Monday, February 28, 2022


To give credit where credit is due, I must say I'm due a lot of credit 😁: I spent the first part of the day clearing up the bedroom to make more room and just got rid of accumulated stuff. Living in a one-bedroom, you have be creative with storage and I was able to stow some things away by using the long closet and the only other closet space in the hallway. It looks pretty good, but I have more to do.

After lunch, I got my little cart and walked to The Market, then Wal-Mart and got just about everything I needed/wanted (aside from tacking a few more years onto my life). Bused part of the way back and stopped into Ross at the mall, where I had gotten large picture frames last week. Annoyingly, they had none--they seem to keep no stock at all--so I'll have to look elsewhere.  Got home at 4:30 and continued on my neatening up project.      

Incredibly, the futon I had just ordered from Amazon came to my door at about ten of six--on Sunday! It was in a huge box, with a smaller one inside and the futon, with case, in that. I got it out of the boxes, but won't open it until after breakfast today.  To harken back to the beginning of the day, I slept until 6:20, late for me, but it wasn't very refreshing, as I had had a terrible time sleeping. I'm quite sure it was because I was in all day Saturday and got essentially no exercise, unless you want to call making lunch for Jim and me exercise. I had stayed up until 10:00, but even so, I couldn't sleep much of the night. I may have been nervous about another earthquake, too. Anyway, I decided against taking a nap because I was afraid that would just make matters worse, but I felt pretty good.  As for the crossword, it was absorbing, although I didn't get all of it and finally quit with a few squares blank. 

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Lunch, A Book, And An Earthquake

Jim came at his usual 12:30 and was in a lighter mood than he had been, so that was good. We sat on the couch for fifteen or so while I showed him my passport picture and we talked about renewing. After a bit more conversation, we went to the table and I served the garlic chicken, homemade applesauce, and whole wheat, along with his usual cabernet and my Modelo. I had taken the last of the birthday cake out of the freezer and served it for dessert. After, we again chatted on the couch. I walked him out at 4:00 after a pleasant afternoon.

Cleaned up, then went over to Von's for the free dozen eggs and soda my Von's app had said I would be awarded. I chose regular Coke, as I sometimes have guests who don't drink diet. I put the things in the fridge, then sat down and--see the "Alert" below.  

I'm reading the following, which I would recommend to anyone. Background: My older son, Patrick, grew up with P.J. Steward and they went all through school together. (Incidentally, I'm the only one who still calls him P.J. He goes by his given name of Paul now, but to me, he'll always be P.J.; he gets a kick out of that.)  Bryan, 26, is P.J.'s son, and he the book. He suffers from Becker Muscular Dystrophy, yet actually made the 500 mile "pilgrimage" from France across Spain, although he falls frequently and is often in pain. I bought the book from Amazon simply because I know and like P.J. and we're still in touch. Didn't expect much, but started it and was surprised at how well it's written. I'm about at the middle and am really enjoying it. P.J. has asked for my assessment and I'm delighted that I can tell him it's actually a very absorbing account of a real triumph for a young man named Bryan.  

ALERT: Ho, boy: Just as I started this entry (5:45 pm on Saturday), I felt a jolt that moved my chair, then several  bumps.  For an instant, I thought someone had slammed the upstairs apartment door, but that has never happened. Yes, it was an earthquake. I went next door to ask Suzanne if she had felt it and she had. I fervently hope that's the end of it. Son Mike facetimed me from Singapore and, coincidentally, they had had a minor earthquake about a week ago, which seemed to originate in Sumatra. While I was "with" him, both Jim and Suzanne texted me with news about the quake. It was deemed only a 4.0 and no damage or injuries were reported. I called Ellen and she hadn't even felt it. 

Saturday, February 26, 2022


Well, the weight report will only be for the home one, which was 127.2, a gain of 1.6, but I'm not concerned, as I count it as a normal fluctuation. I hadn't planned to go to T.O.P.S., but I slept well, getting up at 6:30, so I guess I could have made it, but I just didn't feel like it. 

Got two more thing done that I've been putting off, one a pedicure I badly needed. I walked over to Nails La'Elegance, just across in the Von's shopping center, after breakfast and paid thirty-six bucks (with tip) for it, but it was worth every cent. 

After getting home, I took my cart and walked to The Market for "cosmetic wedges" (little sponges that I use for the bunion on my right foot), then to Wal-Mart for--dah-dah!--my passport picture. I found it impossible to do at home, although the site said you couldn't, but it just didn't work. Anyway, this was quick and easy and was only $8.02, whereas it's sixteen bucks at CVS. As for the picture, I'll never show it to anyone but the authorities: I look like a hundred-and-two-year-old felon.

Bused home, had lunch, then Jim called. I told him about the passport thing at Wal-Mart, so he'll get his done there, too. Naturally, I invited him for lunch today and he was glad to accept. Ha, ha, we always follow this little ritual: We talk on Friday and before we hang up, I invite him for lunch for Saturday and he accepts. Once in a while, there's an exception, so he might come on Sunday, but as a rule, it's Saturday. That's okay, I need company and I like Jim most of the time.

Niece Joan called to tell me, as I had requested, her impressions of my brother, Jim in Bangkok. As I had been pretty much aware, he's more or less out of it. He has both a daytime and a nighttime caregiver and one of them sleeps there, but Joan couldn't remember which. At 96, he's about on Betty's and Frank's level now, which I  had suspected: passive, unaware of much, little memory left, but in no pain and more or less content. Joan and I didn't discuss her hurtful words of the other day nor my angry response, but we both said "I love you" before we hung up and I feel better about the whole thing now.  

Friday, February 25, 2022

Ninetieth For Roz

Called my niece, Joan, because she was going to call me after a Sunday Zoom visit with my brother, Jim, in Bangkok. However, she said now it would place last night; she'll get in touch after. After that, she expressed some of the passive/aggressive accusations that seem to be her stock in trade. That just floored me, but I'm not going to into any more detail here.

I put in a wash, mostly of outerwear--jackets and sweaters, then tried again to get my passport picture shrunken to the required two by two inches. No dice and now I say the hell with it; I'll just pay CVS fifteen bucks to do it. The damn water pressure is again dwindling. I could have sworn I had noted in this blog the last time it happened, but I haven't found it. I'm definitely going to keep it on this entry. 

Okay, Ellen picked me up about 4:00 and we went to her house in Ojai while she changed, then left for Santa Barbara to celebrate ninety years for her fiancée's mother, Roz.  Got  to Tap Thai just a few minutes late to find the birthday girl, Greg's mother, Roz; Greg; his brother, Frank; sister-in-law, Pam' and nephew, Andrew, already there. We ordered, ate, and had some good talk and laughs. We were there for maybe an hour and a half, then went to Roz'es for birthday cake. A friend of Roz'es named Vickie joined us there, along with her incredibly frisky little dog, Maggie. Even I got a kick out of Maggie's racing around, jumping up on furniture and laps, and excitably dog-kissing (licking) everybody in sight.

We sang the song, had the cake, then sat around the table chatting. Anthony graduated from UCSB a year ago with a degree in philosophy (!) and now works in the research department of the Mayo Clinic where his dad is a cardiologist. He intends to follow in Frank's footsteps and go to medical school. Nice, nice young man--tall and good-looking, too. His two younger brothers are in college.

We stayed until about 9:00--practically the middle of the night to me--then Greg took me home, as El had to get up early for school. She called, that sweet, sweet girl, while we were on the way to ask Greg to walk me to my door after we pulled in, and he did. Went to bed right away and slept deeply until 6:20.

I had seen Greg's family only once or twice before COVID and not at all since then. I seem to remember some awkwardness--or maybe that was my imagination. Last night, we had a wonderful, relaxed time; and it was so much fun. I hope they come back before too long and I can see them again.


Thursday, February 24, 2022

Cremation Breakfast

Ha, ha, I'm getting to be a cremation regular--or free meal devotee, maybe. Got to Denny's at the stated time of 8:30; there were ten other people there, all elderly, natch. A woman named Sarah James presented. She isn't part of the mortuary team, but is called "community counselor," meaning, in this case, she's a sales person. Her delivery was pretty strident, but it was interesting to me. It took about an hour, with slides, and she opened with some quizzes (whose funeral was the most expensive in history? That of Diana, Princess of Wales. Tickets to whose funeral were scalped for $10,000? Michael Jackson's), then got down to business. I'm not going to elaborate on that here, but I was caught up enough that I made an appointment for her to come see me at home on Tuesday.

Before I left, I sought out our waitress (I was charmed by the fact that her name was "Rosemary) and gave her a tip. I wish more people would remember to do this, even though tips are factored in to the cost of the program. 

Walked from there to the mall and picked up a bottle of cream sherry at BevMo to give Roz. Looked around a bit, then bused home. As I was walking into the complex, I saw Vickie and we had a long talk. She's elated that Mary has been admitted to a place in Fillmore, which is where she wants her. Unfortunately, Mary is still combative, but the hope and expectation is that with care and medication, this will fade.  

Home and I had just a very light lunch--I was still full from breakfast--then got my cart and prepared to walk to Wal-Mart. However, the wind had picked up again and I jettisoned that plan. Went over to Von's instead, for yogurt and a few other things, then to Hallmark for a card for Roz.

When I got home, I saw that Suzanne's door was open. Javier and Jose, the maintenance guys, were replacing the exhaust over her stove. She invited me in, we caught up with each other, then she came to my place and we continued for twenty or so. After she left, I was about to call Ellen, when she called me. Plans for Roz'es party may or may not have changed, to be held on Saturday, instead of tonight. I fervently hope so, as Ellen has to work on Friday, but nothing was decided as of 5:00, so I still don't know if we go today or not.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022


Interesting day. Continuing to pursue Whizzie Eaton's children, I found her son's information on WhitePages. Having had no luck getting in touch with his sisters, I called him (he lives in Aubrey, Texas). A message machine was on and I stated my reason for calling, then prepared to go out. 

I took my cart and bused to the mall after breakfast. Got a few items at Target, then cream sherry at BevMo. Actually, I bought two bottles, as they were on sale. I was amused to see they were Christian Brothers; that was my father-in-law's choice for his--just one--glass of brandy in the evening.

From there, I went to Ross to get picture frames. I found what I wanted and took them to the register, but they're large and I then realized they might have been a problem getting home. The cart was already pretty full and was quite heavy. Besides that, it was very windy--there was an advisory--so I asked the cashier if I could put them on hold and pick them up later in the day, and he agreed. Went home and called Suzanne to see if she would mind taking me back. She was at work (St. John's in Oxnard), but said she'd be back in a half hour. When she got back, she took me and I got the frames. I mounted the pictures when I got home and they look good, but I'm not sure how I'm going to get them on the wall. Oh, well, I'll worry about that later. 

After that, for some reason, I felt tired and I took a nap of about two hours. I was full of energy when I got up and was delighted to see Richard Evans had called me back and left voice mail. I called him immediately and we had a great conversation. He was thrilled to hear I had a picture of his mother with Betty and me and we talked for some time. I promised to email it to him and will right now. Darn, I wish Whizzie hadn't died two  years ago, but the next best thing was talking to her son.

Ellen called about 8:00 to invite me to a birthday dinner for Greg's mother, Roz, tomorrow night. She'll be ninety and her other son and his wife are hosting this at a restaurant in Santa Barbara. Why such a last-minute invitation? It seems the arrangements were last-minute, also, and it will be just family, possibly including her grandson, who's at UCSB. Well, sure, I'll go; my policy is "never turn down an invitation." Not sure what I'll wear or get her, but I'll think of something.

Now it's off to the cremation breakfast! 

Tuesday, February 22, 2022


 Called Olivia in the morning and we had a good talk. She's still fearful about going to lunch and also has some kind of physical problem--I'm afraid I just don't remember what it is, but it seems to be improving. Anyway. we'll keep in touch.

I spent time--finally--on various things I've neglected, including framing some family pictures sent to me recently. I think I'll go today to get three matching frames from Ross or Target. Also spent a frustrating amount of time  trying to get both Jim's and my passport pictures (we took them with my phone on Sunday) down to the required 2" by 2." The gov website is so unhelpful; it gets you to the point of printing the picture, and that's it. I know I could go to CVS or Wal-Mart for the picture, by why should I? I can do it myself, if I can just find out how to shrink it. Emailed Mike to ask him.

Bused to town after lunch. Although it was too cool for my taste and somewhat windy, Main Street was full of people, which always gives me a lift. I bought a little container and two DVSs, then went home.

Decided to go to the cremation thing--breakfast--tomorrow and signed up for that. Continued my quest to try to find Whizzie Eaton's offspring and sent an email to one of her daughters. However, it didn't get delivered and I got a message to the effect it isn't deliverable. Went back onto WhitePages and found a phone number for her son in Aubrey, Texas. I'll keep pursuing the older daughter and if that fails, contact him. Ellen called in the evening--always a pleasure--and we caught up with each other. 

Other than that--nada. 

Monday, February 21, 2022

Sunday And That Lousy Excuse For An Internet Service

As I mentioned yesterday, I slept until 6:30 and how very good that was. I felt great when I got up and even didn't resent having to wait a half hour for my coffee (because of my weekly bone health pill).

The crossword was absorbing and I got all but two. Prepared for my luncheon guest by tidying up a bit and setting he table with my new placemats and cloth napkins. I whipped the heavy cream and stowed it in the fridge, then got the casserole out of the freezer and cooked it on the stove in a large pan. 

Jim came at his usual 12:30 and we sat on the couch to chat while the food was being warmed up. I showed him some pictures and the information surrounding my quest to find children of my childhood, Elizabeth "Whizzie" Eaton. Jim was intrigued by the fact that I was able to trace one of the daughters, who now lives in Florida. We then repaired to the kitchen/dining table for lunch.

As I knew he would, he greatly enjoyed the main dish, as well as the homemade applesauce and wheat bread that accompanied it. The chocolate cream pie? He had two large helpings and, later, I sent some home with him. We then returned to the sofa and he questioned me about the people finder thing, renewing our passports, and my income tax accountant. 

I asked Jim to take my picture with my phone, but boy, it turned out bad and I'll ask Suzanne to do it after I fix my hair better. I took Jim's picture, but have to figure out how to get it to the approved size. I then took him to the bedroom (wow, does that sound provocative, but never in a million years) and on the laptop went to White Pages, Verified, and other people search sites. Came up with some of his info, but I didn't recall which site I had paid for, so will have to look it up today.

Jim was here until almost 5:00, when I walked him out to the car. I then texted Suzanne to see if she wanted to come over after dinner for pie. She did, she came, and we had a good time talking while devouring the chocolate cream. After she left, I wrapped up the small piece that was left, put the whipped cream in a container, and stowed both in the freezer.

A nice day, actually, and a lot better than Sundays often are. 

NOTE: Finally, now, at 10:38 am, that lousy excuse for an Internet provider, Yandoo MIS-Communications, is up and running--for how long, who knows? I'm wondering yet again if I should switch to Spectrum or even if I can switch to Spectrum. (Mumble, mumble, son-of-a-sailor, ugh, ugh, and aagh...)

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Saturday And Sleep

I know there are lots of things worse than sleeplessness, but boy, that's no picnic. As I mentioned yesterday, I got up at 5:00, having been awake since 3:30. That meant I had had just five hours of sleep. Followed my usual routine after getting up, but was so draggy by 11:00, I called Jim and asked if he could come today for lunch--I just had to take a nap.

Did so, and set my phone for two hours. I figured if I sleep longer than that, I wouldn't be able to at night--it can be a vicious cycle. Conked out as soon as my head hit the pillow and when I got up, I felt so much better--maybe not quite up to par, but close to it. It was only 2:30, so I put on my jacket and bused to the mall. There's a little shop nearby that's open only on Fridays and Saturdays and only from 10:00 to 4:00. This a kind of gently-used place and I bought an attractive container, some cloth napkins, and a salt and pepper shaker. 

Home, I invited Suzanne over to see the pictures I received recently and to hear about the Whizzie Eaton saga. Told her I had called the number for her daughter in Florida and left a message, but haven't heard back. Think I'll try getting in touch with one of the other daughters. Suzanne and I had a nice talk and caught up with each other's doings. She had talked to Vickie and heard that Mary is taking her medicine, but now refusing to shower. Vickie asked if she could go to the facility to help.

I spent time on the Internet and in my brain coming up with the Quotes for the Week. I put in a few of the more insipid ones, but didn't want to go blasphemous, either, so just added some of my own. I might or might not, suggest we play a little game at T.O.P.S.: guess which ones did Rosemary made up and which are bona fide (yawn). 

After dinner, I read emails from my older son in Japan to his siblings and me. Both his wife and eight-year-old son have COVID. Luckily, so far, anyway, it seems to be fairly mild. They've all been vaccinated, but the booster is not available there yet. 

Last evening, Jim sent a voice mail--I don't know why I didn't hear the phone--asking how I'm doing and saying the call he had been waiting for came in, so he'll see me at 12:30.  

Hallelujah--I just got up at 6:30! I haven't slept that late for weeks or even months, and I feel great. 

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Friday And Musings

At home, weight was 125.6 for a loss of 3.2 (I don't believe it!); at T.O.P.S., 126.2 for a loss of 1.2. Okay, that's more likely, I think, but who knows?

Just the usual suspects at the meeting, Lennie, Bobbi, Julie, and me. Sharon again missed, due to medical problems. I'll call her and see how she is. We talked about this and that, with Lennie holding forth on why she gained--because she had a chicken salad croissant last week. (Oh, sure, even though she stuck religiously to her diet the rest of the time😛.) She asked me to take home the book of "inspirational" sayings and come up with the two "thoughts for the week" for the next six or seven meetings. AAGH!  Most of what's called "inspirational" is at the third-grade level and the meaning of  "inspiration" itself is so vague as to be meaningless. Well, I'll make a few up and try to find reasonably

Went over to Von's and stocked up on stuff to the tune of fifty-two bucks. I was pleased to run into Cheryl L. there, a fellow pacifist who used to be in T.O.P.S. (her husband is in Veterans for Peace). We had a good talk and, incidentally, were two of the few who weren't wearing masks. (California has lifted that requirement, at least to an extent.) 

After I put my goods away, I had lunch, then walked to the park. As I passed a bench there, I glanced over and saw a cell phone. Nobody else was nearby, so I assumed it had been accidently left. It was an Apple i-phone, like mine, but probably an earlier model. What to do? It finally occurred to me to look at the Messenger section and I Messaged a few people who had been in touch with the owner. Then the third person, Michael K., called. I answered, and he was taken aback to hear my voice . It turned out it was his wife's phone and she was running there. We decided I'd go to the office (although I'm not sure anybody was there) to see if I could leave it there to be picked up. I was walking to it when a young woman came jogging toward me. I had asked Michael to describe his wife (Gisselle) and this looked like her. I asked if that was her name, yes, and I gave her the phone, for which she was very grateful.

From there, I bused to the mall and Target to get yogurt and heavy cream. I made a chocolate cream pie, assuming Jim will be here today. (As I believe my friend, Pat, does, I write most of these entries the night before and just top them off in the morning, if need be.) Got home at 5:00. 

I had found a peppermint nut pie shell at Wal-Mart the other day, bought two, and decided to make a chocolate cream pie. Got pudding mix (the kind  you cook, of course, not the instant stuff, which is vile), cooked it up after dinner and poured it into the pie shell. Also bought heavy cream and, after breakfast, I'll whip that up to put on the pie.  

Called Jim after my shower and we talked for a bit. He said his technical advisor, or whatever he is, was supposed to get to him at 8:00 am and he'll call me after their session is over, by 10:00 or so, then, I hope, come for lunch. 


Okay, this thing is called "Mimi's Musings," so now I'm going to muse on my relationship with Jim. Clearly, it relies heavily on a considerable amount of time and effort on my part and very little on his. I think I would be resentful under other circumstances or if it concerned somebody else. Yet I'm not, and for complicated reasons. For one, I feel sorry for him because he's so entirely alone in the world. To someone like me, who not only has a number of immediate decedents and siblings, but also a huge  extended family, he seems to lead such a solitary life. Also, he has very little money and only those who have plenty of it would think that's not of great importance. His teaching career has been interrupted by COVID, but of even greater magnitude is the impact of technology. I'm sometimes amazed by what he doesn't know and I'm hardly the Steve Jobs of Ventura. Maybe what says it all is that he doesn't have a cell phone, but a landline only--I actually don't know anyone else who doesn't have a mobile phone. I asked if he wanted my old Cricket, which, at least, is serviceable as a portable phone. He seemed to be interested, but I honestly don't know if he'll be able to handle it. The Cricket is primitive compared to my new I-phone, but as with anything else in the electronics world, there is a learning curve. Jim's memory is not good, especially for names; Yesterday, when I mentioned my visit to Santa Barbara the other day, he asked, "Who's Betty?" I've known Jim almost as long as I've lived in California--six years--and we've often talked about Betty. 

So-o-o, with all that and more, why don't I simply ease out of our friendship? Well, I feel sorry for him for one thing, but also, I get lonely. I like to have people over for lunch or dinner and, it seems, except for Suzanne and Vickie--and there are conversational limitations with religious people--all my other friends here are still cowering in their homes, for the most part. 

I could go on and on, but I won't. Unfortunately, I again had trouble sleeping and have been awake since 3:30. Got up at 5:00 and may take a nap.  


Friday, February 18, 2022


Walked to The Market in the morning. Boy, the wind was swift, but not as bad as it was the other day. On my way, I met Michelle and we chatted for a bit. Got Brussels sprouts, carrots, and floss. I needed kitchen sponges, but annoyingly, they had only the ones with the scrubby stuff on one side and I didn't want those. 

While I was there, my niece, Joan, from Florida, called. She still on the trail of the family history, and I filled her in about my father's brother, Uncle Edmond and his mentally disturbed wife, Aunt Frances. Boy, do we have some skeletons in the...but I guess every family does.  Joan set up a Zoom meeting for Sunday night with my brother, Jim, 96, in Bangkok. I asked her to let me know if she found him sound or not. 

From The Market, I walked the block and a half to Wal-Mart and yes, indeed, I was able to get a pack of six nice sponges. Bought something else, too, but I can't remember what.  Bused part of the way home, as I'm wont to do.* Had lunch, then did some food prep, to wit**cooked and scooped out the edible part of a big spaghetti squash; and scrubbed and cut up two pounds of carrots, added olive oil, onions, and seasonings, and put them to simmer in the slow cooker. 

I was about to leave for town when the guy came to clean the drying hose. I had been notified by management last week, but just forgot he was coming, but no prob. I asked him to lock the door when he left and I took off for the bus. Got a pair of slacks in a pretty rose-red, plus two hand towels, and two cloth napkins.  

Home at 5:30 and I had my good veggies--what I had prepared earlier, plus some mashed yams I had in the freezer, and a small turkey burger. 

* I can't help myself--I love these antique phrases!  

** See????

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Santa Barbara

A full day, and a good one. I caught the 9:43 bus to Santa Barbara and walked the shore distance to the transit center. Asked which buses went to Alamar Street (the 6 and the 11), boarded the 11, and got off very close to Villa Alamar. 

The place no longer requires visitors to fill out a long form, then don an institutional mask and a face shield. They do ask that you fill out a form, listing your vaccinations. When I got in, Betty was in what's called "the living room," witnessing a kind of informal show by a man who was from SB Human Services. During a lull, I asked her if she knew who I was. "Yes, my sister," she said, and when I asked if she knew my name, she immediately said, "Rosemary." I found this heartening, although I know it's subject to change. 

After the program, I walked to the lunchroom with her, then waited on the patio. Niece Carolyn came soon after and the three of us went to Betty's room to chat. I had brought her a little Valentine gift, which she enjoyed--I think. We stayed an hour or so, then said goodbye. 

Carolyn and I went to lunch and were joined by Carolyn's son, Finn. Had a good time talking. Finn, who will be 21 next month, asked me how I got into acting, as he's interested in it himself.  I encouraged him to pursue it--men are at a big advantage because it so heavily attracts women--and gave him a few pointers. After, we went to Carolyn's and I admired her newly done décor. She got out Aunt Maggie's sewing cabinet, which she's giving me, and I was pleased to see how small it is. It will fit nicely in the hall after I remove the small bookcase I have there now. Not sure what I'll do with that, if anything.

Carolyn then drove me home, came in to visit, and we had a long, long talk, mostly about family matters having to do with our large, complicated, and sometimes troubled clan. That was so satisfying. Carolyn left about 5:30, I had dinner, then my cousin Sally's son, Duane, Messaged me, and we went back and forth about arranging a visit with Betty, Frank, and me. Finally, I called him and we had a 45-minute conversation.

Duane is a software engineer--he went to UCSB, as Mike and Paula did--and has been with Apple for twenty-some years. He lives in San Diego near his mother, my cousin, whom he wants to bring to see Frank in Oakland, then Betty and me. He'll be bringing his sister, Theresa, and his girlfriend, Anita (he's divorced and has two daughters, Kendra and Jasmine). Anyway, he's thinking March, which is fine by me.

The squeegee for the sliding glass door came (overnight!) and now I need some kind of bucket it will fit in. Okay, I just ordered it from Amazon, too, and it should arrive on Saturday. Also received the two COVID tests the gov is sending out. Don't know if I'll ever have to use them. 

California had degreed that, starting yesterday, masks were no longer mandatory in indoor places, with some exceptions. However, I didn't notice much of a difference anywhere and, they're still required on buses, both local and inter-city. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2022


Stripped the bed, did a white wash, then re-made. After breakfast, I put Shirley Temple's autobiography in my cart and walked to the little lending library to donate it, along with two DVDs. There were slim pickin's for me, though. I picked up a book of short stories, but I'm not really excited about it.

I had intended to bus to the mall and maybe go to Target, but saw on my phone app it would be 16 minutes before the 11 came along. Decided instead to walk the mile to Victoria, and caught the 6 there. By that time, it was almost 1:00, so I jettisoned the idea of the mall and went home instead. 

Had lunch and started off to bus to town, but the wind was so fierce, I turned back in half a block. I was actually afraid I'd be hit with a tree limb or something. Unusually for me, I stayed in the rest of the day. I ordered a long window squeegee set from Amazon for my sliding class door, which should actually come today. But, ha! It just occurred to me I don't have a bucket. Guess I'll buy one or better, a water holder that fits the squeegee.  After that, I went over to CVS for the purple conditioner I use. Put on my jacket, picked up my purse, stepped out, and locked the front door.

Only I couldn't. I had noticed that it seemed harder and harder to turn the key recently, but now I just couldn't do it. (That's only from the outside; the inside lock turns easily.) Keeping my mind on the important stuff, I went over and bought the conditioner and called the office when I got back. Luckily, Aiden (not a maintenance person, but some kind of office assistant) works until 6:00 and he came over. He fussed around with it and sprayed in some stuff and I was finally able to turn the key enough to lock it, but just barely. He said maintenance would be over today to "take off the plate," whatever that means, I guess to replace the lock itself.

Off to Santa Barbara in a few hours.



Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Procrastinating, The Patio, And Peace

I should use the letter "P" as a middle initial, standing for the fact that I'm the world's worst procrastinator. For several weeks, I've been meaning to do three chores: 1.) file the papers that were filling up my "in" basket; 2.) make several financial and business calls; and 3.) clean and shape up the patio.  I put them off and put them off, but yesterday--halleluiah!--I did them all!  Took care of the filing in the morning, plus the calls, and handled some other mundane stuff. I went out to the patio about 10:30, thinking I'd just sweep for ten minutes or so. Started in, then everything went black and when I came to, it was three o'clock. 

Well, it seemed that way. Once I started, I realized there was a whole heck of a lot more to do. That included, but wasn't limited to, taking everything off my little display shelving, washing them in the kitchen sink, then taking the shelving to Suzanne's back and washing it with her hose; hauling a lot of unused, but still good, items to the area where people leave things for others; gathering a lot of trash--dead leaves, old plastic pots, unattractive planters--and taking them to the trash enclosure; moving a number of potted plants here and there; and washing and moving to under the ficus* tree my little Arab girl, Al-El.  And here she is, along with the rest of the patio after my hours of labor:

Later, I invited Suzanne over to see the patio and chat a bit. She came with her O'Doul's, and we had a pleasant time. She brought up the Russia/Ukraine thing and I suggested we should be very skeptical about our government's veracity. We talked about that a bit--the fact that we seem to have achieved around the world the title of Feared Mass Murderer (do we kill children? Sure!). I mentioned my DVD of Bill Moyer's Buying The War, which zeros in on the blatant connection between the Pentagon and  mass media promoting the Iraqi war. This still prevails, of course, and in spades, considering the Russia/Ukraine thing. Anyway, she asked to borrow the DVD and also, what I'd recommend in sources that have a different view on things. I said David Swanson's "World Without War" is good, as well as "Consortium News." I subscribe to these and follow many more pacifist sites and journalists, but I didn't want to overwhelm her.   

Speaking of overwhelming, this lengthy tome is probably enough to put anybody to sleep. Sorry--I just couldn't seem to stop!

* Incredibly, Spellcheck doesn't recognize "ficus"--it keeps telling me to change the spelling. Illiterate Internet nerds!

Monday, February 14, 2022


Not a bad Sunday. The crossword was challenging, and took me a lot longer than usual, but I got all but two. After that, I took my cart and walked to Smart 'N' Final for spaghetti and kabuchi (or something ) squash, as I'm continuing to be an addict. It was a beautifully warm day, but not humid (it's never "Jersey humid" here) and the three miles were enjoyable.

After lunch, I bused to town, so added another two. Ellen called while I was in a thrift shop and we had a nice conversation. Stopped at the Senior Craft Store and bought a two-part set of microwave hot pads. I already have one of these, and I use it daily. The woman who sewed them was there and bent my ear for what seemed like an hour (probably ten minutes) about how she started sewing as a ten-year-old and so on. They were pricey--eighteen bucks for two--but having transitioned into a wild spendthrift, I  bought them anyway. I do like the patter and know I'll use them a lot.

I was pleased that my tenant, Susan, emailed me back re the lease page I modified, initialed, and sent to her. She wrote that they're in Florida at the moment, but would initial, get it copied, and email back. Incidentally, I crossed out the part about a $50 penalty if the rent is ten days late. I think that's insulting and I know damn well they 're not going to remit late.

Best news of the day: I slept well and just got up at 6:20. I know my body needs exercise and looking over this blog, it seems the days I don't get a reasonable amount are when I can't sleep. Will try to remedy that.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Saturday, Jim, And Sophia

 Nice day. I just fooled around a bit on the laptop until I started getting ready for my lunch guests. Actually, though, it was "guest," as Stella and I called back and forth as to whether she was able to come.  She had to be home for a Zoom memorial meeting with her nieces--I think her brother-in-law had died.  As it turned, she didn't get here.

Jim had been awaiting a call and asked if he could come at 1:00 instead of his usual 12:30. Sure, as I don't usually eat until 1:00, anyway. He got here--I had made honey-roasted turkey breast sandwiches and a few sides, all of which he ate with gusto. As for the cake--he was in sugar heavy. He had a large piece, then asked for another. I have to admit it was damn good, somewhat compressed though it was. Of course, I cut him a generous slice to take home, too.

We moved to the couch,* where we talked for several hours.  Jim mentioned some restaurant or other in Oxnard--I just can't remember which--and I told him I'd take him there for his birthday in April. He stayed until 4:30, when I walked him out to the mailbox, and we said goodbye.

When I got to Suzanne's and my front walk, I saw that her door was open and she was waiting for me in the living room. She wanted to show me some bookmarks, and greeting and note cards that her friend had made and given her for her birthday. Very nice.

Cleaned up the kitchen and had just started the dishwasher when son Mike facetimed me. He's feeling much better after his COVID bout and will be out of isolation today. We talked for about twenty minutes --it was so good to see and hear him.

Annoyingly, it looks as if I've been hacked. People have been getting friend requests from my, who are already my Facebook friends. What a pain. 

This is the wine Suzanne selected just for me. Love it! 

Vickie had told me that she had been a drummer and I called Susan Geldart, my old neighbor, friend, and walking partner in Sunrise Bay, to tell her that. Why? Because her granddaughter, Sophia Ledbetter, 16, is a serious drummer--had been taking private lessons for several years now. Susan told me Sophia now dyes her hair black (she's a naturel light brown) and wears what I'd call a kind of Goth makeup. Intrigued, I looked her up and here's Sophia:

What verve and energy--wow, she lights up the laptop!

*Oh, boy, does that sound provocative--but ha, never in a million years...

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Birthday Dinner

Weight: According to my scale at home, I gained a whopping 3.6 pounds, up to 128.8. At T.O.P.S., I recorded a weight of 127.4, which showed a gain of only one pound. The meeting meandered as usual, but wasn't too bad. Only four of us were there; besides Julie and me, Lennie and Sharon came. Bobbi didn't and I'm pretty sure she's going to be dropping out soon.

Home after 10:00 and was getting my breakfast ready when niece Joan called. Called her back after we ate and we had a long conversation about my father's accidental death in  1954. She's writing a kind of family history and boy, there's plenty of it.

After that, I was busy, busy, busy. Went over to Von's for unsalted butter for the icing on the cake. Made the icing, which took an age and with only a smallish electric mixer, it was difficult getting the confectioners sugar into the butter/cream cheese mixture. I did it, though, added the other ingredients, frosted the cake--it hadn't risen much, all right, but looked okay. I found some pink roses and a candle, so decorated with them.

Vickie came a little late (she had texted me to that effect) and Suzanne a few minutes after. The Birthday Girl brought me a bottle of Chardonnay and we all got a kick out out of the name, perfectly suited to me: "Unruly." 

(For some strange reason--this damn laptop rules my life--I can't get the text above to left-align. Oh, well, it will just have to stay in the middle.)

Immodest though it is to record, I have to say that my guests greatly enjoyed the dinner, which was simple, but good: Along with the baked salmon, I served mashed yams, peas, and a side of crystal pickles. As for the cake, it may have looked a little less than fluffy and, yes, it was dense, but boy-oh-boy, was that delicious. Of course, I've avoided sugar for several years, so maybe that increased my enjoyment. Anyway, my guests loved it, too. I lit the candle, we sang the song, Vickie gave Suzanne a little gift, and it was fun. After, we moved to the living room to chat.

Suzanne left a little after 7:00, then Vickie and I sat and talked and talked and talked. Since she had admitted Mary, her life partner of forty years, to a facility, she's riddled with grief and guilt. I had forgotten that Vickie had told me that, years before they met, Mary had been married to the mayor of Ventura, Jim Monahan.  Incredibly, after Vickie and Mary started living together, Vickie was his secretary in City Hall. Wow, what a story there! 

It was almost 9:00 when Vickie left. I immediately called Jim to ask him for lunch today. Stella is supposed to come, too, although whether it was a good idea to invite her, I dunno. Jim may or may not be able to come, as he's waiting for a phone call from someone who will help him with his course preparation, but I told him to let me know by noon or so.

Cleaned up the kitchen quickly and, without watching the box, went happily to bed. Even more happily, I didn't wake up until after six--YAY!

Friday, February 11, 2022

A Birthday Cake And A Birthday Remembered

 Having slept better, I felt better, of course; full of energy, in fact. After breakfast, I dry- then wet-mopped the hard floors, washed the throw rugs, and vacuumed a bit. I then took off for the bus and Target. Used the rest of the Blue Shield gift card, plus some of my own dough to get ingredients for the cake for my little birthday (for Suzanne) dinner party. Home, I had lunch, then--big news--took off for the pool!

Okay, I didn't, but I thought about it, as it was well into the eighties. However, I went over to Von's to get a few more items. I then came home and started making the cake. Since I simply can't find my recipe box, I decided to follow I found on the Internet and it's called "My Very Best Vanilla Cake." 

Sad, sad story: I did exactly as the recipe told me, with one little exception. The cook recommended that baking power be tested to be sure it's still potent. All you have to do is put some in boiling water and see if it fizzes, but I thought, "Oh, that's just silly, not necessary, and I won't do it."

I wish I had. The cake--after I followed a rather complicated directions ("beat the eggs for four minutes at 7 speed, then incorporate the flour bit by bit for 45 seconds...") came out edible, all right, but about an inch and a half high. No question my baking powder was dead. I actually thought of making another, less complicated cake, today but then I thought, "Oh, hell, no, I'll just cut the two layers in half, put one on the other, frost it, and make it half a cake. Suzanne and Vickie are friends of mine. I'll tell them what happened with the cake and they'll like it anyway."

On the other hand, I do have time to make another and can feed the original to the birds. I just went to inspect it and oh, yes, it's very dense, but certainly edible. Haven't decided what I'll do--stay tuned.   

He would have been 90 years old today. Rest in peace, Pat.

Thursday, February 10, 2022


I slept very poorly Tuesday into Wednesday and got out of bed before 5:00. Had breakfast, left for the bus about 9:30, boarded the Ojai bus at the transit center, and got to My Home Kitchen about 10:45. I was greeted by the presenter, Scott, and shown a seat. There were only seven in the group--held in a private room and when had lunch, then listened to the cremation program. 

For myself, I had always rejected the idea of cremation (a hangover from the Church's former forbidding of the practice?), after listening to what Scott had to say, I'm actually reconsidering. I already have Pat's and my almost-completed tombstone in the cemetery, of course. The only item to be done later--much later, I fervently hope--is the date of my demise. Anyway, I'm going to look further into the ins and outs.

Stella dropped me off at home, as she was on her way to a rental house she owns nearby. On the way, I invited her to come for lunch on Saturday. I assume Jim will be there--that's been our habit--and I'll have birthday cake left over for dessert.    

Shortly after I got home, I impulsively popped one of the cannabis gummies into the mouth and chewed it. I have no idea what the effect was or was supposed to be because I didn't feel much of anything. Ellen had warned me that it increased the appetite and maybe yes, that was evident. I actually sat down and had a number of crackers with butter and peanut butter. After that, I lay down and took a nap of about three hours. I had had so  little sleep, I needed it badly. Watched my usual hour of a movie (Spielberg's 2001 A.I. Artificial Intelligence) Happily, I slept well last night and just got up at 5:30.

I submitted the previously mentioned photo to the Restoration and Colorization, etc. Facebook page and one of the artists did this:

I like it, but wish the color could be a little more vibrant.

Wednesday, February 09, 2022

A Good, Good Day...

For one thing, my tenants refused to pay the $75 rent increase. But how could that be a good thing? Because this is their response to the email I sent:

On Tue, Feb 8, 2022 at 6:20 AM Hogan, Sue <> wrote:

I just spoke to Cliff.  We will pay you $100 extra even though you asked for $75.  We understand your plight and you have been very good to us.  Thank you for allowing us to stay on.  It’s a nice community. 

Unbelievable and, of course, I sent back my thanks. I guess cynics would say, "well, they're both gainfully employed and surely have nice, fat pension waiting for them in August, so the extra ain't gonna hurt." I don't care, I still think it's a great thing to do. As for my "plight," as Susan wrote, I mentioned that I'm 85, on a fixed income, my rent rose by $126 a month, and there's still a mortgage on the house. Now I feel a little guilty. Yes, my circumstances are as I said, but--well, both my social security and my pension have gone up considerably in 2022 and, in fact, if not well off, I'm comfortable financially. 

Plus: Out of the blue (heh-heh), Blue Shield sent me a Target gift card for $25. Why in the world--? I guess just because I'm a good person or something. Hell, I'm not asking questions; I went to Target after lunch and already spent some of it.

Best of All: The above just concerns money, so is of minor importance, but then very good news came via a phone call from my niece, Carolyn. She's redecorating and asked if I want Aunt Maggie's old sewing cabinet and the tin in which she kept buttons. Oh, yes, very much. (I first asked the size of the cabinet; luckily, it's small.) I remember when Aunt Maggie was alive and used to sew and I remember that cabinet. She made these capes, caps, and matching draw string bags for Betty and me. Here we are will our childhood friend, Whizzie Eaton:

Aunt Maggie made them for our dolls, too. Here's my Linda in hers, sitting in my living room right now:
Good, Better, Best: Carolyn and I made a date for next Wednesday. I'll bus to Santa Barbara, she'll meet me, we'll visit with Betty, then go to lunch. After that, she'll drive me--and the cabinet--home. Yay, yay, and things are so good. 

Since this is a marathon entry, I'll add the important news that I did a color wash when I got home from Target at 4:30. (I still appreciate my washer and dryer in my own place.)

Soon, will leave for the bus to Ojai and meet Stella for the free-lunch-if-you-let-us-bend-your-ear-about-cremation affair. Hey, I'm game.

Tuesday, February 08, 2022


AAGH! The Internet was down again this morning (Tuesday), so I couldn't post this until 9:30! This time, it was the fault of Yandoo Communications and may they rot in...well, you know...

 So Monday: I finally made myself send the "I'm raising your rent" (by $75 a month) email to my tenants, going with son, Mike's, version.  I then walked to the P.O. to mail off some Valentine treats and cards to the boys in Bordentown. On my way back, I impulsively stopped into Great Clips and got my hair trimmed. I always ask for Maria because she seems to do it the way I want it.

Since my pal, Pat, had mentioned she likes to do virtual Jigsaw puzzles, I remembered that I do, too. I had sort of forgotten about them, but revved up the Ventura Museum page and enjoyed working out a fairly difficult one. It was an old-fashioned lacy valentine, but I finished it. Tried to copy, so I could post  here, but it didn't seem to work. 

Had lunch, then Suzanne stopped in to tell me that Vickie had--finally--gotten Mary in a nursing home in Santa Paula. She, Vickie, had a cat scan yesterday, re the breast cancer. I fervently hope the result was good. I'll call Vickie tonight to get the news.

Julie came about 1:30 and we loaded my donations in her car, then drove to Goodwill. That's another thing off my mind and I'm glad to get the stuff out of my bedroom. Also, of course, I'll take the value of it off my income tax. Julie dropped me off and I didn't even go home, but immediately walked to the bus and rode to town. While there--I bought some little wooden hearts that I need like a hole in the head--I got an email back from Susan, my tenant, saying they will accept the rent raise and most likely, won't be moving until August. Fine by me and I'm very relieved. 

Monday, February 07, 2022

Me, Tea, And Marijuana

Did the Sunday thing; crossword was pretty good--challenging, but I got all but two. In fear and trembling, I took my first tablet of alendronate calcium, waited the thirty minutes, and didn't have any problem. Let's hope that continues to be the case when I continue the weekly dose.

I left about 10:10 to bus to the transit center, much too early, of course. I had looked at the schedule and knew the bus for Ojai from the center didn't leave until 11:00, but I can't seem to prevent my paranoia about being late. Anyway, I had about a twenty-minute wait, but got the 16 at the scheduled time. Got to Ojai in forty-five or so and Ellen picked me up at Von's shopping center. Freshened up at her house, then we left for Sea Fresh and lunch. It was pretty busy--all of Ojai was busy with vacationers and so on--but we were seated right away outside on the patio. It was a beautiful day--in the upper seventies and the sun was brilliant.

We both had tacos--El fish, I shrimp mango--and iced tea and "805" (local beer named for the area code) respectively. Had a leisurely lunch and a good time talking, then drove our next stop, Magic Hour, which is a Japanese tea shop. Ellen likes tea, I don't, but we were both given brewed samples and she bought two exotic flavors. They came in charming little gift bags (that should have been rimmed in gold, as they were so pricey). We then drove a few blocks to...

...a marijuana dispensary! I had never been there and have been curious about it. The "cigarette" Ellen gave me several years ago--really, marijuana oil in a tube that you "smoke"--simply had no effect on me. El takes CBD oil, which helps her arthritis and also uses "gummies" just for a lift. I've been wanting to try the latter and I bought a tin of Camino Gummies. Not sure when I'll take the first one, but I'm looking forward to the adventure.

Back to El's and I sat out and relaxed while she trimmed her roses. Stayed for another hour, then she took me to the bus after a lovely day with my dear girl. Didn't get home until almost six and had a quick vegan dinner of turnips and acorn squash. 

Today, Julie's coming to take me to Goodwill so I can donate the crapola I've gathered. I could probably add several bushels more. 

Sunday, February 06, 2022


It was quite a pleasant day. I called niece Carolyn and we had a good talk, with a few tears mixed in. I'll go see Betty one of these days, but for obvious reasons, I'm not really looking forward to it.  

With Jim coming, I decided to skip sandwiches in favor of a hot meal for lunch. I had some Voila pasta/chicken/vegetables in the freezer, so I cooked that and put out some crystal pickles and whole wheat bread. Jim liked it a lot and had two helpings with, of course, his usual red. For dessert, I gave him what I've been serving the last several times he was here: lemon cake topped with vanilla yogurt and blueberries. We both had small glasses of cream sherry as a kind of top-off.

After, we sat on the couch and chatted. I mentioned the two daily crossword puzzles from the Ventura Star. The one from the NYTimes gets progressively more difficult as the week goes on and I usually skip Thursday through Saturday.  The second is always annoyingly simple and I do that every day. I also gave Jim a small book of crosswords I had bought in town. I told him I find them too easy and he proceeded to quiz me with the clues for about an hour. I missed only a few and it was fun. He stayed until 4:00 and I walked him out.

The tangerines from Carolyn Mooney:

Medical note: I just took my first alendronate sodium tablet and am counting the seconds until I can get my coffee, which is banned for a half hour after.   


Saturday, February 05, 2022


My Internet connection being down when I got up (ha--I was up, it was down) at 6:00, I spent about 45 minutes on the phone with Yandoo Communications, who belong in hell with Bank of America. It still wasn't resolved when I left for T.O.P.S., but was when I got home.  

As usual, my weight was a puzzle. At home, I was 125.2, for a loss of 2.6 pounds. At T.O.P.S., I was 126.2, for a loss of .04. I don't get it, but I'm okay with it, as it's within my 125 to 130 comfort zone.

Julie picked me up and besides us, only Lennie and Bobbi were there. (Sharon had called me to say she had a problem.) Because S. was supposed to do the program, I brought my 56-year-old Weight Watchers book (pub. 1966) and read some excerpts. All were amused. I brought the new membership list I had put on a spread sheet and asked members to see if okay. I had a few minor mistakes on it, so will do it over. We were surprised and pleased to see Carolyn Mooney come in. She had been in my Acting for Amateurs group and was a longtime member of T.O.P.S., but hadn't attended since COVID developed. She brought tangerines from her own tree and I happily took several. 

Didn't get home until 10:30. Had breakfast, then moved some of the décor in the living room. I had planned to walk to Wal-Mart, but the wind was so strong, I decided to wait. 

My children responded to my letter to my tenants about raising the rent. Son Mike reworded it a bit and I like his version; think I'll send it. 

Went to Von's and coming back, ran into David, who also lives here. We chatted for fifteen or so about our various real estate experiences. David owns three houses in Georgia, just sold another, and said he has had one tenant for ten years. He has never raised the rent on her, but his was just upped here by $148 a month, so he's probably going to do that. 

Said goodbye to David and as I was coming in the door, Suzanne walked up and invited me in for our "social hour" (but I never stay more than half) and of course, I accepted. Sat in her lovely, flower-bedecked patio, and had a good chat. Got home and Ellen called; we made a date for tomorrow to have lunch at Sea Fresh in Ojai. 

Ellen called as she was driving home from work and we made a date for tomorrow for lunch--happy day, I haven't seen her for more than a month. I called Jim after dinner and we had a long talk. Naturally, I invited him for lunch today and naturally, he'll be here. 

Medical note: My new medication, alendronate sodium, came in the mail. Good grief, there are pages of closely-typed warnings, counterindications, and who-knows-what. It's for osteoporosis and is to be taken only once a week.  You're supposed to take it on an empty stomach and not eat for a half-hour after. I'm going to ask the doc if I can have coffee, though. 

Friday, February 04, 2022

Good News All Around!

Best News: My eye situation. Suzanne dropped me off at Miramar, for my 8:45 eye doctor appointment. I was worried about the macular degeneration and, cheery optimist that I am, was sure the doctor would try to prepare me for blindness. No such thing! Yes, the condition is there, but is slow growing, isn't the more serious type,  and calls for  no treatment at this time. Dr. R. did tell me I should get examined every six months and I promptly made an appointment for August. 

Walked from there to the branch of The Market nearby (not the one I usually go to) and picked up a few things. I didn't want to get much because I decided to walk to the transit center for the bus, which I did. I guess that totaled about two miles.

It was only 11:00 when I got in, so I got my cart and walked to Smart 'n' Final for broccoli, acorn squash, and another root vegetable. Why am I being so coy about the name? Because I'm not sure if it's an turnip, a parsnip, or something else. No matter, I'll roast it and am sure I'll like it.

Good News Two:  I finally steeled myself to call realtor Kim. I talked over with her raising my tenants' rent, but I won't ask for as much as my own raise here ($120 a month). Kim told me that in all of Ocean County there are only five rentals and all but a very small house are over what I want to charge. I wrote out an email for Susan and Cliff (tenants) and, after I submit it to my four advisors, will send. I then need to get a new lease for the change to month-to-month and have it signed.

More Good, Although Anybody Else Would Think It Idiotic: I cleaned the stove, including the burners and drip pans, all of which were pretty crummy, due to my enthusiasm for stir-frying. Hey, it was a chore, but it looks good and gave me a sense of--well, I cleaned the stove, ain't I great?

Goody, Goody, Good: Now let me see, what else was good news? Okay, I totaled five miles walking, which is always an upper, especially since I have T.O.P.S. today and will get weighed in.

Thursday, February 03, 2022

Wednesday And The Grave

Changed the bed and did a white wash. Early on, Suzanne texted me to ask if I wanted to go to WinCo this morning. I told her I had an 8:45 eye doctor appointment and asked if she'd take me. She will and we'll leave at 8:10.

I called Stella and we had a good chat. She's had some "challenges," as the saying goes, but is generally okay. She invited me to go to a free lunch next Wednesday at a restaurant in Ojai. Why free? Because it's one of those promotional things, in this case, cremation, which she wants, but I don't. I already have my tombstone with all info on it, except a certain date. I'll be moldering in the grave, I guess, rather than scattered, but whichever people prefer is fine by me. Here's my spot:

So, no, I don't favor cremation for myself, but I do favor a free lunch, so will see Stella next week. 

I took my cart and set out for Smart 'n' Final about 11:00, but the wind was so strong--chilly, too--that I turned back after a short time. Decided I'd go another day. 

After lunch, I bused to town. It had gotten a lot warmer and the wind had died down. Went to the library to put up the two Jonathan Kellerman books I had requested, the stopped at a few shops. Bought a DVD (used) of the full second season of Friends. I used to like that so much, and ditto, Will And Grace; I have several seasons of that show. 

Home and I pared and cut up the two big Idahoes I bought the other day.  I've had this hankering for real, old-fashioned mashed potatoes, so bought a masher from Wal-Mart last week, ready for action. Along with the potatoes, I had something called Quorn Meatless Roast, which I happened to see at Von's. It contains egg white, onion powder, milk protein, tapioca dextrin, yeast, and other ingredients. Anyway, I put it in the oven, then had it. It's surprisingly good--the texture is something like chicken breast, the the taste is more like red meat. I'll buy it again, I'm pretty sure.

Wednesday, February 02, 2022


I finally got around to something I've been meaning to do for months: I called my old friend, Nancy and we had a good, long talk. She still does not go out. At all. She's been vaccinated and boostered, but she does have some frailties, so I guess it's understandable. How it's livable, though, is beyond me.  

I want to call Stella, too--she'll meet for lunch--but oddly, her number isn't in my phone. I thought all in the old phone had transferred over, but I guess not. Incredibly, I can't remember her last name, either. (I know her late husband's name was Arthur--I met Stella at Soaring Spirits, the widow and widower club.) Messaged co-leader Susan to see if she could provide it. 

I then bused to the mall and Ross to get the containers I wanted. As for the set of two glass casseroles--it was gone! I went to ask about it and was told they don't keep stock! Great consternation and gnashing of teeth! That's what I get for deciding to wait for the Tuesday ten percent off thing--AAGH! 

It then occurred to me how stupid it was to even give it a passing thought; I just bought a different set and they're perfectly fine. Stopped at Target, also at the mall for five pounds of apples and a big navel orange. When I got home, I cleaned and quartered them and set them to simmer in the slow cooker. I love homemade apple sauce.

Lunch, then I walked over the footpath to the little lending library in the park. It's been a long time since I visited, but they didn't have much I wanted; I took one book and left two, plus seven DVDs. Walked home, so I got three in, which was good.

Tuesday, February 01, 2022


Walked to The Market after breakfast and got a number of necessary items. Walked home, too, rather than bused, so I got three miles in.

Had lunch, then walked to the P.O. to send the now fully-corrected deed to the Jersey attorney. I had written a cover letter and somehow, thought it was February 1, which is what I dated it. However, the deed itself is dated okay, so I guess it's no problem. Made it certified and signature required.

I went from there to Ross, meaning to pick up those small casseroles I had seen, plus some drawer dividers that looked useful. However, I saw a sign that on Tuesdays, people over 50 were given ten percent off. Now, I'm comfortable financially and I have few money worries, but does anyone seriously think I would buy those items on Monday when I'd get ten percent off of Tuesday???? When pigs...well, you know. So I'll go back today.

Other than that, not a whole lot going on.


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...