Thursday, March 31, 2022

You Win Some, You lose some...

And happily, I seem to be on a winning streak. After the successful session with Miramar on Tuesday,   things went well yesterday at the dentist's. I headed there in fear and trembling, of course, although it was just to get my teeth cleaned (well, bad enough!). I like Dave, the hygienist, who's very warm and talkative. I already knew he lives in Thousand Oaks, his wife went to UCLA, and he has two stepsons, one mentally challenged, plus lots of other minutiae. This time he told me he was building an outdoor cocktail area and has informed his wife he wants to be buried there. Funny guy and I enjoy his patter. The "win" part: I told him I have some sensitivity in two teeth and he called Dr. Babbitt in to check, but it doesn't seem to be a problem. Dave said I should use Sensodyne toothpaste and get a Water Pik. Will do.

Got out of there in an hour and walked over to a branch of The Market. Got a few items, including a small jar of instant coffee for the Molloy's Irish Cream I'm bringing to T.O.P.S. tomorrow. Walked back to the transit center for a bus home, so I put in about two.

After lunch, I added another mile and a half by walking to Smart 'n' Final and The Dollar Tree for apples, veggies, and stuff. Bused home, then went over to Von's for the rest of what I need.  (Damn, I forgot the heavy cream, but will go back and get that after breakfast.)  Ellen called while I was there on her way home from work and we had a good talk. 

I continue to treat myself to an episode of Doc Martin before bed and I no longer watch anything else on television. I do still have Full Metal Jacket on the laptop, but haven't look at it for a few days. As for reading--incredibly, I'm indulging myself with Mo: A Woman's View Of Watergate. It's by Maureen Dean, wife of John, one of the major figures in that long ago mess. Book came out forty seven years ago and it's written (with a ghost) in a truly bizarre style that comes across as a mix of gal-around-town-no-better-than- she-had-to be/innocent victim/teeny bopper style that's truly bizarre. For some reason, though, I'm reasonably engaged and will continue it.   

Wednesday, March 30, 2022


Busy day. I got to Miramar about 11:30 and met with "manager"--or something--Rocio. I was all set to light into her, but to my surprise, she couldn't have been more understanding and courteous. Then and there, she measured my eyes to ascertain where the new lenses and I'll be getting them soon. They will be free of charge, of course, and I walked out of there satisfied and feeling better about Miramar. I'm going to write a letter of appreciation about her to the outfit.

From there, I caught the bus into town. I was early for my 1:00 o'clock lunch date with Noreen, so stopped at the library. I started talking to the director, Karen, and discussed the possibility of my doing my Dionne Quintuplet presentation there. She was encouraging, so I'll see if I can pull it together again.

Got to Dargan's, met Noreen and we had a good Irish lunch, shepherd's pie and Irish beer for me, Cobb salad and wine for her. We talked and talked about our various good and bad times since we met last. Stayed for two hours and finally said goodbye.

After I got home, I texted Suzanne to see if she wanted to come over for one of our chat sessions. She did and we convened at 5:00. We had some an interesting conversation about family, she discussing her nephew and his wife, who are divorcing. I was surprised at her candor, considering the topic; Sister Gabriel and Sister Leo must have been spinning in their graves. 

A few minutes after Suzanne left, cousin Sally called. Just back from Florida where she visited her youngest daughters (she has six children from two marriages), we talked about me visiting her in San Diego. She mentioned that at the end of May, she'll be attending the college graduation of her grandson--formerly her granddaughter--in San Jose. Yes, the granddaughter has changed to male hood which, it seems to me, may be more difficult than the opposite, but hey, each to his own.

This morning, I have to go to the dentist for teeth-cleaning--UGH! 

Tuesday, March 29, 2022


 A strange phenomena was happening when I got up: Water was falling from the sky. Yes, it was raining and it lasted most of the morning. That gave me plenty of inside time to get things done, including the making the multitude of phone calls and Internet contacts I needed to do. I also found the tax return items for Michelle and emailed them to her. I was able to cancel my April 22nd appointments--dropped Miramar altogether and got a mammogram appointment in Ventura for April 26. 

Speaking of Miramar, the "manager" (or whatever she is, maybe the cleaning woman) of the optical department called and we made a date for me to see her today about 11:00. I'm also meeting Noreen for lunch at Dargan's Irish Pub in town, so that should work. I hope the rain will have gone away by the time I have to leave.  

I've had a hankering for lentils, so I put some in the slow cooker, shredded an onion to add, plus some chicken broth and Italian seasoning, and let it simmer for several hours. Reserved some for dinner and froze the rest. 

After lunch, I thought I'd bus to town, but although the rain had stopped, it was chilly, dull and overcast, so I skipped that idea. Just went over to Von's for blueberries, milk, and mushrooms. Home and I stir-fried the latter with herb and garlic marinade and, along with the lentil soup/stew, had a tasty dinner.

Monday, March 28, 2022


I'm not sure why, but I didn't do well on the Sunday crossword: left a number unsolved. After, I cleaned up a bit, had lunch, then got my cart and set off for Michelle's with my tax info. It took me an age to find her apartment, as Cypress Point is a fairly large complex and the building numbers seem just at random. Anyway, I got there about 2:00 and Michelle invited me to come in while she worked up my form on the laptop, so I could sign it then and there. I wasn't able to, however, because there were two documents (from Vanguard and Chase re my investments and my mortgage interest) I had neglected to include. Michelle said I could call her with the numbers, which I will today.

But, as it always is with Michelle, it was a pleasant encounter. She's a personal trainer on the side, plus an accountant for taxes and other things, and is self-employed in both areas. I enjoy talking to her, as she's smart, articulate, and full of life. I'm Facebook friends with her and know she's an outdoor person inside and out--long hikes up in the hills, sky-diving, trips to Hawaii for snorkeling, and so on. I like to read about and hear of, her adventures.

So I was there about an hour, then walked to The Market and Wal-Mart for lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and a few other items. Bused home, after getting in about three, maybe more. 

I've decided--somewhat impulsively--to sell my sofa, which I've posted on several sites on FB:

It's in good shape, but is not a sleep sofa, which I want. Why? Well, for one thing, son Mike is going to be here on a business trip and will arrive in Ventura on April 22. (I have appointments at both Miramar Eye and Rolling Oaks for the mammogram, but I'll jettison them without a qualm.) He'll then go to Utah, but come back here after. He could stay with Ellen, but I'd like to have him here, at least on one of the nights, so I want to get a sleep sofa. 

Ran into Vickie when I neared home and we chatted. I got the latest on Mary--not good--but was glad to see Vickie. Home and I had a vegan dinner of rice, Brussel sprouts, and homemade applesauce. 

Sunday, March 27, 2022


It was foggy and cool, but turned out to be an enjoyable day overall. For one thing, although I woke up at 2:00 for the usual, I fell back asleep and got up at 6:30. That's downright late for me and I felt well rested.

Prepared for "Jimlunch" by cleaning up a bit and getting out the Viola casserole from the freezer. I just served that with rye bread--no extras--and of course, wine for Jim, beer for me. Had some lemon cake in the freezer and I pureed a pint of blueberries to cover it, added some strawberry yogurt, and it was tasty. 

After, we sat and had some good conversation. I have some art books on the lower level of the coffee table and we discussed which we like most (impressionists for me). Jim talked about the relationship he sees between art and philosophy, such as, say, Monet and Renoir being active in the age of enlightenment. That was interesting. 

Jim stayed until almost 4:00, then I walked him out, cleaned up, and walked over to Von's for paper towels. Naturally, I saw more things I needed/wanted, so had to leave my paid-for goods, come home and get my cart, then go back to get them. That was all right with me, as I hadn't had any walk in the morning.

I made the happy discovery that I can watch DVDs on this laptop--I hadn't realized that before. That means I can see Doc Martin for an hour every night, then a movie at my leisure--nice to know.  I actually put in Full Metal Jacket, an anti-war classic I've never seen, and will look at it in segments.  

Saturday, March 26, 2022


Lora picked me up for T.O.P.S. at 8:30, as Julie was about to go on a trip. Besides Lora and me, only Lennie The Leader and Bobbi were there. As ever, we hardly mentioned weight or weight loss--just ranged over a variety of topics. Lennie said something about Bailey's Irish Cream and I told them that I often make it and have given it as gifts. What? Make it? How? The upshot is that I promised to bring some in next week for them to sample; also volunteered to do the program.

As for the weight report: I came in at 126.4 at home for a loss of .06 from last Saturday. The T.O.P.S. scale had me at 126.8, a gain of a whopping 2.1. But the last time I was weighed at the meeting was three weeks ago, so who knows what the interim levels were? Anyway, I'm okay with it, as it's well within my comfort zone of 125 to 130.

During the meeting, I got a call from the woman at Miramar I was supposed to see at 2:00 yesterday, to say she had an "emergency" at home and had to leave. I said okay, call me Monday. 

Home, late breakfast as ever, then I took my cart and walked over the footbridge to the park at Kimball. Got two books and a National Geographic on Picasso at the Little Lending Library. I often loop around to Telephone Road and take the bus part way back, but instead, I walked the long way, so got in about four. Napped for an hour--I'm not sure if I want this to be a habit--and got up to put in a wash.

Got a text from cousin Duane asking if it was okay with everybody if he put our pictures from last week on Facebook. We all said yes and I'll be anxious to see them, especially those I haven't seen with my brother, Frank.

Ellen called on her way home from work and we had a long--and rather heated--discussion about my problem with Miramar. I'll let her know the outcome after I talk to the woman there. 

After dinner, I debated with myself whether to call Jim. Our routine had been that I call him on Friday at 7:00 (creatures of habit? Oh, no, not us), but we had "had words" last week and I didn't know if he'd be receptive. For that matter, I was feeling conflicted myself about the relationship. However, at about ten after, he called me. I greeted him warmly, we talked for some time, and I extended the invitation, which he immediately accepted. So our little spat is over and I'm glad of that. 

Note to myself because I've asked him a million times and keep forgetting: Jim doesn't resume his classes at the college until the summer semester.

Friday, March 25, 2022


Have aliens taken over the medical profession or what? After all my travail with Miramar--and it isn't over yet--I got a voice mail call from Rolling Oaks about my mammogram appointment. It had been scheduled for next Monday for more than a month, but I was informed yesterday that "we do not have a technologist to do the exam," so I need to have it done on April 22 in Oxnard. What, they didn't know this beforehand? This means I'll have to get the Access Van to take me, but oh, all right, I'll do it.

Speaking of practices from hell, I called Miramar Optical and said I wanted to speak to the  manager--in person, NOT on the phone.  This is in reference to my worthless glasses--or rather, they're worth a dollar, which is what I pay for all my reading glasses, since the second part of the prescription wasn't filled. I was surprised that the person who called (not the manager, because the manager has left and she's filling in--AAGH!) said I could come in today (Friday) at 2:00.  To soothe my jangled nerves, I walked to Smart 'n' Final and The Dollar Tree before lunch; there and back is three miles and by the time I got home, I was laughing it off. 

After lunch, I didn't feel like going into town or much else, and took a short nap. That one-hour helped, and when I got up, I started several hours of food prep. I had bought several pounds of chicken thighs (dark meat is much more flavorful than white) and had a recipe that included rice, chicken broth, and seasonings, so I made that. Since that didn't use all the chicken, I also put some in the oven with Italian dressing. Cooked up the fresh spinach I had bought the other day with my usual olive oil/vinegar/garlic dressing. I also partly prepared the butternut squash I had. By the time I was finished, it was 6:00 and I had some of the aforementioned. 

Just got an email from son, Mike, saying that my granddaughter, Vivian, will attend the University of Hawaii to study marine biology. (However, if she gets into USC, who haven't announced yet, she'll go there.) I'm disappointed she didn't get into UCSB, where her parents went, but Hawaii sounds good, too. Her sister, Violet, will again attend the Ojai camp in July, plus Mike will be here on a business trip in a few weeks. Can't wait to see him.

Unfortunately, I had difficulty sleeping. Woke up at 2:00 am and only dozed on and off--I think, not sure--until I got up at 6:00. I have T.O.P.S. this morning and the optician at 2:00, but maybe I can nap in between.  

Thursday, March 24, 2022


I'm up, I'm down, I'm up again. Somebody from Miramar called me to ask if I had gotten the ointment; I had, but mentioned the directions were unclear and I wanted to talk to Dr. F. Well, heaven forfend any doctor would deign to talk to a patient on the phone, so she said she'd ask him about it. She called back to say this, that, and the other, and it doesn't matter in the least because my eye is much better--almost entirely healed, in fact, which leads me to believe it wasn't an infection, after all, but a scratch from the tiny thing the doc had removed from under my lid. Anyway, I haven't yet even used the ointment at all, and won't unless it proves to be a problem later.

I spent the entire morning in pulling my income tax stuff together; emailed Michelle with some questions and hope I'd almost over that horrible task. 

Bused to town after lunch, which was so enjoyable. On a Wednesday, it wasn't crowded--just enough to be festive--and I strolled Main Street and the shops I like. Bought a blouse and was pleased to find it was discounted. Earlier, I had left a message for my friend, across-the-street neighbor, and daily walking partner in Sunrise Bay, Susan G., wishing her a happy eightieth birthday. She called me back while I was riding home on the bus and we had a good chat.

Home about 4:00 and I violated one of my own rules: not to drink alone. It was a gorgeous day and I took my book (about the Amanda Knox case), poured myself a Heineken, and sat on the patio for an hour or so. It was lovely and, as it always does on these occasions, a phrase from Graham Greene's A Burnt Out Case occurred to me. His book concerns a world-weary man, bored with life, who moves to Africa and starts assisting at a hospital. He's almost afraid to believe he can be content, but it seems he is, and Greene has him think that "maybe he had found here a country and a life."  For some reason, that has stayed in my mind for fifty or so years, since I read the book, and it comes up now. I think I've found here, in  Ventura, California, a "country"--the west country--and a life.  

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Day From The Devil

 A terrible day. I woke up with my left eye feeling sore when I blinked or touched it. Called Miramar (ophthalmologists) and got an appointment for 11:00. Got there and was taken fairly quickly, a miracle for Miramar, which is the outfit I walked out on last year.

Dr. F. examined me, removed a tiny something from under my eyelid and said I had an infection. He said he'd prescribe an ointment I should put in after warm compresses. It was a bit unsettling when he said I had to be very careful not to use too much (the size of half a grain of rice), a it could cause temporary blindness. He mentioned there were eye drops, so I could opt for that, but they aren't nearly as effective. I said the ointment was okay, which I now regret. He said he'd call the Rx into CVS. 

I was glad to have gotten finished so quickly--unusual for Miramar--especially since I had gotten a call from the optical department, which is housed right across the aisle (medical integrity? Come on, it's all business all the way), to say my glasses were finished. I went over there and found they had done only the close vision part. So why not just use the ten or so dollar store glasses I already have? The clerk said I must have ordered them that way and I just grabbed them and left. Caught the bus and, since I get off just before the Von's shopping center, where CVS is, I stopped there before I went home to get my prescription. 

But they hadn't gotten any communication from Miramar. I said I'd call Miramar when I got home. Did so and was greeted by the infuriatingly chummy--and long-winded--male voice telling me they're closed between noon and 1:30. (They have DOZENS of employees, you'd think they could stagger lunch!) 

I had lunch myself, then called CVS to see it the prescription was in.  It seems they had one for me (this information was on a recording), that would be ready on Thursday. THURSDAY???? I have an eye infection on Tuesday, so what gives? Called CVS and was told that those sweet folks at Miramar  probably didn't know how to access the e-script program electronically. 

Since then--and I'm typing this after 4:00 on Tuesday, I've been back and forth to CVS and Miramar roughly ten times each, trying to straighten this out. Just now, knowing they close at 5:00, I called Miramar again. The person I spoke to said "the technicians" are the ones who need to handle this. But, of course, I can't talk to "the technicians." She asked if I wanted to speak to the office manager; yes, I did, but guess what? She wasn't available and I had to leave a message. 

I guess one might wonder why I don't go to some other ophthalmologists. Oh, no, no, no, my insurance covers only Miramar, no matter how shoddy their patient practices. Finally, I got a call from CVS while I was having dinner telling me the Rx was in. Walked over, brought it home, and...

...on the package, it says "Apply to left upper lid twice a day." On the insert directions, it says to "make a pouch of the lower lid" and put the med in that. When I was examined, Dr. F. told me something about applying it under the lid. Damn, I'll have to call to get all this straightened out. In fact, I'm going to tell him to write me a prescription for the drops--I don't think I can handle the ointment, anyway. 

To top off this Day From The Devil, my clicker to get in and out of the gates stopped working, so I'll have to go to the the office for another one today.   

Tuesday, March 22, 2022


 It started as a not-so-great day. I grieved the loss of my twin sister, thinking of all the time we wasted being mad at each other. I was diverted from that, though, by the horrendous ordeal of trying to get CVS Caremark to send my medication. Finally straightened it all out (their web site stinks, too) and they sent it to the nearby CVS, which I walked to and picked up.

Went to Von's to stock up on a few things, including the Voila frozen meals I like--casseroles of garlic chicken and pasta, as well as other combinations. I actually went back and forth to the Von's shopping center three times, because I had to go home and get my cart. I have to say, much as I get annoyed at some things about the apartment, it probably couldn't be more convenient when I don't have a car: supermarkets, other stores, and buses are all within a radius of two or so miles--easy walking distance.

After I picked up the medication, I impulsively got on a 6 bus and went down to Telephone Road to see if the Von's there had an item sold out in "my" Von's. They were also sold out (it was a vodka-infused cocktail in a can that neighbor Michelle had told me was on sale), but that was okay. I took the 6 bus back, got off at the transit center/mall and went to BevMo for a bottle of Christian Brothers cream sherry (all the old ladies drink cream sherry).

The high point of the day was when Ellen called on her way home from school. We had a good talk and that lifted my spirits considerably. What isn't is the fact that my left eye is bothering me; I'm going to call Miramax this morning. 

Monday, March 21, 2022


Back in the groove, I did the Sunday crossword and solved most, not all. Put in a final load of wash, then got my cart and walked to The Market and Wal-Mart. Picked up various, including spinach and Brussels sprouts, lettuce and olive oil.

Home, I reverted back to my big salad for lunch (I had been straying into sandwiches for a time) and added grapes and diced chicken and it was good. After, I actually laid down and took a nap until 5:00, so about two hours. Felt invigorated when I got up.

Had a vegan dinner, after which Vickie called to bring me up to date on Mary's sad saga. She's again been taken to a geriatric psych ward in a hospital in Fillmore. She had been aggressive with staff and had actually injured several in reacting to something or other she didn't want to do. Poor Vickie is also dealing with going back to work at the county office shortly--she had been working from home, but now employees are to resume on-site. Considering her compromised immune system, I don't blame her. She also said her work load has been tripled; even if that's an exaggeration, that's another burden. 

I have a bunch of financial/legal/"business" stuff to do today and I must complete my income tax info and get it to Michelle.

Sunday, March 20, 2022


Put in yet another load of wash before breakfast, but I must have included too many heavy towels since the damn thing failed to spin dry. Took out the towels and spread them on the patio chairs. Shortly, I'll get them--they'll still be damp--and put them in the dryer.

Went over to Von's for Heineken, which was on sale; I'll go back today for other items. While there, I saw that the Friends of The Library were having a book sale. Could I resist? Certainly not, and I browsed for a bit, then bought a bio of Hal Holbrook, an account of the notorious conviction of exchange student, Amada Knox, in Italy for a murder she didn't commit, plus a book on one of Graham Greene's love affairs. Called Jim to tell him about the sale and he said he's go there before coming to my place for lunch.

Home, I prepared that lunch. I finished up the long pepperoni and cheese sandwiches and added a bowl of my homemade applesauce as a side. Got the two corn muffins left over from when Jim was here last from the freezer and put them out, too.

Jim came a little later than his usual 12:30, having stopped at the book sale (he didn't buy anything) and we sat for a bit to chat while the pepperoni bread was in the oven. I showed him some of the pictures from my last week--such an enjoyable time. We then proceeded to have a heated argument...

...I don't want to go into it at length, but it involved what Jim thought was a constant bombardment of Facebook comments from me. No such thing--he didn't understand how "notifications" work and I didn't understand that he gets them on email. Anyway, he wanted to get to his email on my laptop (which I had out) to show me, but we couldn't do it and finally, he managed on my phone. It seems to me he must have somehow directed Facebook notifications to go to his email, but I have no idea how. Anyway, he doesn't want to be on Facebook and I unfriended him; he doesn't seem to know how to do it himself.

He asked me to scan (although he didn't use the word; I don't think he knows it) his social security card and driver license, back and front, which I did, then gave him a copy and sent me one.  I walked him out when he left, after giving him some of the things my company had left, which I don't eat. 

I guess we're back on a friendly footing, but I've been watching Doc Martin with great pleasure and, unfortunately, Jim reminds me very much of Doc. Does that bode ill for the future? I don't know, but guess I'll find out. 

Saturday, March 19, 2022


Well, at least I didn't mope around all day. After stripping the beds, I did three large loads of wash, remade bed, returned Suzanne's futon, stowed my own, took the trash out, ran the dishwasher, and completed various other chores. After lunch, I walked to Smart 'n' Final for broccoli, squash, and bananas, then to The Dollar Tree for dry bleach and a few other items. 

I returned Suzanne's futon and she suggested we have one of our little social sessions at 5:00. We did and she brought a nice place of sliced yellow peppers, avocado chunks, and crackers with her O'Doul's. I showed her a few of the pictures from the last week and she filled me in on her activities. She was asked to head up a weekly Lenten prayer group at Our Lady of the Assumption and she described that. Also, the three Sisters who lived nearby had her over for a St. Pat's Day dinner. 

As ever, I was reminded that the course of people's lives vary as they shape it--or, unfortunately for some, don't shape it--and that's usually a good thing. Suzanne's would drive me into an asylum, mine probably would do the same for her, but I know we're both content with our own. It seems to me the ones to be pitied are those who just let life happen to them--rudderless ships on a turbulent sea... 

...thinking of whom, I called Jim and we had a long talk, since I hadn't had him over for two weeks. Of course, I invited him for lunch today and, of course, he accepted with pleasure. I have some things left over, so we'll have some of this and that. 

Friday, March 18, 2022

Thursday, A Wonderful Day

After a short morning walk (one and a bit miles), it was off to Santa Barbara. Picked Betty up at Alamar Villa, and drove to Carolyn's. Just as we pulled in, so did Duane, cousin Sally, and Duane's lady friend, Anita. We all descended on Carolyn and an enormous amount of family fun ensued.

Hadn't seen Sally for 25 years and we had lots to discuss. Sal has six children from two marriages (first husband was killed in a motorcycle accident, leaving her with two babies; second died about two years ago after a debilitating stroke and long illness) and if Duane is any indication, they're just terrific people. He's very, very warm, outgoing, and friendly, as is Anita. Both married before, he's an Apple engineer, she's retired (middle fifties) from teaching, and I declared they're both keepers. Here we are yesterday:

And here are the cousins: Sally, Betty, and me:
This is terrible of Betty, but here's a better one of the three of us, along with brothers, Larry and Frank. 
From left, front: me, Betty, and Sally: 
And here's a nice one of Betty, taken by Duane:
Sally and me:
Anyway, it was a wonderful, wonderful day, the perfect sendoff after a wonderful, wonderful week. Now I'm doing the third of many washes. I'll be drying a lot of laundry, too, but more important, drying my farewell tears...😢 

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Tuesday And Wednesday

It took three hours to drive to San Luis Obispo--over high mountain passes, which was a little scary--but it was well worth it. The park by the ocean there was, along with the Grand Canyon, one of the most magnificent I've ever visited. Walked a bit more than four miles along a cliff-side path, always in sight of the Pacific. Flocks of pelicans flew over periodically:

After, it was off to the elephant seal rookery, seven miles away. What a sight--they're both cunningly cute and horribly disgusting, in my estimation:

Stayed overnight in a beautifully appointed Airbnb in Los Osos before visiting the above sites, then drove to Ojai. Took about a mile or so walk, then went to Ellen's and Greg's for dinner. It was delish--Greg had made terrific appetizers, followed by specially prepared chicken, potatoes, and greens. Stayed until late (for me) and didn't get home until almost ten.

To turn back the clock a bit, went for a stroll and a tour of the maritime museum on Monday. Here I am, looking sappy: 
Today, it's off to Santa Barbara and Carolyn's to meet up with my cousin, Sally, and her son, Duane. Haven't seen Sal for either twenty-five or sixty or so years--more about that later. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2022


Cut up four big apple and some tangerines, put them in the slow cooker with cinnamon to make applesauce. After that, it was off to Kohl's to return something I had bought from Amazon--I was amazed it was so quick and easy. 

Went back to the harbor, this time on the boat side. Lovely day, as ever, and strolling along, I ended up at the museum--free of charge and very nautical. It includes an outside garden containing all native plants--very interesting and I want to get the "Island Morning Glory" and another.

Home for a lunch, then I set up my pills for the week, did a lot of stuff on the laptop, chopped onions for the stir fry I was making for dinner, plus ordered my atorvastatin from CVS Caremark (mail order). 

Ellen got here after school about 5:00, bringing a bottle of Margaritas--yum--and Greg after work soon after. El and I indulged in cocktails and we all sat and talked for a time, then sat down to eat. I was pleased to note everybody liked the food; I forgot dessert, but then realized I still had the chocolate-covered nuts I had made at Christmas. Were they still good? Sure--they had been in the fridge the whole time. 

It was a very fun day and more coming up today!  (I may be away and skipped this blog tomorrow.) 

Monday, March 14, 2022


Still lots going on. Had a late morning workout session at the fitness center here, which was strenuous, but invigorating. Left for town after that. The intention was to walk up to the high hill with the cross, overlooking Ventura, but that actually just leads to the botanic garden.  That will be for another day; instead, I walked down Main a bit, then to The Promenade, and circled back to where the car was parked.

Home about five, dinner, then a lovely excursion to the beach. Walked on the sand and witnessed the sun going down over the Pacific--just a fascinating sight.

Walked a total of about three, then home to see the next episode of Doc Martin. Now that I have Plex, Hulu, and other oddities, I'll probably give DVDs a rest. 

Sunday, March 13, 2022


 Walked the Promenade in the morning for a distance of 3.6 miles. It was lovely along the ocean--lots of walkers, hikers, and so on on the bright an lovely day.

Home for a quick lunch, then over to Ellen's for good talk and visiting.  I took a short nap while there until it was time to go to dinner. We ate at--I completely forgot the name, but years ago, I had been there with a woman's group and remembered the "beer samples" they had, so asked if they still did. That had been four different beers, served in small glasses in a wood tray. They did have it, but only three samples and not in a tray. Ordered it anyway and enjoyed it. I had their specialty macaroni salad with lobster, which was delish and had some left over to take home.

Dropped Ellen off after making plans for her and we hope, Greg, to come for dinner tomorrow. Also have plans to be with her on Wednesday.

Saturday, March 12, 2022


After breakfast, walked the overpass to the park, then around it, for a total of three and a half miles. It was a lovely day, low seventies, plenty of sun, and no humidity, of course. Home about 10:30, to do some financial stuff on the laptop, then it was off to the gym--rather, the exercise room where I live--for some strenuous stuff involving several machines and a medicine ball. Had the leftover manicotti for lunch then went to Von's for this and that.  

Plans were firmed up* to meet my cousin, Sally, next Thursday, in Santa Barbara at niece Carolyn's. I haven't seen her for twenty-five years, although we've talked on the phone. She was about the only cousin near our age, and she's two years older.

Met Ellen and Greg at Lure Fish House, one of my favorites and what a great time we had! The joint was jumpin', of course, on a warm Friday night, but the service was good and the food superb, so what could be better?  I had ahi tuna, seared on the outside and raw within, and El and I both had a yummy "lemon drop" cocktail. We made a date to meet today at El's at 1:00 and we'll be doing something active then, too, of course. 

Got home about 8:00 and--wonders will never cease--changed into a bathing suit and went to the hot tub! It was wonderfully warm and comfortable, a lovely top-off to to  lovely day.  

* The notorious passive voice--I should be ashamed!

Friday, March 11, 2022


 Busiest day I've had in ages. I stripped the bed, made it up with other linins, did two more loads of wash, vacuumed the living room and bedroom, dusted throughout, ran the dishwasher and put away the dishes, cleaned all the kitchen surfaces and scrubbed the sink, thoroughly cleaned the bathroom, then ran over to Von's  for milk, cheese, o.j., Italian bread, as I was having manicotti for dinner; Russian rye, which I bought partly to balance the moronic, who won't buy Russian. Looked for a particular ale at Von's, but they were out of it. Called CVS and they don't carry it. Took a quick shower, then jumped on the bus to the mall and BevMo, which did have the stuff. I bought the last six pack and it was hairy carrying it, but luckily, I caught the 10, which lets me off out front.

Sharon called to say she once again, won't be at T.O.P.S. I had meant to call Julie to say I wouldn't be there, either, but she called me first. She has a bad cold, so is skipping, also. That leaves Leader Lennie and Bobbi, so I assume the meeting will be cancelled. 

Had a quick sandwich lunch at 2:00, then put the manicotti together and completed some last-minute chores. I got a text from Duane, my cousin's son, telling me their plans have changed. He, his mother, daughter, and somebody else, will get to Santa Barbara on the 16th, stay over, then Carolyn will have everybody at her place on the 17th.   

Thursday, March 10, 2022


 Used the Bona system (I swear by it) to dry- then wet-mop the hard floors. Cleaned the bathroom while I was at it, then tackled a few other chores. Put the the bath rugs in the washer and was horrified when they wouldn't spin dry. I was going to take them to the laundry building to put the in the big drier when I ran into Suzanne. She sensibly suggested that I put them on the patio to dry. True, they were soaking wet, but they'd certainly be only damp in the morning, then I could put them in my own dryer. Yes, indeed, that was exactly what happened, which is why I shouldn't go off halfcocked at any disturbance; they are now reposing dryly on the floors.

I finished the major part of my income tax prep--must get it to Michelle when she comes back from Cancun. I'll copy some of the things for my records, but she's always been great in returning what I give her, neatly categorized.

After lunch, I got my cart and walked the overpass to the Hill Street branch of the library. I had  finished Technopoly and just wanted to drop it off, but was delighted to see that the library was open. Went in and spent a pleasant hour browsing, then sitting on a comfortable lounge to start reading Jonathan Kellerman's Night Moves. I'm ninety percent sure I've read this before--and probably only a year or two ago--and it's a little scary that I'm not a hundred percent sure. On the other hand, I don't remember the plot payoff--who was the murderer?--so I'll enjoy it again. Donated books are sold there, too, and I bought Murder At The Chessboard, a small kind of whodunit puzzle book, as well as a DVD called Disturbed, for a buck each.

From there, I hopped a bus to Aldi Supermarket, where I got broccoli, a can of cashews, and--unusually for me--already made up manicotti. You just have to put in on sauce (I have some good garlic and herb tomato sauce); I may do that today, have some for dinner and freeze the rest.

Ellen called on her way home from work. It's always a pleasure to talk to her and I'll see her and Greg Friday evening when we meet for dinner. I think we'll be together over the weekend, too. She told me about buying gas on Sunday for $5.00 a gallon, which was the least expensive near where she lives. She went back to the same place yesterday and it's now $5.40! That's still less than the average in California: $5.57. 

Wednesday, March 09, 2022


Things are looking up, I'm happy to say. I did a load of wash, straightened up a lot of the linen closet and completed other chores and errands I had put off. Finally got the scheduler at Dr. T.'s office and made an appointment for my yearly skin scan. Incredibly, there was nothing at all open in Ventura and I have to go to Camarillo. First available time? May 26! But the hell with it. I'll keep in on the calendar for now, but maybe see if my masters at Blue Shield might allow me to go elsewhere. 

Had lunch at 12:30, early for me, and walked to The Market and Wal-Mart after. The weirdest thing happened while I was on my way: I pulled a tissue out of my pocket (my nose has been running since I moved to California six year ago) and accidentally pulled out my little note, too. It blew across the sidewalk and down an embankment, then disappeared. I remembered most of what I wanted to get, but I think it was probably a good thing it happened. Why? Because I prompted me to write notes on my phone, which makes a lot more sense, so now I'll do that. 

Home, dinner, DVDing (The Man In the Iron Mask, an oldie, but goodie--what's not to like about John Malkovich?), and bed. Unfortunately, I awoke at 4:00, got up for the usual and tried to fall back--sometimes, I can do this--but no luck and I got up at 5:00. May take a nap later. 

Tuesday, March 08, 2022

I've Seen Better...

What a freakin' day! It started off when I remembered that on Saturday, I had received a letter from the Little Egg tax assessor, asking me to call the office.  I did and learned that I owe them $2150. Why? Because Pat, my late husband, was a veteran and had always received a $250 deduction in property taxes. As his widow, I was entitled to the same. So--what's the prob? Well, you have to live in New Jersey to get it. The tax office hadn't known I had moved until they received the revised deed for my house. Since I moved here in 2016, I have to make up that money--a thou and a quarter. Damn, I hope there aren't any interest or fees tacked on.

Started the income tax thing, which was tedious. I have a number of questions to ask Michelle, my accountant ("my" accountant, ha, you'd think I was Bill Gates). I then--finally--completed the DNA thing Mike had sent and walked the box to the post office. After I dropped it in the box, I realized I had forgotten to put my return address on. Since I trust the P.O. about as much as I do politicians, that annoyed me, but I decided not to go back and ask to retrieve it. 

Had lunch, then took off for town. On the bus, I glanced at my email on the phone and saw a message from the Ventura County Star saying my credit card to pay them had been declined. What? Huh? I've paid the same way for years--automatically out of my bank account, so what credit card?  Figuring it was just an annoying little mix-up, I strolled in town, bought some pillow cases, then bused home... which point, I called the Star, which resulted in an hour on the phone with two different representative and the most screwed-up, infuriating mess I've ever encountered. I don't even want to go into any detail--it's just too crappy, but the upshot was that, instead of having payment deducted automatically from my bank account, I'm going to have them send me an email bill every  month. At least that was taken care of...

...NOT! After the (second) call was completed and the other party hung up, my phone wouldn't. I know it's something I should know how to do, but I don't. I actually had to go next door to Suzanne's and ask her to look at it. She did, then accidentally got it to hang--AAGH!

Nothing else could go wrong, right? HA! I had planned to participate in a Zoom meeting with David Swanson's World Without War group on the situation in Ukraine. Got into it, but the sound kept cutting out and I saw on my screen a notice that my internet connection was unstable and  my network bandwidth is low. This is absolutely infuriating because that's why I started paying Yandoo Communications an extra fifty a month about a year ago! The same messages had come up and it was supposed to be increased. So that's another frustrating call to make. 

Today has GOT to be better! 


Monday, March 07, 2022


The Crossword seemed difficult, for some reason, and I didn't get all of it. Emptied the dishwasher and cleaned up a bit. I called my blogger buddy, Pat R. (hi, Pat!) and greatly enjoyed our extended conversation. I wanted to ask her about her husband's cremation and so on and she actually got me interested in donating my body to medical. I'm not at all sure about that, but definitely want to find out more and will get in touch with the anatomical board or its equivalent in California. We also ranged over hair styles, neurotic relatives, and senior sex--fun!

Shortly after Pat and I said goodbye, Ellen came. As she had suggested, I had traced onto newspaper the five large pictures I wanted hung and taped the pieces on the wall where I wanted them. El did a good, careful job and I like the way they look so much.

After all our hard work (well, I supervised!), we went to the Hill Street Café for lunch. We had good food, but even better conversation, and it was a fine day. El dropped me off about 2:30, after which I puttered around, then went over to Von's for oatmeal and olive oil.  

I just got up at 6:00, which is late for me. After I drink enough of my life-saving elixir from Maxwell House, I'll call the Little Egg Harbor Township office about the letter I got on Saturday. It was a request from the tax assessor's office to contact the clerk there.  Ouch--that doesn't sound as if they want to wish me a happy Easter.

Sunday, March 06, 2022


Happily, I slept well, although I got up at 5:30, a little earlier than I like. Tidied up a bit after breakfast and prepared for lunch with Jim. I had problems with making my phone ring louder, but finally looked on-line and found out how to do it. You'd think you could just have a mute, non-mute button, but no, that's too for Apple, I guess. Suzanne came over to try to help, but she doesn't have a smart phone and couldn't do it, either. I finally went on-line and got the lowdown.

Jim got here at his usual 12:30 and we sat on the couch to chat before lunch. I served a version of my turkey stir-fry, adding potatoes, mushrooms, and peas. He loved it, as he did the corn bread muffins; however, I thought they were mediocre and told him I'd make them from scratch next time.

After that, we sat and talked about a range of topics, including cremation, education, and income tax. He asked me to copy a document I got, but he hadn't; I went do it and found I was out of one of the black inks. Asked him to take me to Office Max for another, he did, and I put that in. Made him the copy, then we talked for some time on his income tax woes.

I told him about Neil Postman's Technopoly, which is so prescient and on the mark, it's hard to believe it was published thirty years ago. When I finish it, I'll return it to the library, then buy a copy. Neil Postman was one of the leading scholars of the age, it seems to me, and I wish he was still around. 

Saturday, March 05, 2022


Holy Moley: According to my home scale, I'm now at 123.8, so have lost 3.4 pounds. At T.O.P.S., the scale read 124.7, with 1.5 lost. Puzzling, but I assume I'll get back into my comfort zone of 125 to 130.

Didn't get breakfast until 10:00 and after, I cooked up the nice fat white mushrooms I had bought at WinCo. Did some other food prep, too. After a quick lunch, I rode to town. It was sunny, but very windy and pretty chilly for here. I picked up some cute little "growing pots" for mint, lavender, and chamomile. Will I use them myself or give them away? Dunno.

Hung the metal tree silhouette thing in the hall. I used to have it in the kitchen/dining room, but I wanted to clear that space for new photos.

Called Jim and we had a talk. As usual, I invited him for Saturday lunch and, as ever, he accepted. I had made a large turkey stir-fry last week and had what was left over in the freezer. I'll add the mushrooms I had sautéed on Thursday and maybe peas. I bought a box of corn bread mix and will put that on the table, too. 

(Sigh: In my younger days, I would never have dreamed of using a box. I always made corn bread from scratch and it isn't even hard. Guess I'm getting old and careless in the baking department.  😂)  

Friday, March 04, 2022


I like to make at least semi-firm plans for my days and I had planned to walk to the P.O. in the morning and send off my St. Pat's day cards to the kiddies overseas. After that, I was going to bus to Miramar to--finally--get my glasses prescription filled. But Suzanne called at 9:00 to ask if I wanted to go to WinCo in twenty minutes. Why, sure, and off we went. After we got home, Suzanne knocked and gave me half of the purple cabbage she had bought--she's done this before, because she can't eat a whole one. I immediately put it in the slow cooker and, since I had no apples, added some grapes. 

I made an appointment for my yearly mammogram at Rolling Oaks (always sounds like a motorcycle gang to me) and tried for the third time to make an appointment with the dermatologist for my yearly skin lookover. Once again, nobody called me back and I'm getting more and more annoyed. 

Had lunch, then set off for the post office. I had found a cute little pair of St. Patrick's day socks at Target for Mr. K., so added them to his envelope. When I was told the postage, though, I pulled my little gesture--it was seventeen dollars and change. I knew my son, K.'s dad, would be very disapproving if I spent that much on three-dollar socks, so I took it back. Mailed the ones to Singapore. 

I kept to my plan for the optician's, bused there, and told the attendant I wanted the least expensive frames they had. She brought over some $150 ones and I chose.  My insurance will cover all but six dollars (I'm not sure why) and there are two co-pays of $20 each, so I'll be out of pocket only forty-six dollars. I actually expected to pay a few hundred--I had forgotten my insurance would pay most--so that was satisfactory. From there, I walked to The Market and picked up another card for the Tokyo boy, whom I figure is one-third Irish. Although the mail's been terrible, I have plenty of time to send it. 

It was too early for dinner when I got home, so I had some of the now nicely-cooked cabbage. Put some red wine vinegar on it and it was delish. I completed the "Thought for the Week" quotes for Lennie and sneakily added a few I made up myself. For dinner, I had chicken dogs and scrambled eggs, which I like every once in a while. Julie will be picking me up for T.O.P.S. shortly and since I skipped last week, I'll be interested to know my weight tally. 

Thursday, March 03, 2022


I've had an enjoyable stretch of activities lately, and yesterday was no exception. Julie picked me up at 8:45 and we went to the Beach Cities Neighbors and Newcomers meeting at the harbor. The program was a yawner; it was about climate warming, but concentrated on urging individuals to get solar panels,  electric cars, and so on. (Without some kind of overseeing of the biggest polluters on the planet--huge corporations and the U.S. military--that's just whistling in the dark.) However, I enjoyed meeting the others, especially Linda H., who was wearing a mask of her own face:

I was fascinated and asked where she got it. She told me in L.A.; you provide a picture of your face and it's printed on a washable mask. Naturally, I have to have one and will pursue it.

After the meeting, about fifteen of us went to the Margaritaville Restaurant for lunch. We sat on the second floor deck, overlooking the harbor and lots of boats--it was heavenly. I wasn't hungry, so just had a (small) bowl of soup and a beer. I continue to be amazed at food prices now: My bill with tip was twenty-three bucks!  Julie and I then stopped into an artists' collective and we admired some of the paintings, photographs, and jewelry for sale. We spoke to one of the artists and Julie bought a painting and a kind of seashell paperweight. 

As soon as I got home, I did what Ellen suggested: traced the framed pictures I want her to hang on newspaper and taped it up. That was a great idea to see how I want the configuration.

Finished with that, I needed to get outside in the wonderfully warm (upper seventies) and sunny day, so  I bused to The Collection in Oxnard.* I stopped to see Greg and we had a good talk for a half hour or so. I didn't get home until 5:30 and immediately microwaved some fresh spinach, then cut up red potatoes and tossed with olive oil, garlic, and seasonings, and roasted them in a hot oven. That made up one of my vegan dinners. 

* It took me quite a while to get to Oxnard. I had taken the 21 bus, having forgotten it doesn't go to The Collection. When it got to Oxnard, I was told by the driver where to get off to get the route one bus to a certain stop for the 17, which went to the transit center where I could catch the 6 to The Collection.  You might think I'd be upset about such a torturous route, but I wasn't. I knew I'd eventually get there, it was a lovely day, and I actually enjoyed the rides.  

Wednesday, March 02, 2022

Sinks, Sharon, Sarah, And Suzanne

Tidied up a bit, as I was expecting maintenance to come over at 11:00. Javier did, and replaced the heads on the sink faucets yet again. It occurred to me that I've seen only Javier and Jose working recently; what ever happened to Gabe and Troy is anybody's guess. Suzanne and I suspect Gabe had some problem--or created a problem--and as for Troy, that's a puzzle. I know he and his wife lived here--or used to--but whether the apartment was part of his compensation or not, I don't know. I'm pretty sure he no longer does, or I'd have seen him around. Anyway, Javier once again changed the faucet tops and the water's flowing freely, but I don't expect it to last. 

Sharon called to say she again won't be going to T.O.P.S. this week. She'll have "several medical procedures" on Thursday, including a colonoscopy. For her, she said, they have to do a special procedure and she's gets to sleep for it. Not sure how that works, but considering her extreme obesity and her other ailments, I'm not surprised. 

Left for the mall after lunch. I didn't have any particular place I wanted to go, but just walked through Target, Macy's, Penney's, and here and there. Of course, it was like a ghost town, as usual. I bought a pair of St. Pat's Day socks for Koushin--every Japanese boy needs them. Bused home and stopped at Von's for clementines; I can't start my day without including citrus as part of breakfast. 

Sarah, the cremation person, came at 3:00, as arranged, and was here for more than two hours. She answered every question I had about cremation, so I was well satisfied. I told her I wasn't going to commit myself right now, but was leaning toward it. The complication of our burial plot in Jersey and my death in California was one of my worries, but she answered it to my satisfaction. It was even more of a relief when I asked "what if I die in Jersey, while I'm visiting?" It wouldn't make sense to send the body back here, have it cremated, then have the ashes shipped back to Jersey. In that case, they can transfer my contract to George Wimberg--good. I showed her a picture of our burial plot at Laurel Memorial:

Sarah went on and on about her wife, Sally, who's with Amazon and just got transferred to Glendale, Arizona, but so what, I enjoyed her talk. After she left, I knocked on Suzanne's door and invited her in for one of our chats. She brought her O'Douls', I had my Modelo, and we had a good talk about books we're reading. She'll lend me Dorothy Day's autobiography and I'll lend her My Own Pace when I'm finished. 

Called Ellen after dinner to ask her to come over on Sunday and help me hang the new pictures I got. She will, and we'll go to lunch at the Hill Street Cafe first. She suggested--a brilliant idea--that I trace the picture frames on newspaper first, then tape them to the wall where I want them. Will do. 

Julie will pick me up today at ten of nine and we'll go to Beach City Neighbors And Newcomers. I used to belong to this group and, possibly, will rejoin. 

Tuesday, March 01, 2022


Slept well and got several hanging-over-my-head chores done, including finally getting my passport finished and mailed. I had to call to ask if "change in data" meant any change, such as my address, or does it just pertain to the data on the passport (it was the latter). Walked it to the P.O.  to get a return receipt and I hope that's the last I have to think about it until I get the new passport. 

I did get today the other document I was looking for: the revised deed for my house, so presumably, the trust is complete. That's another pain n the rear I hope I don't have to deal with again. Also got the three completed DNA kits from Mike--hmm...but why weren't there four for him and Paula and the two girls? Oh, that's right, Vivian and Violet would have the same. I took the kits (boxes) to the office because they didn't fit in the mail slot; carrier will pick them up tomorrow.

I had gotten a late fee of ten bucks from Prime Management; I pay $120 a month for maintenance of landscaping and the clubhouse and so on. But I've had it automatically taken from my bank account for eighteen years, so why now was one late? I called and it turns out that my bank (BOA, the financial scum of the earth) sent it late--AAGH! I made the "send" date earlier. 

Took my new futon out of the (several) containers--there seems to be two carriers for it--and even put it on the floor and lay down on it. It's not bad, but I thinking about borrowing Suzanne's, too, and putting that under. But do I really need to? Dunno. 

After lunch, I hopped a bus to town, which was agreeably buzzing with visitors. Strolled around in the glorious sunshine, temperature in the low eighties; today is predicted for the same. 

At 11:00, somebody from maintenance and/or the office is coming to look at and/or discuss, my continuing problem with water pressure. At 3:00, Sarah from the undertaker's place is coming to discuss cremation. I'll be interested in the results of both meetings. 

Note: I ordered Ropinirole (for RLS) from CVS Caremark. They have to have doc approve a new RX.


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...