Friday, June 08, 2018

Walking and Talking

Another full and mostly pleasurable day. Saw Kimball Carolyn during my morning walk and we confirmed our "Lunch and Munch" date at the museum. After breakfast, I spent an enormous time on the phone trying to get my Communications Services/Yandoo service cleared up. It's just too long and involved to go into, but it still isn't resolved. I also had a big argument, both on-line and on the phone with the Ventura County Star billing department, but I think I came out ahead on that one.
Met Carolyn at noon and we ate our lunch while listening to the pretty girl who sings and plays the ukulele. Stayed for about forty-five minutes, then walked to the library, then past it, then down one street and another, talking and talking and talking.
Carolyn is 67 (looks about 50 to me, if that), very slender and toned--she works out a lot--with a husband she calls "Robert," but who introduced himself to me as "Bob."  They have two daughters in their thirties, neither married, and moved to Ventura recently from L.A. They had a house there they sold for big bucks, but decided they wanted a slower life style.  She and I got deeply into each others' ideas and opinions and, in fact, sat down to talk along the way. I suggested she may like BCNN and if she wants to, will take her to the August meeting (we don't meet in July).
During this time, niece Carolyn called to tell me the graduation is at 8:45 am and would I want to stay over? It turns out Ellen can't go after all, because although the children are gone, she has meetings all day today. Called El and she confirmed, plus told me her solar panels were being installed as we spoke.
I decided not to stay over in Santa Barbara, as I don't want to leave my car at the station overnight.  I'll take the 6:12 train and somebody will pick me up in SB. It's now 4:15 and I just got up.


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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...