Monday, August 27, 2018

The Routine

Back to the routine and it feels good. Walked Kimball a bit late, but ran into Ed and Lola (woof!) and Carolyn, Bob, and Hazel (woof, woof!), but not Sue, Irene, or Diane.
Home, breakfast and crossword, then Suzanne stopped in to give me my mail and to talk about the dementia problem. She pointed out--and I guess this could have been predicted--that many sisters she knows have developed it. They have an aging population. 
To WinCo for fruit, veggies, and so on. Betty called while I was there to tell me about a funny e-mail Carolyn had received from her cousin and Frank's daughter. It was something her 10-year-old boy said and was very cute. We laughed over it together and oh, she sounded so like her old self, maybe all this dementia business is just silly.
After lunch, I went to town. Parked at the museum and walked down Main, then to the Promenade. I enjoyed the ocean, the beach, and the people walking, biking, swimming, and, for all I know, conducting nefarious business behind the dunes.
Stopped for tomatoes and made my roasted tomatoes/onions/garlic mix for the next few days' salads.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...