Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Dudley And Other Doings

Saw Irene and Diane on the morning walk, the latter just back from a Canadian hiking trip. She's in a group of women who go all sorts of places to hike; next month, they're hitting Ireland. After Kimball, it was virtually all Dudley.  I spent hours duplicating pictures and writing up my talk. It still isn't what I want and what's more, runs long, so I'll have to cut it.
Robyn called to see if it was all right to drop Betty off at 1:00 on Friday and pick her up the same time on Sunday. Sure, no prob, just don't expect guest treatment because it's still going to be all Dudley all the time. Oddly, Betty called me later, asking what time I wanted her to be dropped off; she didn't know Robyn had called.
I did knock off in time to go to town after lunch. In fact, I violated one of my no-nos and took a split of red wine with my salad and consumed them in Plaza Park. This is where I've met Diane in the past, but she's away at the moment. Happily, she just e-mailed me asking if I was up for Happy Hour at the Crowne Plaza next Wednesday. Absolutely and I'm looking forward to it.
Home, I ate dinner early and revised, re-revised, and re-re-revised my talk. I have only today to hone it and memorize it, as I see Connie tomorrow. Well, I'll get it done.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...