Thursday, August 02, 2018

The Fair Prelim

Kimball and breakfast, then I did a load of wash before continuing my Dudley duties.  The first time I said my talk, I timed it at nine minutes--AAGH! It must be between four and a half and five, so I honed it a lot. Using pictures was a good idea because memorizing isn't what I want to do--it seems too "staged" and the pics serve as prompts.
I had seen in the paper that it was opening day and admission was only a dollar. Also, I knew shuttles were available in various places, so I drove to the high school, parked my car, and boarded one. Got to the fair about noon and boy, the place was packed.
I paid my buck and walked back to the barn buildings. There were lots of baby animals and people, but I found the "office" for Uncle Leo's Barn. I asked where I could park--just in regular parking--and where I could change--in the ladies room--and where I could leave my equipment--nowhere, they had no place for it. Went to the main office to ask about parking and was taken aback to hear I'd have to park in the regular lot--usually filled early in the day--and had to pay the ten dollar fee. What,even if I was appearing there? Yep.
I could, of course, get the shuttle again, but then I'd have no place to put the clothes I take off, so I decided to go with the regular parking. Called Ellen to tell her I didn't think she needed to go with me, although now I'm not so sure. However, I think I have to go very early--about 11:00 and the gig doesn't start until 2:00, in order to get a spot. I know she wouldn't be anxious to go that early, so I guess it won't happen.
Went back in the shuttle and took my car to the library, as I knew the museum lot would be filled with fair-goers.  Walked to the Crown Plaza where Diane soon joined me for Happy Hour at 3:00. We had our usual animated talk, plus calamari and good Mexican beer. We were there almost two hours, then left. Diane and a friend will come on Tuesday and we also made a date for the Crown Plaza next Wednesday.
Connie's today and I have a lot of equipment to take with me.

1 comment:

iloveac said...

What a pain! And you're a volunteer. You'd think the volunteer organizer would have gathered the info re parking, where to store your stuff, restrooms etc. I found so many volunteer activities to be just as you describe. No wonder organizations have a difficult time getting folks to volunteer.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...