Monday, November 27, 2017


I'm typing fast so this damn thing stays up.
Walked Kimball, did the usual Sunday, then went to WinCo early to stock up on basics. Spent most of the morning processing same: chopped cauliflower, green peppers, and onions; sliced and dressed tomatoes; and assembled a big salad.
Sent out a message to my two sets of Acting for Amateurs group, suggesting we meet for lunch, just for fun. ent to town for my usual walk. It was surprisingly cool--probably 60 or so--and, unusually for a Sunday, not many people in town. I sat and read for a time at the library--dipped into a bio of Mickey Mantle, but lost interest after a half hour--then walked back.
Got the computer working after a time and finally called Victor S. His machine was on and he hasn't gotten back to me yet, but I had planned to ask him to fix this. However, El called after dinner and strongly suggested that, since I've been intending to get a laptop, that I go buy one today. She sees no reason to pay Victor to fix this, then soon get another I'll probably ask him to install. After some discussion--and resistance--I've decided she's right.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...