Friday, February 21, 2025


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage than I needed, so made a recipe and a half. After that, I made my signature turkey stir-fry: onions (chopped), green peppers (chopped), and roasted tomatoes (made them a few day ago), ground turkey, garlic, and my favorite Italian seasoning. I reserved a good portion for my dinner last night and froze the rest for later. 

It wasn't until late afternoon that I did the roasted cauliflower. Boiled for six minutes first, then spread on mayo and parm cheese, sprinkled with garlic sauce, and roasted for twenty minutes. So for dinner, I had a portion each of the three items I had made. Did I prepare the three pounds of large apples? No. Why? Because lazy me, I just. didn't. feel. like. it--so shoot me.  

Got a call from Jeanne Painter and we had a good chat. She tells me that her John, 95, still drinks a lot of V.O. daily, which he has since he was 17. Hey, maybe that's the secret to longevity.

After that, it was almost 2:00 and I made my lunch and took it to the middle to eat, along with a bio of Ted Kennedy by Joe McGinnis. I had read this years ago, but I like the way McGinnis writes (or wrote--he may be dead, for all I know), so am dipping into it again. 

Home, I took a short nap and was awakened by Lorraine, calling me back after I had left a message that I had a lemon for her. I'll see her one of these days.

I called Jim Downes again and again, the answering machine. Haven't heard from his daughter, either--think I'll research further.   

Thursday, February 20, 2025


Access van picked me up about 10 of 11:00, which meant I got to Diane's a full hour early. Rather than descend on her then (although she told me later she would have been fine with it), I sat on the bench outside. It was no problem, as it was warm and sunny and I chatted with a few of the residents coming and going. Rang Diane's bell at 11:30 and she ushered me in.

I was mistaken that Diane's new apartment is a two-bedroom. She still has only one, but it's considerably larger than her other one. It's nicely furnished--she's a talented decorator--and I'm happy for her. She opened the little presents I brought her, then we sat and talked for a half hour or so with glasses of wine. Lunch followed: I had a pad Thai she made herself, accompanied with a  mustard/honey sauce. It was delish and I was sure to tell her that. We had tiny little cupcakes for dessert, then talked and talked. Before I knew it, it was 3:00 and I had to wait outside for the Access Van, which was supposed to come between 3:00 and 3:30...

...well, it didn't get there until 4:00, although I didn't really mind. Driver had to pick up another person, this time at Victoria Care Centre, where Jim used to be, so I didn't get home until 4:30, but I was in no rush, so really didn't mind.

Today, I plan to do a lot of food prep and to that end, I got out the ingredients for my cabbage fritters and turkey stir-fry. I'll probably also make some applesauce and baked apples. Come to think of it, I have that cauliflower, too, which I'll season and bake. 

Luckily, aside from the usual bathroom trip, I slept well. Got up at 6:45, which is about how I like it.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Washed the linens during breakfast and changed the bed after. Even after all this time, I'm still grateful for the washer and dryer in my apartment. 

I called Jimmy D. once again and again got his answering machine. I looked him up on Facebook and saw that he hasn't posted anything for five years. However, I saw his daughter listed as a "friend" and Messaged her asking about Jim; haven't heard back yet.  Called Noreen and left a message. 

El texted, saying she was running late, so how about lunching out? Don't have to ask me twice and we went to the Hill Street Cafe. From there, we went to the P.O. and I finally mailed the damn pretzels for Violet. Postage was $50.15, but Mike will, of course, reimburse me. After, we drove to Wal-Crap, surely a more accurate name than Wal-Mart, to pick up some items El  needed. I got detergent and crackers. 

More productive was our next stop at Grocery Outlet; they have some great fish and those huge apples I like to bake and/or use for applesauce. Got those and a slew of other veggies, plus various stuff. Back at my place, El helped me with this and that and we discussed next week. Instead of getting together on Sunday, I'll stay over her place on Tuesday, then meet Stella for our bus trip to Solvang; El will take me home after. Noreen returned my call and, since I'm not seeing El on Sunday, we made a date for lunch then at Danny's Deli.

I found a package Canon at my door--another container of black ink. I had called last week because I had gotten an email advising me the ink I ordered had been delivered, but it hadn't. I called and they sent a replacement a few days ago. Now another one has come; I'll call them, but I suspect they'll tell me to keep it without charge, since I didn't order or pay for two. Annoying.

Decided to take the Access Van to Diane's today and scheduled it for both there and back. Possibly, I'll cancel the return ride; I'll see how energetic I feel. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2025


It's been a long time since I talked to my friend, Nancy, so I called her yesterday. I was sorry to hear she had been in the hospital with pneumonia for six days in November, although she recovered. She's had knee problems and some kind of blood problem for many years, but is holding her own, as the saying goes. We both vowed to keep in closer touch now.

I tackled the two bags of pretzels that must go to Singapore and spent a fair amount of time wrapping them. Put them in my cart and started for the post office. Got about halfway there when I realized it was Presidents' Day and the P.O. was closed. Okay, El will be here today and I'll ask her to take me. Messaged Mike to ask what his limit is on postage (he'll reimburse me). I know he mentioned fifty bucks, but if it's more, I want to let him know. 

Left about 4:30 to get the first of two buses to Stone Fire Grille for dinner with the Soaring Spirits gang. As I rounded the curve in the complex, I ran into Vickie, who insisted she wanted to take me there. I acquiesced and, as there was now plenty of time, I also accepted her invitation to stop into her place to visit. Did so and she offered me a beer; accepted that, also. We chatted happily for 45 or so, then took off. I wish I had thought to ask if she wanted to choice us (those who have lost life partners are also welcome in S.S.), but I didn't. Later, Vera gave me an printed invitation card, which I'll give Vickie. 

Went in to find  my friends--there were eleven of us, including, of course, dear Vera (no guys, though, which was unusual). I, of course, didn't have an IPA, as I had had beer at Vickie's and I never drink more than one. We had our nicely convivial time and, as ever, Vera took me home; got in at 7:30.


Amused at some back-and-forth with my friend, Pat R., I looked up a particular person--a saint, no less and found Esmeralda's corpse on the Internet:                                                               


I'm intrigued by the website, the proprietor being a real, old-fashioned Catholic. In earlier days, I would have believed this one hundred percent myself:


Monday, February 17, 2025


Crossword fair to middlin', but I got  most. Left at 10:15 to bus to Ellen's and she picked mu up at noon. We had lunch, then took a hike on the Meadow Preserve near her. It was a lovely day--sunny and in the low seventies, my fav--and a lovely walk. Here are a few pics from there:

El took videos of a soaring eagle--which I couldn't see at all.

We walked a bit more than a mile, I think, than it was back to El's and games of Blockus (I lost abysmally) and gin rummy. The final score isn't in yet, as the Access Van was due and we hadn't figured it. El said she'd total it up, but can I trust her to give credit where it's due??? I'm not so sure!*

Just kidding, of course. Anyway, I was delighted when El asked if I wanted to get together with her on Tuesday to go to Grocery Outlet, plus take me to GoodWill to donate more items. Sure thing and we'll have lunch here beforehand. 

Access Van picked me up shortly after 5:00; the driver was Eric, whom I've had before and like a lot. He's a non-traditional student, as I was (he's in his thirties) and goes to Ventura College. In the fall he'll enter another college to work toward his bachelor' degree; major is computer science. It was fun talking to him.

*Oh, yeah, sure, naturally: El texted later to say she had won by a hundred or so. Wrote back I'd be gunning for her next time.

Sunday, February 16, 2025


Did a color wash, then spent several hours de-cluttering and reorganizing the shelving in my bedroom. I'm still not completely sold on the result, but it's better than before. While going over this and that, I found this letter from Jimmy D., which was certainly written a half-century or longer ago:

The text: Arty Dear, Sorry I didn't go out with you and Pat last evening, but we went to Maini instead. We got into a little trouble and were requested to leave the State. Keep it under your hat--please. I'll drop you a line when I get to Minnesota. Again, I'm sorry.  Love, Jim 

Finding it reminded me I hadn't heard from Jim in months. I called him, but the message machine--one of those garbled ones--was on and I asked him to call me. Much as Jim can be a pain in the rear, I hope he's okay. He's been a heavy smoker since about the time I started--when we were both in our teens--but I've been clean for thirty years or more. 

Went over to Von's and stocked up on the items I need to complete my signature turkey stir-fry: sweet peppers and the ground turkey itself. I bought three pounds, which will make about four servings. Of course, I'll add fresh tomatoes, onion, garlic, and seasonings. Home, I divided the turkey and washed, cored, and chopped the peppers. Stowed all in the freezer, as I'll be in Ojai today, have Soaring Sprits tomorrow, and will be at Diane's on Tuesday. Naturally, it doesn't take long to make the stir-fry, but for some reason, I want to do it on a day I don't have other obligations.

Finally found a possible way to send the pretzels to sweet little Violet. (Actually, you wouldn't describe her personality as sweet  and she sure isn't little anymore--must be five seven or so and I'm not sure she's finished growing.) Mike Messaged that if it's too hard to send, don't worry about it, but now I'm determined to do it. Will report back here, if successful.  Or not. 

Saturday, February 15, 2025


Weight: Up 1.4 both at home and at T.O.P.S. for totals of 126.4 and 127.1, respectively. I have no problem with those, considering I was down more than five pounds last week, due to my malady. Meeting was somewhat draggy, as ever, but I was amused when Bev gave me this:

Think I'll add it to the little gift I'm giving Diane; she'll get a kick out of it. 

For a change, I skipped my usual oatmeal for breakfast and made myself scrambled eggs and toast--tasted good for a change. I contacted Canon, as I had gotten an email to the effect the printer ink I had ordered had been delivered. It hadn't and they agreed to send another.  It was a little chilly and windy to eat outside, but I packed my lunch, figuring I'd eat at the mall. I first walked to the P.O. to mail off Mike's packet, then bused there. 

At Target, I found the pretzels Mike wants me to send over for Violet: 
Good grief, I'm going to have to figure a way to package them--AND I'm wondering if sending food through the U.S. mail is allowed. Guess I'll find out.  

I really wasn't hungry by the time I finished, as I had had breakfast so late, so I bused home and ate lunch there. By that time, it was 3:30, but that was okay. Took a 45-minute nap after.

I got this darling Valentine card from the Tokyo trio (names obscured) and enjoyed the jokey phrase. Yes, I got it: chocolate is soon gone, but our wishes persist.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...