Sunday, June 10, 2018

The Usual

Back in the groove, I walked Kimball and went so early, I was home by 7:15. Since I don't eat breakfast until 8:00,  I took a load of wash to the laundry place. It's annoying that the one closest to me doesn't seem to be open, although I know the new washers and dryers have been installed.
At the other location, I fell into conversation with a guy named Paul, then a woman named Kerlinda (it sounded like). Paul has lived here fifteen years and knows Suzanne; we commiserated with each other about the various gripes we had about Ventura Del Sol. The truth is, though, I love it here, and am even reconciled to a big hike in my rent in July.
Clothes were dried and done when Suzanne came over to tell me about her trip to Tennessee to her cousin's fiftieth anniversary.  I had missed her--she had  been gone a week--and was glad she was back. She brought me a huge and beautiful pink rose from her garden to thank me for getting her mail and showed me pictures of her trip on her camera. She and her companions also went to the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, and had a great time.
Betty called, saying she had mislayed her black sweater and did I have it? What? Of course not. I fear her memory is getting worse and worse, which was evident when I was with her on Friday.
After, I went to WinCo, Vons, and a few other places for veggie and fruit provisions. Home and prepared a few, then made my big salad for lunch, ate it, and drove to town.  It was jammed, of course, since it was a weekend in summer. There were no spots open at the museum, so I parked at the Knights of Columbus lot with no prob. Stayed at the library reading for a bit.
When I got back to the car, Cece called and we discussed Toastmasters on Monday. She asked if her women's group at her church could go to Dudley House for a tour in September or October,
and I volunteered to conduct it if it's okayed.  Jan H., of Dudley House, will meet me before our meeting, so I suggested Cece come to, and ask her if okay.
Ellen called about 7:00 and we had a good long talk. She's getting solar panels on her roof and on Tuesday or Wednesday, the electricity will be off for eight hours. She suggested we spend the day together and will confirm on Monday.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...