Wednesday, November 22, 2017


AAGH! I'm late with this entry because when I got up at 5:00, the computer refused to connect. Too long and involved to explain how I got it back up, but I think--I hope--I know what this is happening. If it happens again and I can't remedy it, I'm going to call my computer guy, Victor, and have him fix it. In truth, I'd like to get a laptop; I hope to do that soon.


Walked my walk, then actually stayed in until lunchtime, looking up, honing and revising, and reading a slew of plays, short stories, and reminiscences I had written anywhere from last week (two monologues) and in 1994 (an unfinished kind of supernatural mystery). I acting out all parts of several of my longer plays, including The Pukey, which I'd love to see staged, but not in readers theatre.
After lunch, I took off for town and did my m. to l. walk. Stayed in the library for an hour or so, reading Elizabeth Edwards' last book, a slim one. Boy, this hits you right in the gut; I had to conceal the tears in my eyes. The title, Resilience: Reflections on the Burdens and Gifts of Facing Life's Adversities, suggests one of those dreary self-help books ("faith will make you whole"), yet it's anything but. I can't wait to read the second half today. I know she died seven years ago and I actually feel grieved about that.
Had the leftovers from my little dinner party and boy, were they good, especially the roasted Brussels sprouts El made.


iloveac said...

Was getting concerned when I didn't see your post at the usual time. You'll love a laptop....hopefully your family reads this blog and they'll know what to tell Santa to get you. Have a great Thanksgiving tomorrow.

Mimi said...

Good grief, Pat, do you think I'd be so gross and grasping, so selfish and self-centered, so greedy and grabbing, as to expect my children to...HEY, GREAT IDEA!
P.S. Happy Thanksgiving, my friend.

Mimi said...

Computer down again and I give up. Will call victor tommorow.


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...