Sunday, June 24, 2018

Various And Sundry

Continuing my early Kimball, I was home by 7:05--good grief!
After breakfast, I ran several errands: Went for more blueberries at Vons; got freezer bags and gift tissue at Dollar Tree; sent off Joel's sixteenth birthday present at the P.O.; and took what I had bought Claire back to Justice.
I wasn't sure I wanted to exchange it, but wanted to look at other "carrying case" models. Decided to keep the one I had and picked up two other little gifts to put inside. I'll add the small frame and picture of Betty as a child, which I photo-shopped from the original--that's her Nana, after all.
Did the town walk. Read for a time at the library a new bio of Wallis Simpson. Unfortunately, either I've just lost interest in her and David or it's a boring book to begin with, probably both and I won't continue.
I finally finished the humongous bio of Tennessee Williams, which Greg gave me for Christmas. It's excellent and I greatly enjoyed it, but took me a while. I'm now starting on Inseparable, the one about Chang and Eng, the conjoined twins, that I bought from the author. Also finished listening to Dead Weight about the sinking of the Lusitania in 1915.  Got another out called Patient H.M., about a man who lost all his memory.
Rachel, of Toastmasters, had asked me to contribute some ideas from improv, so I've been researching that and tinkering around with it.  Poinsettia meeting is tomorrow evening at Dudley House. Talked to Ellen and confirmed I'll get over to her place about 3:00 and she'll drive to Carolyn's for the party.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...