Saturday, August 11, 2018

Dr. J. And Spinach

For the second time in a week (the county fair Tuesday), I skipped the park walk; had a doctor's appointment at 8:00. I was happy to have the weigh-in come to 127.5--that's fine and I didn't have to go to T.O.P.S.  I was told my height is 5' 2"; in my heyday, it was two inches taller.
Dr. J. was pleased overall--she kept referring to the fact that I'm 81; am I supposed to sit and eat bon -bons all day, or what?--and was delighted with my exercise regimen. She does want me to have a lung CT, not because there's any particular new problem, but my last ones showed some kind of thickening or something. It's been stable for three years (actually, I think longer because I believe it was present in the Jersey tests, also), but nevertheless--.
Now the two things I fear most in the world are blindness and lung cancer, so this didn't go over very big with me, but I guess I'll make the appointment and get it over with.  Blood pressure was good, as it was up to 120 over something or other. Anyway, I was home before 9:00 and since I hate going to the doctor's, felt relieved I don't have to go back until February.
Breakfast late, then to Von's for Romaine and "bistro bowls" (prepared salads, fearfully overpriced and not as good as mine, but they were on sale), and some nice fresh rockfish. Home, I did a wash and prepared spaghetti squash for dinner.
CC texted me, asking if we could meet at McDonald's at 5:15, so she could return the Dudley House keys; wrote back okay. Drove to town, did the library to museum thing, then back to read for a bit. As I parked at home, I was delighted to see Suzanne. She's finally back from her several-weeks-long trip and came in to tell me about it. It included both a religious retreat and a personal trip to Muir Woods with a sister sister, and she greatly enjoyed it.  Showed me pictures on her phone.
As soon she left, it was time to walk over to the next block and meet CC. Did so, she gave me the keys to Dudley House (when I was away, I gave them to Sue), and we had a good talk, not about Toastmasters, but about family members with dementia.
Dinner was cod, spaghetti squash, and my favorite: fresh spinach, cooked and with an olive oil, lime juice, and garlic dressing.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...