Monday, August 20, 2018

Home Again, Home Again...

Resumed my usual life, which will continue at least for a few days. Walked Kimball and chatted with Carolyn. Went from there to Ralph's for cottage cheese and blueberries. Bought a cabbage and apples and put them in the slow cookers; had some for dinner. Bought Rockfish , also.
Home for breakfast, then tackled some of the chores that had piled up. That included various phone calls, as well as stocking up on veggies, fruit, and Dave's Killer Bread, my all-time favorite.
Lunch of a big salad, then off the town. I parked at the library and walked down to the promenade next to the beach and rolling Pacific. Sat for a bit and called Ellen to hear about her new class; some things better than last year, some not.
Stopped at the library and started a bio of Al Jolson, which looks pretty good, but I got restless; will continue it tomorrow.  My car was running on flumes, so I stopped for gas--got more than thirty bucks work and I have a small car. Picked up a few things at the 99-Cent store.
When I got home, I rang Suzanne's bell and she invited me in. We talked for a half hour or so about this and that. She mentioned the Alzheimer Association in Santa Barbara and I'll pass that information on.
I enjoyed being at my neice's, but it's always good to get home.

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