Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Blood Work And Ellen

Finished Kimball at 7:20 and went directly to the Quest in Von's. What a difference from the other one, when you need an appointment three weeks in advance and is always crowded. Yesterday, I was able to quickly register electronically, wait for maybe three minutes, then had blood drawn, and I was outta there in a flash. I hope this little gem remains unknown to most--it's so convenient, I can actually walk there.
Stopped over in Cypress Meadows and liked what I saw. Made an appointment for this morning at 10:00 to see apartments and ask questions. This is a long shot, but if Suzanne moves there, I wouldn't mind doing so, too. True, it's an over-62 complex and I'm not crazy about the idea of living with older people, but considering other factors, I might do it.
Ellen came over about 11:30, we chatted for a bit, then went to Two Trees for lunch. I hadn't been there for some time--it's always crowded--but enjoyed my Cobb salad and local beer. We then went to Big Lots and various other shops; she even agreed to go to Goodwill and bought a basket.  Later, we came back to my place and had a good long talk about this, that, and the other. El invited Betty and me to lunch on Saturday, which will be fun. She left about 4:00 and I drove to town for  my walk. Didn't go into the library, but turned down the street to Thompson and walked back.
I called Nancy to see if she wanted to join Noreen and me tomorrow at Lunch Much and she said yes. Carolyn and her friend will go, too, and today, when I meet Diane in the park, I'll ask her, also.

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