Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Toastmasters And My Lungs

Busy day. Walked Kimball  and saw some of my park pals. After breakfast, niece Carolyn called. We had a good long talk and, among other topics, she said they'd be happy to take me to Salinas with them for the funeral on the 24th. We'll stay over at least two nights. She also invited me to a barbecue on the 17th, given by her neighbors, whom I've met.  I said I'd come on the train, so it wouldn't matter how many beers I had. She reminded me her neighbors are Mormons; in that case, I said, forget it, I ain't goin' (ha!).
Robyn texted me that Steve will bring Betty to Carolyn's today, so that lets out our possible date in Burbank on Friday. That's okay, as I have something scheduled on every day this week and a fair amount next week.
I was determined not to skip my afternoon walk, but had lunch and went early. Instead of my usual, with which I'm getting a bit bored, I parked at the museum, but deviated down to the promenade along the beach.
What a gorgeous day and what a beautiful panorama along the Pacific! I sat on a stone wall under shade and called brother Larry in Florida. Had a nice chat and I might go to see them during the Jersey trip--dunno if I can swing it yet.
Home to shower and prepare for Poinsettia Toastmasters at Dudley House. I put on the blouse and took the rest of the Caroline outfit. After all the back and forth with Fern, the education chair--would I be the third speaker, would I not, yes, no, and blah, blah, blah--it had been decided I'd simply greet and interact with members as Carrie. That lasted until Tony Toastmaster suddenly got up to the podium and announced that I would address the group.
Damn, I wasn't prepared, but luckily, I'm so into the character I was able  to give a fair talk, but cut it short to about four minutes.  It was well-received, but I chewed both Fern (oblivious) and CC (defensive) out about it. It seems Tony didn't get the message. That is typical of this chapter--sloppy preparation and nobody knows what somebody else is doing. Anyway, it went okay and maybe--but maybe not--I'll do a regular talk in a later meeting.
Stayed talking with Rachel in the parking lot for twenty or so, then home. El called to remind me I'd help in her classroom at 2:00 today.
Note: The doctor's office called to tell me my insurance company would not approve the CT scan. Why? Because I'm over 79. What in bloody hell? I'll call them and find out, but I suspect because they figure once you turn 80, you're on your last legs anyway, so why waste the money?  I hope you rot along with Bank of America in the toastiest part of Hades.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...