it will be so good.


Saturday, May 07, 2022

Back And Lovin' It!

Back in the swing! My older son, Patrick, in Tokyo, guided me to get back here to "Mimi's Musings" and I hope I never stray again.

As for yesterday: T.O.P.S. dragged on, thanks to Sharon's incessive need for attention: This time, she brought a picture of herself when she was about twenty and went on and on about her grandson, daughter, baby great-grandsons, and the price of tea in China (another old saw--I can't help myself!). We did have a new member, Beverly, who seems very nice. Julie picked me up and took me home, as Lora's visiting in Dallas. My weight: at home, down .06 to 127.8; at T.O.P.S, down .06 to 128.8.

Didn't get breakfast until 10:30, after which I tried to find a solution to my Fire Stick problem on-line. No dice, so I bused to Target and talked to somebody in Electronics. She gave me some advice, but of course, by the time I got home, I could barely remember it and couldn't have following it, anyway.  Stopped at a Japanese place in the mall and had a quick mini-lunch of California rolls, then bought  some Mandarins. 

Called Ellen and she spent almost an hour walking me through possible solutions via Facetime. They didn't work, so I was going to call somebody to come in and remedy the situation (but see later--oh, happy day). The good news: I followed son Patrick's suggestions re this blog and--oh, yeah!--got back in, able to post here in "Mimi's Musings." Called cousin Sally to say my visit to her in San Diego is on. Must look up train times and so on. 

Over to Von's before dinner for crackers, yogurt, and beer; also picked up some hard cheese. Jim and I are going to the Dudley House covered dish on Wednesday and I'll just cut the cheese in chunks, insert toothpicks, maybe fancy them up a bit, and take them as appetizers.  

Later, El called on her way home and said she'd stop in to look at the TV program. She did, clicked and maneuvered around with all four remotes and--EUREKA!--she got it back! So good to see and so good to have a daughter with that kind of know-how. 

Called Jim to invite him to lunch today, so things are back on--no, I'm not going to write "on an even keel"--okay, things are now perkin' along the way I like them.

Friday, May 06, 2022

From April, with a note from May

Actually, this is my entry from April 21, weeks ago. Finally, at long last, I'm back (I hope permanently) into my original blog. Entries from then until today can be found at the bog, "Here In California." 

Walked to the post office to mail a package to Jersey and when I came out, I ran into my former friend, Gail. When I say "former," I simply mean we fell out of touch with each other. She's the one I met on the bus to Santa Barbara and who lives with her ex-husband, whom she married and divorced three times. Anyway, she was on her bike and we chatted for ten minutes or so.  Her daughter had had a serious health problem, but recovered. I told her I'd give her a call and we'd meet for lunch. I will, but I'm also award that Gail is 1. the most negative person I've every met (even more than Jim, if that's possible) and 2. she treats me like some fragile old lady who's barely holding on the life.  Oh, well, I like to go to lunch, so will call her.

After we parted, I took the 6 to Telephone Road, then the 11 to Bed, Bath & Beyond. I had looked on their web site and saw they had the old-time glass juicer, so I wanted to get it and start juicing my beautiful lemons. They didn't have it, but of course, they had a three-times more expensive one for seventeen bucks, which I was not about to pay. Took another two buses home, mad at B, B & B for not having it and mad at myself for not calling first. However, I later found it on-line at Wal-Mart, ordered and paid for it on-line, and was assured I can pick it  up after 11:00 today. If that works out, I'll be amazed--and thrilled.

Ellen came about 2:00 and I was pleased that Greg came with her. We loaded up her car with my valuable (😄 ) donation items and El and I drove to Goodwill while Greg read and napped on my couch. Got my receipt tax purposed, then we stopped in the store to see if I could find a glass juicer there, but didn't and drove back. The three of us then sat and enjoyed a chat about aging and obsessing about it, among other cheery items. It was so good to be with both of them.

I had a big phone fight with Target on the phone and told them I'd never set foot in their store again. However, that was all histrionics, so I probably will, but their "Red Card" web site is the pits. 



Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...