Wednesday, November 15, 2017

SCAN News And Lunch

Walked Kimball and saw my two park acquaintances, Irene and Diane, and gave them invites to the performance. Home, I wrote and sent a message about tomorrow--dress rehearsal--to my players. Sharon, one of the two players who don't use the Internet, called to ask some quesitons and I gave her the lowdown. Guess I'll call the other, Noreen, today. Spent a lot more time on A. for A. stuff, such as calling the two skeltons "Bad" and "Badder," which I typed out in large red letters. They'll grace the desk for the Hell playlet.
Before my lunch date with Nancy at Red Lobster, I was pleased to find an easy way to get to Oxnard without using the 101. While I was driving there, my friend Doris called and I pulled over. I was stunned when she told me SCAN is closing--last day is December 15. Wow! However, now that I think of it, I shouldn't have been surprised. It takes a lot of dough to run a place like that and their actual business is insurance; their corporate office is in Long Beach. That's a blow for Doris. She spends a lot of time there and participates in all kinds of activities. Oh, well, c'est la vie.
Met Nance at 1:00 and we gorged on scampi, plus Mediterranean, and took some home, too. The only problem was, the containers leaked--or else I didn't have them closed right--and just about ruined my white sweater. As soon as I got home, I put it in the sink with detergent, but I doubt if it's going to come out. Oh, well, it's one of many.
Got to town about 3:30, walked my walk, read for a bit, then walked back and was home at 5:00. I found a package at my door, presumably one of the ones Mike had sent to me and asked me to send to Singapore. This is a sequinned top for Paula and, so far, is the only one that's come. They'll be attending some parties shortly and I guess their gigantic stuffed closets don't have enough in them (only enough to outfit the entire population of Ventura).

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...