Tuesday, June 12, 2018


Walked Kimball and was hailed by Ed (with Lola, his pup), who had seen my picture in the Ventura County Star. Soon, Irene and Diane came along and mentioned the same, then Carolyn and Bob. Ha--I feel like a movie star. Carolyn asked me to go to Lunch Munch at the museum on Thursday and I said I would.
I guess I forgot to mention my picture was in the Ventura County Star on Sunday. It was of two other women and me, as we waited for the talk on Robert Kennedy to start. Interestingly, this was the fourth time my picture was in the Star in the less than three years I've lived there.  I was in a picture of the audience at a lecture a year or two ago,; was with my older daughter alongside my little piece about her  Thanksgiving birthday; and I was on the front page when I performed for the Maritime Museum.
I practiced my Toastmasters speech a lot, along with gestures, had lunch early, then left for town. I'm a little bored with the museum to library walk, so went part way and turned down a side street. I probably walked longer than usual, but enjoyed the different shops and things.
Ate dinner early because I needed to be at Dudley House at 6:00. Ellen called and we made a date to meet today for lunch, after she gets some things she needs at Target.
Opened Dudley House, set up chairs and tables, then Jan came to show me how to operate the parking lot lights (it's just a switch). The other Toastmasters came and we had an okay meeting, although it was sparsely attended. We have a new member, Denise, but there were only seven there.
I did my speech--"On The Beach" about seeing the man with the knife in his heart on the Ventnor beach when I was ten years old--and it went over big.
After the meeting, Rachel and I chatted for a bit. She asked me if I had ever heard of the events at Patagonia, a high-end outdoor clothing outfit near the museum in town. She's a hiker and somewhat of an environmentalist, so often attends the videos and talks there. I said I was interested and will join her sometimes.
Nancy called just as I was about to start the car. I had meant to call her to tell her I was meeting El today, so couldn't do our lunch and movie. However, I asked her to join Noreen and me at Lunch Munch on Thursday and she said she would.

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