Wednesday, June 30, 2021


 Did a wash in the morning, lunched, then went to my doctor appointment at 2:00. I actually saw the nurse practitioner (whom, incidentally, I like better than the doctor). We had a good talk and she'll have the referrals for p.t. and vision submitted, then I'll hear from Blue Shield. My BP is 118/78, which she said was good. I also asked about an RX for the RLS and that will be forthcoming. She also told me to stop taking the stuff (starts with "ome") for heartburn, as it's now been discovered that it can cause kidney and bone problems. Oh, thanks for telling me, docs. NP said to substitute something else, but I'm not sure I really need anything anymore, as I've had no GERD for some time, so I'm just going to skip it.

Anyway, I got what I went for, so that was good. Walked from there to Telephone Road (I looked it up and it's 1.8 miles; as usual, I thought it was longer). Got the 11 bus to the mall, went to Target, where I bought a pound of nice dark cherries, and bused home.

I had no sooner gotten in than Vickie and Mary came to the door. Vickie was carrying a big cat, which surprised me, as I didn't know they had one. Good grief, it's not real. The thing purrs, moves its paws. blinks its eyes, and otherwise acts like a real live one--amazing! I invited them in and we had a good time chatting away and laughing about the cat. She asked if I wanted her to send me information on it, in case Betty might like one. Sure and I'm going to consult Carolyn about it. 

Here are Vickie, the cat, and Mary. (Mary's the one with dementia.)   

The reason their so blurry is because I can't seem to hold the phone steady when I'm taking pictures.


Tuesday, June 29, 2021


I spent two hours after breakfast on the phone with 

1.) Bank of Freakin' America about my fraud claim (I was referred to the wrong claims number twice); 

2.) Grey Law to discuss a referral for my trust setup (I got an appointment for July 1);

3.) Dr. Jenning's office to get a. an RX for RLS, b. a referral to the ophthalmologist, and c. a referral for p.t. (I have to go in today to see an NP); 

4.) Conservice about the fact that I pay more for "preparation of the bill" than others. 

It's a tossup as to which was most infuriating: one or four, so a tie, I guess. All of these were because of problems and concerns, but I don't have the mental stamina to elaborate in writing. 

I calmed down a bit by doing some food prep: got my tomato and onion salad combo roasted; sliced and diced two nice big peaches (I like to eat them with a spoon); cut up some good Bella mushrooms; and formed and froze turkey burgers.  

After lunch, I bused into town. Stopped at the library, sat down, and started reading The Velvet Rope Economy/How Inequality Became Big Business. (It was heavenly just to be able to sit quietly in that holy place and read.) I'm hooked on the book already, so borrowed it. 

Bused home and had a tasty dinner. Happily, I slept well last night and just got up at my usual 6:30.


Monday, June 28, 2021


An active day and not all in a good way. First of all, I had a terrible time sleeping because I kept having to flex my toes; it's involuntary and very distressing. I'm going to call Dr. Jennings this morning to ask for 1. a prescription for something to get rid of what I assume is RLS and 2. a referral for p.t. (because I think my balance is worsening). 

Once I got up, I did the usual, then sat down with my coffee at the computer. I was surprised to get a  text message on my phone about 7:00 am. It was from Bank of America, asking if I had used my Mastercard for something at three places. Two of them yes, but CHICK-FIL-A?  I'd starve rather than eat anything from there! The upshot was, somebody has used my credit card number for a lot of purchases in San Jose and other areas. They'll send a new card and I've now resolved to be less careless about checking my credit card bill.

After lunch, I put the dried beans El had given me in the slow cooker, added chopped onions and the "juice" I save from cooking veggies. Had some before dinner and boy, if I say it myself, it's yummy. Of course, I made enough to feed the entire population of Ventura, so I'll freeze some. Walked to The Market for produce and walked back, which I was glad to do. 

I then tackled scanning Jim's essay on Maria Callas. He had read it to  me when he was here, but now I read it myself. I was just stunned--it is so absorbing and so wonderful to read. He tells how he started loving opera when he was a sophomore in high school. I can't wait to send it to Aline in Jersey. The problem is, he wanted to know if I could scan it, then send it to him so he can edit it. 

After lunch, I bused to the mall, then walked to the other branch of The Market. Got fresh parsley and the two pounds of tomatoes I had forgotten in the morning. Added the parsley and pieces of turkey bacon to the beans and boy, were they good. 

Talked to Ellen after dinner and we decided on July 13 to 15 for our little vacay (see how linguistically trendy I am?) We're zeroing in on Pasadena, but she wants me to scout out other locations before we decide. 

Also called Jim to tell him how fabulous I think his Callas essay is; he was so pleased. I'm thinking of re-typing it for him, as it's a little rough, but I wouldn't dream of changing a word. Called Aline and left a message to call me; I know she'll be thrilled at the essay.  

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Social Doings

Did a quick load of white wash after breakfast, tidied up a bit, then walked over to Von's for cabaret sauvignon and stuff. 

Happily, it was quite a social day: David W., the ornithologist, texted to ask if he could come over and see the little birdies' nest. Sure, and I went out to meet him. The three tiny eggs of the dark-eyed junco are still there unhatched and so was Mama. I was amazed to hear that David sprinkles bird seed from his patio (he's on the second floor), to his living room carpet, which the birds follow inside. I'm not quite devoted enough for that, but when I said I had no feed, David gave me some and I sprinkled it on my patio. I hope to see some birdies up close and personal.  

Neighbor Olivia dropped in after and even sat on the sofa for a bit to talk. She has a germ phobia and still wore a mask, of course, but we had a nice chat.

Jim came at 1:00, as always, and I was pleased to see him. I had bought new place mats, which included pictures of wine, since I had told him that, for a change, I was having wine instead of beer. I offered him some, he accepted, and we both enjoyed the cabernet sauvignon. One of our topics was poetry--Jim shared with me a free verse poem he had written called "Meditation: The Sound of Silence." I didn't recite any of mine, but did two by William Butler Yeats. I then copied his poem and his essay on Maria Callas, which I'll send to my opera buff friend, Aline, in Jersey.

Jim was just about to leave when Suzanne rang the bell. She, Vickie, and Mary invited me to sit outside with them and chat. I walked Jim out, then joined the three and we had a good talk for an hour or so. Mary has dementia, Vickie cancer, and Suzanne her fibro neuralgia and sciatica--I sometimes realize how lucky I am. 

I was annoyed yesterday to see that someone had parked in my space again and certainly without asking (they wouldn't know who to ask), so I posted this sign:

The fee for parking space #51

is factored into my rent.

I allow my family and friends

to use it free; the charge for

others is $5.00 per hour.

If interested, put contact info

below. Do not park here before

getting my permission.

(Signed: Annoyed Resident)


(I don't know why the second line is bigger.) Anyway, Suzanne and Vickie got a kick out of it. We'll see if there's any reaction to the culprit. 

Saturday, June 26, 2021


Not Sunday, but Funday: Ellen came at 11:45 and we went off to Wal-Mart. I got lots of heavier stuff, which is often hard for me to get home, even with the cart. We went straight from there to Aloha for lunch, and what a lovely time we had. 

It was pretty crowded, of course--everyone was happy to be out and about on that lovely day--but we got a good table overlooking the ocean. We talked and talked and laughed and talked. Ellen told me all about her and Greg's trip to San Luis Obispo, I told her about Jim and his Honda. She has one, too, but hers, which she considers old (2014), is brand new compared to Jim's 1997 one. Yes, indeed, Jim was right, they get stolen often because the parts are no longer made for older models.  

El treated me to lunch because I took care of the kitties while they were gone. However, she said and I agreed, that it was an honor and a privilege (😁), but she still insisted on treating.  How I love being with my girl! 💖

We drove back to my place, I again replaced the batteries in the keyboard and it works--yay! It seems I had put depleted ones in before. El tested my other batteries (on a battery-tester device I had never bothered to use), and some were dead, so were thrown out. We discussed our planned mini-vacay coming up and pretty much settled on Pasadena and the various botanic gardens, plus possibly, old movie star tours. We said goodbye and I straightened up a bit, loving my life again. 

Friday, June 25, 2021

Home And No T.O.P.S.

 Back from Ellen's and my keyboard won't work. I tried changing the batteries and that didn't work, either. I find it terribly difficult to type on the attached keyboard, so this will be a pretty short entry.

I did a lot of traveling yesterday, but only in about a thirty-mile radius, back and forth from Ojai to Ventura. Left El's at 10:20 and got home at 1;00. Put my stuff away, lunched, then left for town about 2;30. Did the usual strolling down Main and stopping at this or that stores. Home at 5;00.

El called and will be over to bring back what I left there, then we'll do some shopping, then go to Aloha for lunch. That'll be be fun. I texted Lora and Bobbi to tell them I was skipping T.O.P.S. today. I didn't feel like having breakfast at 10:30 again. I may or may not continue the group--still vacillating.  I weighed myself here and stayed the same at 129.8.

 It's so awkward trying to type this way!  

Thursday, June 24, 2021

At Ellen's In Ojai

I slept pretty well, thanks to the purloined Ny-Quill. Had breakfast, then left about 8:15 to go back to my place and get my meds. I was lucky enough to have the Ojai Trolley (really a tricked-out minibus) come alone soon, then the regular 16 bus to Ventura, then the 10 home. I arrived at 11:00, picked up what I needed, plus a few other things, stowed them in my little cart, and reversed the travel process. I got back to Ellen's at 1:00, my usual lunch time, so that was good. 

Other than that, I didn't do a whole lot, aside from reading and fooling around on this machine. It was just too hot to go outside--Ojai is a kind of bowl, surrounded by mountains, and is always much warmer than Ventura. 

Called El after dinner to see how to operate the television. They won't be back until the afternoon and we made plans for me to go home by bus, leaving most of stuff here. Ellen will bring it to me tomorrow, then we'll go out to lunch.    

I watched Rosemary's Baby last night. I was always tickled by the fact that the due date for Devil Baby was June 28. Why, yes, that's the day our first child was born; he'll be 63 next week. As for the movie, like all Polanski's films, it was very well done. Mia Farrow, though, reminded me of Grace Kelly. They had the same high pitched, prattling, cutsey-poo delivery, like wallflowers thrilled to be asked to the prom. Never in a million years would you buy the idea this was real life; nevertheless, it was great fun to watch.  

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Muff And Meds

 It occurred to me that I'd like Bob "Muff" McGinty to see the colorized picture of my wedding party, since he's in it as an usher. After some searching, I found his email address and sent it with a short note. I was pleased to get this back from him in a very short time:

Thank You for the picture great shot. Every one is well here. I sure miss him breaking my b--- all the time.
 Ran into your sister a Breakfast in Ventnor a will ago she looks great.
Miss you.
Bob must have been quite awhile ago when he ran into Betty, as she's lived here in California longer than I have. Also, of course, sadly enough, she no longer looks "great" (or is otherwise great), but I enjoyed reading it. Bob is now 89, same as my brother, Larry. 

No, I have NO IDEA how to fix the different sizes of fonts, but oh, well.

Another welcome contact: Muckie called and we had a good, good talk. I was pleased to hear she had gone to lunch last week with her stepson, the first time she's stepped out in more than a year.  

Now here I am at Ellen's, having arrived via Access Van yesterday evening about 5:00. I fed the kitties--they're highly suspicious of me--and settled in for a little mimi-vaca.  Unfortunately, when I was getting ready for bed, I realized I had forgotten my meds and by that time, it was too late t go home and get them. I wasn't too concerned about the prescription ones--I'm too ignorant, I guess--but about the sleep aid I've been taken for years. I found some Ny-Quill in Ellen's bathroom and took that. It worked pretty well and after a little restlessness, I slept okay. 


Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Dave And Doing Dinner

I was surprised and pleased when my nephew, Dave Wessel, called about 7:00 am (he lives in New Hampshire and must have forgotten the time difference, but no prob, I had been up for a while. This is my older sister's third son and he's writing a chronicle of his Dad. My brother-in-law, Carl and his parents left their homeland, Germany just before WWII.  Dave wanted to know if I remembered how he and Gene (Jean) met. Unfortunately, I don't remember. I was only 11 when they were married and they had probably met two years or more earlier. Later, I called my brother, Larry, to see if he remembered, but no, he didn't, either. I do have a vague memory that it was at a gathering of some kind--maybe they had a mutual acquaintance, which isn't too unlikely, as the Wessels had settled in Absecon. Dave's sister, my niece, Joan, also called to thank me for the stamps I had sent her.

I got to the Stone Fire Grille a little early, but before long, Gayle and Anna came in. We greeted each other with hugs and great pleasure. Soon, Vera, Susan, and Hannah came in, then others, until we had a group of about twenty. An unusual factor was the five men who attended; for various reasons (we outlive them, for one), we have very few men and it was refreshing to see them. 

What a great time we had! This is the first time we in Soaring Spirits have gathered for dinner since COVID hit (I missed the first lunch two weeks ago) and there was, of course, an enormous amount of catching up to do. We met at 6:00 and didn't part until 8:30. 

Anna took me home and I returned Ellen's call. She gave me a few instructions on kitty care and asked if I'd like for the she and I to go somewhere for two days. Yes, I'd love to, and she discussed where. We'll talk about where soon.  

Monday, June 21, 2021

The difference colorizing makes:



As Sundays go, it wasn't too bad. I was amazed to see it was ten of eight when I got up, much later than my usual six to seven. Anyway, after my Sunday rituals (the crossword was enjoyable and just obscure enough), I took my cart and walked to the market. Bused part of the way back, as I often do.

Lunched, then at loose ends, I thought I'd bus to town and stroll through my usual haunts. However, Ellen called when we had just reached the transit center and, in order to hear her better, I got off.  After we hung up, I saw that the 10 was just about to leave, which made me jettison my earlier (kind of half-hearted, anyway) plan; I hopped on, and went home.

That's one of the benefits of bus travel--at least in my circumstances. I can just arbitrarily decide to change plans on the spur of the moment. I don't have to worry about getting back to a car and, since the bus is free, I can just switch when I feel like it. 

That was one of our topics of conversation when I called Jim after dinner.  Like virtually everyone else I know, he'd rather hang by his thumbs than ride the bus, although his car is still on the fritz (another expression from my parents' era). His mechanic told him it's the distributor cap and will cost four hundred smackers (one more!) to fix. Guy is a free lance and his wife makes the appointments. She was supposed to call him to set it up on Saturday, but didn't, and he "didn't want to disturb her" yesterday. Anyway, the city bus (free for him, as for me) is out, but he was interested when I told him about the Access Van, which costs three bucks, but is door-to-door. He asked me to send him the web site and I did.

I PMed Vera for confirmation that the Soaring Spirits group meets for dinner tonight. It does--at Stonefire, I'm glad to say, and I'll be there--YAY!   

I was married sixty-three years ago today.


Sunday, June 20, 2021


Kind of a bummer of a day. Jim called to say the mechanic hadn't come yet and he thought we'd have to  skip our lunch date. He was very distressed about the car; I hope it's something fairly simple and  inexpensive, but considering it's an old car, that seem unlikely. Anyway, I suggested maybe today instead, but he seemed to think that was unlikely. 

Tomorrow, I have the Soaring Spirits dinner and I don't want to have lunch and dinner dates on the same day. I go to Ojai and Ellen's on Tuesday, so that's out, too. I thought I'd see if Nancy and Carolyn would meet for lunch on Wednesday, as they both live in or near Ojai. However, in light of their COVID paranoia, that's iffy. So-o-o, maybe I'll arrange something with Jim for then. Otherwise, it'll have to wait until Friday or later, as I'll probably stay for lunch with El and Greg on Thursday. 

I cored three pounds of Granny Smith apples, with which I made applesauce in the slow cooker. After that, I didn't do much--certainly, nothing productive--until I bused to Wal-Mart. Got Tyson's diced chicken there, which I like in my salads. 

Home about 4:30, after a nuthin' much going on day. As I was about to sit down to dinner (a vegan one), the doorbell rang. There were two college kids selling magazines to be donated to children's schools--or something. However, the least expensive "plan" was fifty-nine bucks, so I said no. However, I enjoyed talking to them. Both 19, they go to Arizona State and, I guess, are working their way through. I liked them--nice kids, but it pointed up how much I miss so much of my family. 

Saturday, June 19, 2021


Lora picked me up for T.O.P.S. Lennie and Bobbi were there, so there were four of us. I weighed 129.8 at home, for a gain of .04, but "turtled" (i.e., stayed the same) with 130.2 at T.O.P.S. As for the non-meeting, we mostly talked about family problems, as ever. Got home a bit after 10:00, so two hours late for my usual breakfast time. I keep oscillating about staying in or not, but I guess I'll go next week.

Walked to Smart 'n' Final for broccoli and apples, then home. Prepared my cauliflower with seasonings in the slow cooker and left it to--well, slowly cook, of course--while I watched a live stream video of an event the included somebody close to my heart. 

After, I took off for town. Returned a book and a DVD to the library and took out a new, non-fiction called Quitter/A Memoir of Drinking, Relapse, and Recovery. I don't know why I'm drawn to books like this, but I am. Read the first chapter in the library, a place I've missed for the last many months.

I was on the bus when Jim called. Unfortunately, he's having problems with his car. The mechanic is coming over this morning at 8:00 and Jim will call me after to let me know if he can still come to lunch today. Darn, I hope so, as I'll be in Ojai much of next week. Also, the Soaring Spirits dinner is gathering is on Monday, and I just as soon he comes on a day I don't have anything else planned. Well, I'll wait to hear when he calls in a few hours. 

Friday, June 18, 2021


Lunch with Ellen at Rincon, which was, of course, a treat. However, I'm still not crazy about having to go up to a counter, then order and pay before anything else. Rincon used to provide full service, but now not and more and more restaurants are following this screw-the-customer rule. They blame it on COVID, of course--everything's is being blamed on COVID. Besides that, their prices are astronomical: I had a hamburger and beer and, with tip, my tab came to twenty-six bucks, which used to be the cost for a fancy dinner.

We stopped at CVS on the way back to my place, so she could buy a toothbrush. She was going to the dentist to get her teeth cleaned at 3:00, so that gave us plenty of time for lunch and talk. She and Greg have firmed up their plans to go to San Luis Obispo next week and I'll be kitty-sitting for a few days. I'll ask if Nancy and Carolyn, who live nearby, want to meet me for lunch, but dollars to doughnuts, they're still hibernating. 

David D., the ornithologist, my neighbor in another building, had asked to come over to see the nest outside my patio. He did, at 4:00, and viewed it through binoculars, not wanting to disturb the Mum and her chickies (still in the eggs). 

Called Jim to see how his class is going in the new semester and we chatted. He'll be coming over for lunch tomorrow. I got in touch with Lora, who will pick me up for T.O.P.S. this morning; I'm still on the fence about continuing, though.

Thursday, June 17, 2021


Walked to The Market in the morning for spaghetti squash, blueberries, and lettuce, plus some greeting cards. Home,  I prepared the squash and stowed it in the fridge for dinner, then did a few other chores.

After lunch, I bused to town, as per usual. I was looking for pajama bottoms, found what I wanted, and bought them. I just barely missed the bus--I was on the other side of the street from it and the walk signal refused to display--so sat grumpily on the bench. Looked at my bus app and, damn, the next 6 wasn't due for another twenty minutes.

I had resigned myself to waiting when a white mini-van pulled up in front of me. The woman driving said she had noticed how I had just missed the bus and could she drive me somewhere? She lives near where I was, but said she didn't need to be somewhere until 5:00. Well, sure, I guess--and I accepted her offer.

It turns out that she had retired as an administrator at Balboa School, which is right behind where I live. She was called back temporarily to run the COVID program--not to give the shots, but as administrator to head up the arrangements, completion, and so on, of testing and vaccination for employees. I always gravitate to people in education, no  matter the level, and I liked her a lot. Her name is Nancy Stratton; I gave her my card and asked her to give me a call anytime.

As I approached my patio, I saw Suzanne; she invited me in and we caught up with each other. She's now getting PT for her sciatica, which I hope will help. When I got home, I called Vickie to see how her session with the doctor went. Yes, it is stage 4, but happily, is within the perimeters AND is the same type of cancer she's had, which is treatable. She'll start radiation on the 24th.  

Lunch with El today--YAY!

Wednesday, June 16, 2021


 I walked to the Little Lending Library (it doesn't have to be in caps, but I think of it that way) about 10:00. Left off a book and picked one up. It was very warm, 80 or so, but there was a nice breeze and no humidity. 

After lunch, Ellen called and we had a good, long chat. School's over for the season, so she's a free woman--YAY! She's getting her teeth cleaned tomorrow and her dentist is right down the street from me. Did I want to go to lunch first? Well, whaddya think? She'll stop for me at noon.

I bused to town and by the time I got there, it was after 3:30, but that was okay. Took my usual stroll down Main and stopped in my usual haunts. I was flabbergasted by the fact that only a handful of others were unmasked. The governor has proclaimed that, as of yesterday, said masks are no longer needed, for cryin' out loud, so what gives? Reminded me of the old saying "how we cling to the very chains that bind us." Of course, they're still required on the bus, although I'm not sure why. I'll go over to Von's for lettuce this morning, so will check that out. 

Tuesday, June 15, 2021


I've been sleeping better, I'm happy to record--hope it continues. In the morning, I went over to Von's for romaine, then did some food prep. With my trusty Chop Wizard, I chopped the eight onions and stowed the results in the freezer, as I like to do. Cooked spinach and reserved some for dinner last night and tonight; marinated some tilapia for the same.

After lunch, I walked over the foot bridge to the Hill Street branch of the library. It was so good to be able to go in, browse the books, and so on. I actually sat down to read for a half hour or so--Murder Thy Neighbor, by James Patterson.  Interestingly, this isn't one of his pot-boiler crime novels, but is about an actual murder in Pittsburgh. Anyway, I took it out. I've been meaning to continue the opera singer's bio, but frankly, I'm rapidly losing interest in that; think I'll just give it back to Jim. Also took out The Nest, a DVD with Jude Law. I never even heard of it, but it looked fairly interesting.*

Left there and bused to the mall and Target. Why? Simply because it was too early to go home. I usually try to stay out until at least 4:30 or so, if I don't have something engaging to do. I just strolled around the store, then bused back.

Betty called at 6:00. For a minute or two, she sounded so much like her old self, I tried to pretend all that Alzheimer's nonsense was over with. I couldn't sustain it, though. Her helper, Elizabeth (whom daughter Carolyn got for her), was there and I was glad to talk to her, too. 

 Note to myself: Lee Burnett recommended this guy on YouTube. I saw some of what he has to offer and it seems intriguing. I want to remember this:

*It isn't. I watched for an hour and it's a snooze fest. Guess I'll continue until the bitter end, but I'm wondering when something will actually happen.

Monday, June 14, 2021


I enjoyed the crossword--natch--then took off for Smart 'n' Final after breakfast. Got blueberries and romaine, plus a "graduation" card at the Dollar Tree for my younger great-grandson, who's finishing eighth grade.  

I called Betty, who said she was on "the porch"--actually, it's a kind of veranda--but she was cheerful and seemed good. 

The restoration: Here's the original snapshot, in black and white. of my wedding attendants, as they were about to leave for the church:  

I asked the good folk at Facebooks free photo restoration and color to improve this picture of sister, Gene (gone these many years), my friend, Joan Welsh (gone, too), and Betty (essentially gone) who were attendants at my wedding. One result follows and I like it, except the dresses are a little pale and extra color was added to the bouquets:
And below is a second try from a different person. The dress color is perfect here, but I think Gene's express is a little manic. This person added also added color to the bouquets and they were actually all white daisies. 
Here's Betty in our group picture, which was originally in color. Note the daisies.

Home, I had lunch, then walked to the bank for some dough to put in the card. Went from there to Ralph's for grapes, walked part of the way home, then bused the rest.

I was pleased to get a Gmail, then a text from my neighbor, David, who lives in another building, asking about the ridiculous charge for preparing the utilities bill. He suggested a "beer summit" in the central area--he'll bring the beer. Hey, don't have to ask me twice and we met at 5:00. We had a good long talk about our differences with the complex owners, our property elsewhere (my house in Jersey and David's several houses in Georgia), and the little bird's nest outside my patio gate (David is a biologist and ornithologist--that is, he studies birds.) All in all, it was a pretty good day.


Sunday, June 13, 2021


Spent time in the morning tidying up the place and moving things around. I'm not so sure I like it, though---may modify further.

Went over to Von's to take advantage of their "Fab 5." They run this promotion every week, with different products featured. When things I regularly buy are included, I stock up.

Jim came at his usual 1:00, bringing two fascinating items. This is the first*:

He got this when he was a sophomore in high school. Ever since, he's been a devotee of opera and particularly idolizes Maria Callas. (I told the story in my blog entry of June 11.)

The second item was an essay Jim had written on his thoughts about Maria Callas. He read it to me and I was enthralled. I want to send it to Aline and next time we meet, he'll bring it to me to scan. What a great story and he recounted it very well. I explained the circumstances in my blog entry of June 11.

After Jim left, I bused to the mall, but didn't continue on to town. Just went to Target and got red potatoes, which I had for dinner. Happily, I (finally!) slept well and feel good today.  

* Note the date, which is the year I got married.

Saturday, June 12, 2021


Lora was going to pick me up for T.O.P.S., but she suddenly decided to go to The Grand Old Opry in Nashville for her birthday instead. (She's a travel agent, so can do things like that.) Bobbi picked me up instead, and good thing--we were the only two who showed up. My numbers were: home, down .06 to 129.2; T.O.P.S. down .05 to 130.2. Happily, we stayed only long enough to get weighed, then split.

After breakfast, I walked to The Market to refresh my supplies. Bused home, had lunch, and took off for town. I had The Talented Mr. Ripley DVD on hold at the library, so picked that up, then stayed and read a bit. I asked the person on the desk if the library was still--again, that is--having lectures and presentations in the gathering room. I want to get back in the game with my Dionne Quintuplet address, but he wasn't sure. He gave me the email of a person to contact. I was interested to see on the "new books" shelf, there was a bio of the Dane, Soren Kierkegaard, called Philosopher of the Heart. Must mention that to Jim when he's here for lunch today. 

I called Sharon, since she hasn't been a T.O.P.S for two weeks. Unfortunately, since her fall in the bathtub last month, she's had major problems getting around and with flare-ups of arthritis. She sees the doctor again on Wednesday.

After that, Ellen called and we had a good long talk. She'll be finished at school after Monday (her third-graders had their last day yesterday) and what with doing report cards, her car problems, and graduation dinners (Greg's nephew, from UCSB), it's been a hectic week. She said she'll call me and we'll get together soon.


Friday, June 11, 2021

Vera, Olivia, Suzanne, Jim, And Maria Callas

PMed my dear friend,  Aline, in Jersey, to ask when a convenient time for a phone call would be; we decided on 4:00 my time, 7:00 hers.

I walked to Rinco Restaurant on Ashwood Avenue to meet Vera for lunch. It's just under two miles, so a healthy distance and, since it was another lovely day, very enjoyable. . Vera got there and we had some good, insightful talk. She's having great difficulty with her son, who's 20 and lives in Oregon, and her daughter, who lives here. He has become a Trumpite, and a QAnon, it seems, and believes in all kinds of conspiracy theories. Her daughter is 18 and has had some serious physical and employment problems. 

I like Vera so much. She's one of my younger friends, to whom I often relate more easily than I do to those my age. Vera is in her early forties and has decided to go back to college to get a degree in nutrition. I told her I didn't get my B.S. until I was 54, had a husband and four children, and worked full-time. It took me 22 years and it was one of the best things I ever did. She was thrilled to hear that. 

Vera dropped me at The Market, where I got blueberries and mushrooms, as well as Fathers' Day cards for the sons, son-in-law, and Greg. After busing home, I addressed and mailed them. As I was walking back to my apartment, I ran into my neighbor, Olivia. Olivia has a germ phobia, which she freely admits, and we talked about her difficulties with that and depression for a half hour or so. 

I called Aline at 4:00 and we had a wonderful chat. She was very much interested in Ganna, Jim, and his love of opera. Later, Suzanne stopped in to tell me about her three-day trip to her brother's in San Diego. 

Started reading Ganna's Always Room At The Top, which is a book hard to describe. Her writing style is a kind of a juvenile, self-indulgent, third-grade level, roves all over the map, and is disjointed to say the least. Somehow, though, it's intriguing. At this point, Ganna has moved from Poland to America and meets her first husband, the doctor. A later one, the Russian prince, has already been introduced, but I'll have to wait to find out when it's his turn in the five--or is it six?--spouse derby.  

I called Jim to tell him I was reading it and we had a good talk; also, he'll be over for lunch tomorrow. He told me his love for opera happened when he was in high school in San Francisco. Maria Callas had sung there, he saw her and, with others, went backstage to ask her to sign his program. She refused, but told the group to leave them with their names on them, then pick the up the next morning at the Fairmount Hotel, where she was staying. He went by himself the next day, asked at the desk, and yes, there was his program with her signature. As he was turning away with it, he saw Callas and her husband walking nearby. She saw him and, for an instant, seemed startled as if, maybe, she thought he was a stalker. But then she smiled and said hello. He was so awe-struck, he couldn't answer. 

Jim said he wrote something about Callas and he'll try to find it and bring it tomorrow.  He said it wasn't that her voice was that terrific--Joan Sutherland's and others were better--but that no matter what she said or sung, you believed every single word. 

Note to myself: Finally, I was able to transfer dough from BOA to Vanguard; confirmed.

Thursday, June 10, 2021


Again, didn't sleep well.  I was annoyed with myself for scheduling lunch with Stella, even though I like the Aloha. However, I changed the bed. washed whites, as well as my hair and bod, then set off for town. I was very early--got there at 11:15--but the weather, the ocean, and The Promenade were perfect. I love the unadorned home beaches in Ventnor, but this isn't too shabby, either:

Stella finally got out of Quest after the blood work and stuff and we had a good lunch. I had the white roughy, rather than a sandwich, Caeser salad, and a good beer. We talked and talked. 

Stella is going through a rough time: She had been seeing a psychiatrist for her depression. but he retired and she's no longer on medication. I think her primary should prescribe something, or refer her, but I don't know the protocol.  Anyway, we had a good lunch, then Stella dropped me off in town. I had been looking for a small, thin bookcase and I found one at The Coalition. It was a little awkward getting it home on the bus, but I managed.     

Now that I have it, I'm not so sure I want it. It may just make the place look cluttered plus my regular, hard cover books don't fit in it. Now sure how--or if--I'll use it, after all. Possibly, I could exchange places with one of the bookcases in the bedroom, but would that make sense? Dunno.


Wednesday, June 09, 2021

Jim And Ganna

Things are looking up. Although I slept very poorly, I felt okay when I got up. Did my usual morning chores, but deferred bed clothes and other wash until today. Walked over to CVS and Von's, then with time on my hands, I started reading (out loud and acting parts) my play of a few years ago, Fatal Family Reunion. Surprisingly, I found it pretty good. It might need some tweaks here and there, but as very broad comedy, it's not bad at all. If theatre ever opens up, I might submit it to Fractured Actors or somewhere else.

Jim came at his usual 1:00 and absolutely astounded me when he handed me this:

See my blog entry of last Friday, June 4, for info on Genna Walsea and Lotusland. After talking to Jim about her, it occurred to me that I'd like to read her autobiography. The library didn't have it, so I figured I could find it on Amazon--how much could it be, ten or twenty bucks? I found, all right--for five hundred bucks. I jokingly sent the Amazon info to Jim and asked him to buy it for me. He jokingly wrote back that he had a signed copy and he'd me read it. Hardy-har-har.

When he came over for lunch yesterday, he brought the book. I was flabbergasted and so was Carolyn when I called to tell her about it. Below are a few more pics of it.

Asked Jim to drop me off at the transit center and I bused from there to town to the library. Just browsed--what a pleasure!--and picked up a DVD. I called Stella and we'll meet for lunch at Aloha today. Home and I found a notice on the door that the water is be off tomorrow between 8:00 am and 1:00 pm, while work is done. Texted Suzanne (who's away until then) to let her know. 

More pics of Ganna's book, now Jim's book, which was published the year he was born, 1943:

P.S. I have no idea why I seem to often have blank space under my entries. Can't seem to remedy it.


Tuesday, June 08, 2021

One Of Those Days...

 ...when everything seemed to go wrong. 

Exhibit 1: I paid Mastercard my total--$566.17--for the month (I never carry a balance and rarely use cash) on the fifth and they charged me a $25.00 late fee because it was due on the fourth! I called them, screaming at the top of my lungs, and was told they had no grace period. However, after I told them I would drop them and go to Discover, they agreed to rescind it.

Exhibit 2: Dr. Babbitt's office called to say the doc had had surgery and my appointment (for today) would have to be postponed. Now I won't get this started until June 30. In a way, good, but in another way, not so much.

Exhibit 3: I was thrilled to see on Facebook that Soaring Spirits, our widow and widower group would again meet "tomorrow." I saw this on Monday, so of course, assumed today was meant. Since my dental appointment was postponed, that meant I could go. But I couldn't: our leader had put it on Facebook late Sunday night and I didn't see it until the next morning, so I missed it. I was so disappointed.

Exhibit 4: I got the bubble gum for my granddaughters all nicely packed in two pretty sparkly containers and found a box that fit in perfectly. Padded it, wrapped, addressed and took it to the post office. The postage was--I actually am embarrassed to write it here, but it was unbelievable. I just didn't feel like taking it home, undoing it, and re-packaging; now I could kick myself.

Exhibit 5: I woke in the middle of the night for the usual and just could not get back to sleep. That took hours and when I finally did, I had a bad dream I could easily see was related to some of the crapola listing above.

Exhibit 6: About 4:30, considerably earlier than usual, I bused to town. Walked down Main, but didn't stop anywhere. I felt lonely and sad and just generally down, brooding over this and that.  

BUT: SS leader Vera invited me to lunch on Thursday--we'll meet at the Rincon and I'm looking forward to it. 

AND: I called Jim and burdened him with my problems and he's coming to lunch today.

PLUS: I feel more cheerful this morning. 

Monday, June 07, 2021

Bubble Gum

 Slow Sunday, as ever, but not too bad. Morning was the usual. After lunch, I bused to town. It was a beautiful day--sunny, low seventies, no humidity--and Main Street was jammed with people. All the outdoor parts of all the restaurants were filled and I'm sure so were the insides. So festive and so good to see. 

Mike had suggested bubble gum for the girls' July birthdays--Violet will become a teenager on the tenth and Vivian turns 17 on the twenty-ninth. Gum, except the "therapeutic" kind (Nicorette and so on) isn't permitted to be sold in Singapore. I find the reason for the ban fascinating and added the short version of the reason below.

Stopped at Rocket Candy to get the stuff, but I didn't like the selection. Once I got close to home, I stopped at CVS and found a large bag--1.68 pounds of classic Fleer's Dubble Bubble--perfect! I divided the stuff into two pretty, sparkly round boxes I had, and will send it off today. 

Chewing gum is banned in Singapore under the Regulation of Imports and Exports (Chewing Gum) Regulations. The ban, which includes all gum substances of vegetable or synthetic origin such as bubble gum and dental chewing gum, carries a hefty fine and possible jail term for those caught importing, selling or manufacturing chewing gum.

One of the objectives of the ban was to prevent vandals from using spent chewing gums to disrupt Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) services. Before the ban was enforced, there had been many instances in which vandals stuck chewing gum on door sensor of MRT trains, which prevented the doors from functioning properly and causing disruptions in train services. 

Sunday, June 06, 2021


 I walked to Wal-Mart about 10:00. Got the potting soil I wanted, along with parmesan cheese and the frozen diced chicken breast (unadorned) I like for my salad. Got on the bus to go home, but skipped my stop to ride to Ashwood Avenue and Trinity Lutheran, as I had decided I needed more succulents. After lunch, I potted them in my new container. They look good, but I'm afraid my garden is now lopsided. The geraniums have gotten so large (and they're gorgeous) that the big container of succulents I already had are being hidden. At the same time, the other side is sparse, even with the new container, which is much smaller. I want to switch them, but haven't figured out to do it safely. Hmm...

It turned out to be a gorgeous day: sunny and warm, but with a cool breeze. I went over to Von's for this and that and saw people in the pool. There was also a party going on in the center area. A big "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" sign was hung on the pavilion and there were probably thirty people there, talking and laughing. Food and drink were laid out on tables and children were running around. It was so good to see people having a good time together--and not a mask in sight! 

Didn't do much else but putz around. 

Saturday, June 05, 2021

Great News!

Fabulous, wonderful, thrilling news: THE LIBRARY IS OPEN! I went to take a book back and was amazed to see the door on the street open. In fear and trembling, I entered and there was the whole library spread out before me! I walked around all the sections, chatted with the librarians, and just generally marveled at how good it felt to be back inside the place.  

At home and at T.O.P.S., a teeny-weeny loss of .02, to 129.08 and 130 even, respectively. Bobbi picked me up and, besides us, Lennie, Lora, and Lolly (I love alliteration!) were there. A discussion ensued--not much about weight, it was more like a therapy session--oddly, I wasn't at all annoyed or impatient, unlike last week, when Sharon held forth at such length. The difference, of course, that we had a conversation about things to which we could all relate, such as dealing with ill  husbands and other family matters. Last week, Sharon just talked and talked about things that happened years ago, and had no impact on anyone but her. Lora offered to pick me up next time if I decide to continue; I said I'd let her know.

Didn't get breakfast until 10:30, another negative about going to T.O.P.S. I first called the office to tell them about the smoke alarm, then called Betty and we had some Facetime. After that, I called Jeanne Dollard P. and we talked for about a half hour. I like to hear from her, except for her tiresome insistence on telling me how rich and successful all her children and siblings are, not to mention John, her paramour.  She's done this every single time I've talk to her; I realize it points up her feelings of inadequacy, but it's a bore. 

Anyhoo--I had picked up some free succulents and decided to put them in a long planter. I went outside the patio gate, as I knew I had stowed one there. However, I decided it was too big, but what I found next to it, tucked in a corner was this:

Somehow, it filled me with delight to see it.

Bused to town after lunch to look for a better planter.  Found a nice metal one at The Coalition, my favorite thrift store, and took it home. Today, I plan to go to Wal-Mart for potting soil, then plant the succulents. 

Friday, June 04, 2021

Smoke And Lotusland

Friday morning: AAGH!--the smoke alarm went off at 2:00 AM!  It beeped (loud enough to be hard in Jersey) about three times, with a few minutes in between. Hey, this blog is good for something, I guess: I looked it up and it happened before in January. Tory came over and put a new battery in, and I was told if it happened again, they'd replace it. I'll call the office when I get back from T.O.P.S. 

Thursday: I hadn't been to the park over the footbridge for quite a while, so I decided I'd go before Jim got here. In my cart, I put ten DVDs, which I knew I never wanted to see again, and five books I knew I never wanted to read again. Opening the gate, I let a carpet company truck in, then started walking down Telegraph Road...

...until I realized I should have been going down Hill Street. I turned around and retraced my steps, then started down Hill. I wasn't upset over the extra walk, but was a little concerned that I had absent-mindedly gone in the wrong direction. In light of my siblings' dementia. that kind of thing is disconcerting.

Added my items to the Little Library and picked up two books (to add to those unread I already have!) and stopped on my walk home to call Noreen. I just wanted to say hello and we chatted for a bit. 

Jim got here at his usual 1:00. He admired my garden, such as it is, then we sat down. We spent quite some time discussing Ganna Walska. Who? She's the woman who started Lotusland, the botanic gardens, formerly her estate in Montecito, which is sorta, kinda in Santa Barbara.*(My niece, Carolyn, has just gotten a contract to be its grant writer.)

I won't be rushing to Lotusland very soon, as it costs $50 to enter and for that kind of money, I want lunch. The reason Jim was interested is because he's an opera devotee and Ms. Walsea had been an opera singer.  She was married five times, three of those to wealthy men, and lived to be 96. 

*Montecito (Spanish for "little mount") is an unincorporated community and census-designated place in Santa Barbara County, California, located east of the City of Santa Barbara.[5][6] 

Thursday, June 03, 2021

My Dad And The Doldrums

Put in a load of wash before breakfast. Walked to The Market for tomatoes, onions, butternut squash, and other goodies; bused back. I made my usual concoction of what amounts to stewed tomatoes (but much more flavorful than the stuff from a can) and popped it in the to cook while I had lunch.

Started over to Von's for vinegar and ran into Vickie and Mary, plus Mary's daughter, Laura, to whom I was introduced. coming in from a walk. (Ha--awkward sentence, but the hell with it!) Laura went to Cal Poly and lives in San Luis Obispo; I liked her. Vickie immediately pulled out her phone and showed me a picture of her incision from her lumpectomy on Tuesday; she's scheduled for radiation on the fifteen. I'll invite them to lunch when as it's okay for her. 

Yesterday was the seventy-first anniversary of my father's death. I posted his death certificate on Facebook and was surprised when my nephew wrote that there's an on-line book called A River Again, which mentions the accident that took his and a colleague's lives. My other nephew sent this, which I had already known about:

I'm not sure why the second part is enlarged and cut off. I know Betty had this clipping--and, in fact, actually tracked down the truck driver years ago--long story that, which I won't go into. Anyway, it was, of course, for all of us, a life-changing event. We would never be the same.

I called Jim after dinner and we chatted; he'll come over for lunch today, which should help pull me out of the doldrums. 


Wednesday, June 02, 2021

Tuesday In Town

And in the garden again. This time, I planted the hydrangea, trimmed two of the succulents, and did a few other horticultural chores. That sounds simple, but it wasn't. Had to re-sweep and otherwise clean up again, but it looks pretty good.

Before that, I took care of what seems to be my Tuesday chore: washing the linens and remaking the bed. I like to get these in the washer before breakfast and in the dryer while I'm eating. Just want to get it over with. 

Called Betty and we talked in our usual coo-coo fashion. I was feeling pretty low yesterday and just wanted to hear her voice. 

Did some food prep in scrubbing and seasoning carrots; roasted them for dinner and yum. Also yum was the salmon I roasted with them. Had yams, too, although I didn't like to include two root vegetables in a meal. Added broccoli, so at least something was green.

After lunch, I bused into town and strolled here and there, in and out of my usual shops.  I bought four more DVDs at thrift stores to add to the humongous number I already have. Home, I sent a "glad it's over" text to neighbor, Vickie, re her lumpectomy. She wrote back that, luckily, the daughter of her partner, Demented Mary, has come to help.

Finished watching Sleepy Hollow (what was Johnny Depp thinking?) and started Se7en. with Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman.  

Tuesday, June 01, 2021

Monday In The Garden

Before I left for Smart 'n' Final, I put in the slow cooker black beans, onions, and the liquid I always save and freeze from cooking vegetables. Bought lettuce (romaine and green leaf, for a change), marinade for fish, carrots, and a few other things. Good thing I'm okay with walking, as the buses don't run on Memorial Day.

As I came into the gate, I ran into a resident in another building putting something in the recycle bin and we remarked on how distressingly full they were. We fell into conversation and I learned that her mother is in a care facility in Ventura. Of course, I shared about Betty and we had a good, if not lighthearted talk. Unfortunately, Donna's father, although he's mentally sound and still lives in his  home, has heart problems. Donna has a twenty-one-year-old son who goes to Ventura College, where Jim teaches. It occurred to me that I'd like to get to know her better and we exchanged info. I'm always happy to make new friends, especially those with which I have more in common than some I already have. Donna is 51, younger than any of my children. Somehow, I seem to have a easier rapport with people her age than with many of my contemporaries. 

After lunch, I tackled the patio. Boy, that was a job. After starting about 2:00. I used Suzanne's hose to wash down my shelves, swept and otherwise cleaned, and didn't finish up until 5:00. I took two trips to the trash/recycle area to discard stuff, including a lot of containers I thought I'd use, but didn't. I must say, it looks pretty good. However, I didn't go into the actual planting area, which needs to be cleaned up a bit; I'll do that today.

Suzanne invited me over to see the roses on her patio--pale pink, but with graduations of color that are just beautiful. Of course, the rest of her flowers are lovely, too. She spends a lot of time and effort on her garden. Mine will never be as lush as hers, but here it is, after clean-up:



Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...