Thursday, June 21, 2018

The Brewery

Kimball very early, so was home just after 7:00.  Puttered around here and there and put together my big salad for lunch. I had intended to take it with me to meet Diane on our Wednesday excursion, but changed my mind and made up a sandwich of turkey breast. Had the salad for dinner.
Left for town about 11:30, parked at the museum and walked down--or up, dunno--Main Street to the library, then cut down to Santa Clara to the Ivory Coast Brewery. Diane was walking up just as I was, so we were both a bit early.
Went in and ordered. I told the barkeep I like a citrus-y beer and he gave me a tasting glass of it. It had too much hops in it for me, thought.  I liked the next one I tasted better, an IPA, so got that. Diane got a very dark beer--not sure what it was--and we sat down.
Talked and talked, of course, our topics ranging all over the map from family to politics to Buddhism to sex. We were there about an hour and a half, I guess, but I can't sit for so long--I get antsy--and we parted. Diane suggested we go to Anacapa Beer on Main next time and I enthusiastically agreed.
Walked back to the car and meandered to The Coalition; didn't get anything. Drove to WinCo for diet 7 Up, then to the east end Goodwill and got some drinking glasses.
Home, I revised the little rhyme I'm going to recite at Toastmasters tonight, as I'm the mistress of ceremonies. That isn't the usual thing, but I thought I'd jazz it up a bit--the meetings tend to get pretty tame and predicable.

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