Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Widder Lunch

Followed my regular routine in the morning, then spent time on veggie prep. Went to Target and bought a darling little outfit for the new baby in Jersey, before zipping across Main to meet up with the widder group for lunch at Sizzler.
I hate, hate, hate Sizzler. I hate the food, I hate the prices, and I hate having to stand in line to put in my order. However, I love the group and was greeted with great good cheer when I walked in. I understand that Vera and Susan are looking for a new place to meet--let's hope they find one soon.
The party givers of last week, Vera (Friday) and Donna (Saturday) were both there, as were my other pals, about twelve attendees in all.
 We had two men this time--Greg, who lost his wife in April and Rick, who is also a recent widow--and they were fun to be with. Nancy and I greeted each other with pleasure and she, that sly minx, suggested we go to The Cave after.
There, we had more wine, plus their in-house made potato chips, and talked and talked, Nance having just gotten back from her month-long trip east, with a cruise to Nova Scotia. We finally parted about 3:00 and I took off for town. Did my usual walk and got home a bit after 5:00.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...